It's O.K. to judge fat people

I have decided that it’s OK to judge fat people.

This is a little bit of a rant, but hear me out before you give me shit about it, and correct me if I’m wrong.
I’ve noticed that many fat people are often rude, bitter towards the world, and quite selfish. Not all of them, but certainly some. I think for awhile I ignored this, because they are fat and I feel bad for them for it- fuck that. This morning I held the door open for a big lady at dunkin donuts. She didn’t say thank you, or let me go in front of her in the line once we got in like most women do. No no no, she didn’t even make eye contact with me. She just hopped into line as quickly as frickin possible ahead of me so she could order an egg and sausage with melted cheese on a doughnut roll as fast as the laws of time would allow. I also have a fat cousin who acts like the troll-under-the bridge about every damn thing in life. She lived with us for awhile, and after we bought the groceries and brought them home, she would go through the fridge and label the stuff we couldn’t eat by putting her name on it. Food that we frickin bought. “Alison, Alison, Alison”- it was everywhere.
Let’s examine how she got that way in the first place, so I don’t have to feel bad about snickering at her as she stuffs her ever-growing waistline.

What can we deduce about a person who is overweight? Ultimately, the body should be nothing more than a vehicle for the mind. In the same way that you can tell a little about a person by how the keep their car, I think you can tell much of the same things by how they keep their body. If it is an old car, a new car- it doesn’t matter so much if they leave dirt all over it and let all the garbage pile up inside.

I think it’s safe to assume about an obese person is that they lack self-discipline. A person who is in good shape works hard to maintain it. Self-discipline translates to many different aspects of life, such as how we raise our kids, how hard we work at our jobs- and largely how lazy we are. Fat people are often very lazy, or they wouldn’t get that way in the first place. Laziness also leads to selfishness. Take someone who is 300Ibs, who weighs as much as a small gorilla- do you ever stop to think about how much money it takes to feed that massive gut? It’s gotta be staggering. Don’t tell me there aren’t better ways to spend that money, wether it’s toys for their children or just frickin saving it up for a vacation or a better house.

Moreover, most of them despise and resent people who go through the trouble of staying fit. Unless, of course, they think they stand a chance of being laid by said fit person. Often, they will give people shit for just being too skinny. The skinny person, of course, doesn’t point out that the fat person is just fat, and that they are perfectly healthy. No, no no- that would be inappropriate.

Lazy, selfish, bitter,lacking displine and pride- this is what is safe to assume about fat people. I’m not saying everybody is like this, but…you know the ones I’m talking about.

That is all. Rant complete.

I was a fat kid

Master said no fat black belts

i got my black belt

true story, the fucker said I was too fat to be promoted, so i lost 30 pounds.

I’m not going to agree or disagree (because I don’t have a fully-formed opinion in regards to this; aside from people that complain about how fat they are yet do nothing about it - I can’t stand them), but I do have something humorous but relevant.

Ever seen this video?


Now, most of the people here know what a well-conditioned, low bf% female looks like. These girls are okay, not great. Most of the comments revolve around their dance being cool and their bodies being sexy. Then we get this gold:

XxMentalxTwinsxX: “You girls have beautiful bodies but next time try something different like a little less ummm body… Cuz these days all TV has is skinney girls half naked around,But I’m a chubby girl and I wanted to do that so bad but a lot of ppl judge us chubbey (fat) ppl so sometimes we feel…different I guess u could say. I mean I have nothing against skinney ppl but sometimes we cant do those type of things without getting bad comments just take it into consideration plz.”


Being overweight is only one data point. Judging the totality of a human being based on one data point seems a little simplistic to me.

Correlation is not causality. The sheer number of hardworking, selfless overweight people I know of pretty much means I cannot use it as anything other than secondary observation.

Are fat people lazy? Sometimes. Is the percentage of lazy fat people higher than the percentage of lazy thin people? I don’t know, but i do know a lot of lazy thin people.

I DO believe that we are all responsible for our appearance. It certainly is your own fault if you are excessively overweight (No, I don’t want to hear about your genetics or depression, thank you. I have my own weight battle to wage.) So I do not give an overweight person my pity or sympathy, but “being overweight” is not enough info for me to form any kind of over-arching value judgment.


You are lucky the incident didn’t just cripple your self esteem and leave you lying on the couch like a beached whale watching Oprah and eating sugar-frosted pork skins.

'Cuz I’ve heard that can happen if you are mean to fat people.

I think you should show some compassion to People of Size (I’d say “Fat-Americans” but that’d be redundant) and ignore their fat/salt/sugar addictions and life-threatening health problems.

You are absolutely correct, sir. I agree 100%.

