SInce it’s Black History Month, it would be cool if we state what Black people/s have influenced us. To me, it has been Mohammed Ali.
Lionel Richie.
He makes me cry. When I’m alone. Drinking. And it’s raining.
Black people that have influenced me in a good way:
My nanny when I was a kid - Trisha Waller
Run DMC and Public Enemy
An old lady named Georgia - best cook ever!
Al Green
George Foreman (boxer and entrepreneur)
In a bad way:
My friend named Willie Hall who turned Muslim and wouldn’t speak to me anymore
Al Sharpton
The first black guy I ever fired - he did a terrible job, but said I fired him for his race
I influenced me a whole lot.
But seriously,
Octavia Butler-First black sci-fi writer I had ever heard of, and made me feel like I wasn’t exactly trying it alone.
Halle Berry.
I had to try hard to forgive her for Catwoman, but in her defense, that movie wasn’t meant to have a plot. It was all about her in a BDSM suit, jumping from roof to roof in slow motion.
Having her picture up on a wall inspires me to do crunches and push ups like it’s monday morning, and I’m on caffeine and steroids.
Even though many people share the same opinion, it’s really Martin Lurther King Jr for me.
Billy Dee Williams baby. He taught me what smooth is.
YouTube- Colt 45 Commercial With Billy Dee Williams
Definitely Ali though. Has to be, he influenced the entire world in some way or another.
Its not fair… There are no black people in Bosnia.
Fucking double post, wtf.
I am gonna get flamed for this, but it is in all seriousness.
Orinthal James Simpson.
Because he proved that the only colour that matters anymore in the US, is green!!
I can’t even imagine the type of person I would be if had never known these guys.
There’s a couple of very important people missing, but I’ve never been the type to take/save many pictures.
IIF…and Jesus
[quote=Snake Plissken;2302979]DON’T
If you say his name in the mirror 3 times, by candle light…
King Shaka.
Dude was badass.
[quote=TheMightyMcClaw;2303021]King Shaka.
Dude was badass.[/quote]
I have to agree.
Joe Frazier
Mike Tyson
My 7th grade teacher Ms. D
My hot girlfriend
And Oprah for teaching me an important lesson; If you appeal to a mass group of idiots you will make an incredible profit.