I have decided that it’s OK to judge fat people.
This is a little bit of a rant, but hear me out before you give me shit about it, and correct me if I’m wrong.
I’ve noticed that many fat people are often rude, bitter towards the world, and quite selfish. Not all of them, but certainly some. I think for awhile I ignored this, because they are fat and I feel bad for them for it- fuck that. This morning I held the door open for a big lady at dunkin donuts. She didn’t say thank you, or let me go in front of her in the line once we got in like most women do. No no no, she didn’t even make eye contact with me. She just hopped into line as quickly as frickin possible ahead of me so she could order an egg and sausage with melted cheese on a doughnut roll as fast as the laws of time would allow. I also have a fat cousin who acts like the troll-under-the bridge about every damn thing in life. She lived with us for awhile, and after we bought the groceries and brought them home, she would go through the fridge and label the stuff we couldn’t eat by putting her name on it. Food that we frickin bought. “Alison, Alison, Alison”- it was everywhere.
Let’s examine how she got that way in the first place, so I don’t have to feel bad about snickering at her as she stuffs her ever-growing waistline.
What can we deduce about a person who is overweight? Ultimately, the body should be nothing more than a vehicle for the mind. In the same way that you can tell a little about a person by how the keep their car, I think you can tell much of the same things by how they keep their body. If it is an old car, a new car- it doesn’t matter so much if they leave dirt all over it and let all the garbage pile up inside.
I think it’s safe to assume about an obese person is that they lack self-discipline. A person who is in good shape works hard to maintain it. Self-discipline translates to many different aspects of life, such as how we raise our kids, how hard we work at our jobs- and largely how lazy we are. Fat people are often very lazy, or they wouldn’t get that way in the first place. Laziness also leads to selfishness. Take someone who is 300Ibs, who weighs as much as a small gorilla- do you ever stop to think about how much money it takes to feed that massive gut? It’s gotta be staggering. Don’t tell me there aren’t better ways to spend that money, wether it’s toys for their children or just frickin saving it up for a vacation or a better house.
Moreover, most of them despise and resent people who go through the trouble of staying fit. Unless, of course, they think they stand a chance of being laid by said fit person. Often, they will give people shit for just being too skinny. The skinny person, of course, doesn’t point out that the fat person is just fat, and that they are perfectly healthy. No, no no- that would be inappropriate.
Lazy, selfish, bitter,lacking displine and pride- this is what is safe to assume about fat people. I’m not saying everybody is like this, but…you know the ones I’m talking about.
That is all. Rant complete.