Lol. you’re master ROCKS!

Oh yeah! gameness congrats on loosing 30lbs. You not quitting does say something about you’re character.


Roy “Big Country” nelson, IFL Heavyweight Champion

This guy is hard working, tough as hell, and has heart. Your generalization fails.

He’s not fat,

he has big bones…

in his belly…

like mine…

only I don’t have a championship of anything…

*sobs *

YouTube - Roy Nelson and Brad Imes
YouTube - Roy Nelson vs. Bryan Vetell

I know two obese people who rarely work out. One has MS and catches a lot of shit because she parks in a handicap spot and uses the electric shopping carts. People openly ridicule her and tell her if she would just lose weight she wouldn’t need the cart.

    The other person has survived two broken necks. The second left him crippled for over a year. He has gained back a lot of his mobility but feeding his depression for a year will take a huge effort to overcome. He also catches a lot of shit about his weight and is making a good effort at working out a solution. 

     Both of these people are judged frequently by people who have never had to endure hardship, sickness, injury etc. Nobody is really interested in their story and they would not want the sympathy or understanding from those that need to judge them. Being an old guy I have learned that looks can be deceiving. Both of these people are valuable friends with sharp minds who in spite of their hardships, still find ways to help others.

I’ve moved past the stage of hating big fat people to hating skinny, fat people. Nothing shits me more than a skinny looking guy with no muscle definition and maybe 25% bf paying out fat people who walk past. Or Xgfs of mine trying to lose pounds but not caring if they are losing fat or muscle as long as as the scale reads a different number. Yes starving yourself and not eating for weeks has made you lighter dear, but you are still a fat cow :frowning: with no muscle mass.

Uh, sorry…pet peve of mine.

That’s why I said-I know that is not the situation for every big person.

Well, I don’t know about rude and selfish, but the “bitter towards the world” part should really be beyond dispute.

When you’re fat, people treat you as less desirable, because you are less desirable. Even if you didn’t initially mind how you looked (there was an interesting study I saw a while ago about how most people think they’re more attractive than they actually are), eventually you start seeing yourself through their eyes rather than your own. That’s when things get out of hand - it goes from “I have too much body fat, and it’s hurting my quality of life” to “I’m a fat, worthless sack of shit.”

Of course, different people deal with it in different ways, IANAP(sychiatrist), YMMV, etc.

It’s a numbers game. Most fat people (mostly women) I deal with in a day are completely useless. So fuck ‘em. I don’t necessarily judge them, but if you are 300+ pounds, 5’ 8" and stuffing a snickers down your throat on the train…well…if it quacks likea duck…

I think everyone has their own way of coping with stress, but I think you’d be extremely hard-pressed to find an obese individual who didn’t have some massive baggage. You can’t get that huge without some emotional crap driving the weight gain. Personally, I put on 5 pounds, and I’m aware. You have to get to a point where you accept that lifestyle for yourself.

I also believe we live in a really self indulgent, antagonistic time period, where we are so spoiled we can focus on these aspects of our life. I’m pretty sure if we were going through harder times, nobody could afford to feed themselves to the point of physical collapse. People, no matter what the cause, ultimately have a responsibility to take care of themselves, and realize the accountability rests with them.

Just to throw it out there, I happened to read an interesting review today on a new book called Neurophysiological Pathways to Obesity Below Awareness and Beyond Individual Control. Before your knees start jerking, remember that AFAIK, nothing in the book is actually at all controversial. There may be (probably are) other factors, but all the issues being talked about are pretty well established.

Budomonkey, what about all of the fat people who are genetically predisposed to being fatties. They certainly aren’t the entire population of obese people, despite what some people would have us believe, but they are a part significant enough to be worth mentioning.

Neurophysiological Pathways to Obesity Below Awareness and Beyond Individual Control.

Caloric intake is controllable.
Looking into a mirror is controllable.

Budomonkey, what about all of the fat people who are genetically predisposed to being fatties. They certainly aren’t the entire population of obese people, despite what some people would have us believe, but they are a part significant enough to be worth mentioning.

Stats please. I have done alot of travelling and the US is by far the fattest place I have been in. White, black, hispanic, asian, everyone is getting fatter. If there are people pre-disposed to getting fatter than it must be osmething in the water. I think this is especially true when you look at the sample size of the united states. If anything you would expect to see pockets of obesity. What we see is overall trends.

btw, in the last 1.4 years I have lost 70lbs despite breaking my hand (s) 3 times, seriously herniating a few disks in my back, and being in chronic back pain. How did I do it? I watched what I ate and exercised. I didn’t go on any fad diets. I didn’t cut out any specific foods or energy type (fat,protein,carb).