Is there anyone who practices budo here?

You know, maybe its just me, but it seems that there are not many people here who practice budo. Then again I could be wrong.

Sorry not me to expensive in florida,but brace youreself for some unpleasant coments. But because of the cost I ventured into arnis since the instructor had no student yet, I go in for free.( I turned into his #1 when he want to go full contact) every once in a while we will practice cutting and actual do the drill with machet contact. scary shit if you get the angles wrong the blade slide down into youre hand. Most member are mixed MA. Good luck

Under your style you have “budo”.

Am I correct in assuming in this post you are speaking of budo as a path, not a style?

“Budo” doesn’t refer to a specific set of techniques or style of fighting. In that karate, aikido, judo, iaido, kendo and numerous other arts are all budo, then yeah, there are lots of budoka around here.

Do you train something which is referred to simply as “budo?” If so I’d love to hear more about where you’re training.

He post and logs out what waste of web air. If you are a doctor thesurgeon
were are you at. well posted like a doctor. write stuff on paper that the nurse cant understand and leaves.

I eat 5 Budo’s for breakfast every day.


I wouldn’t say that karateka et al are budoka in that not many follow the philosophical aspect of the art. That is budo, correct? I think the other arts you are referring to can be collectively referred to as bujutsu, not budo.

Can anyone define the difference between budo and bushido? Am I correct in understanding the latter is more like a code of conduct while the former is a philosophical concept?

You are correct to my knowledge. Bushi is a warrior, so Bushido is the way of the warrior.

Here I’m stretching my knowledge of Japanese a bit, but Bu is basically “martial” (Bugei is martial art), so Budo is just “the way of war” or whatever.


Off to trollshido you go.


Let me clarify a couple of things:

1.To my limited understanding, Budo is the way to enlightenment via the art/arts of war. Not necessarily, or usually, through one of the “Do” disciplines(aikido,judo,iaido,kendo,etc) since many of them only concentrate on one aspect of combat for the purposes of gentlemanly conduct and contact. Remember, most “Do” disciplines were created out of the “jutsu” or true kiling arts. For any of you that have taken western sport fencing, it is something akin to that SPORT versus true rapier,broadsword,backsword,longsword,saber,etc. fencing which is meant to kill.
2.“The Surgeon” is a nickname from my western fencing abilities. I am not claiming to be a surgeon or a doctor of any kind, although that would be an interesting path to take in life.
3.I THINK that bushido refers to the ethical/moral/social code that the Bushi(warrior) follows. Then again it could be just a rephrasing of Budo, or vice versa.
4.By putting Budo as my “style”, I mean that my methods of training are not for sport or friendly competition. They are intended to protect me from harm, regardless of what might accidentally happen to the my aggressor(death,maiming, broken bones,etc).
5.Any martial art from japan that ends in “Do” is not simultaneously a “jutsu”. You as the practitioner my turn it in to a “jutsu” through your own private training methodology, but the mainstream art is still a “Do”. This I know for sure.

I think you’ll find that those generalizations are less meaningful the closer you look.

You also might find that you get the shit flamed out of you for equating judo with calligraphy and tea drinking, and for the claim that you are too deadly for sport.

luk i carray a giant fukking hammar, haev a vishuss attak parrot adn awlso spowrt ay stylash top hat and monokal whyal protektang an entyar nayshun frum terorasts and u still dunt see me w/ “budo” in my styal feeld adn i am also a mastar calligraphar wel ok moer liek i draw ubseen dooduls uv wimen w/ hueg tittays on napkans wile drunk :XXkiss:


1.To Afronaut(???)
First, I never equated judo, or any other “do” discipline with tea drinking or calligraphy. I no next to nothing about the judo sport system, however I realize that it is certainly more vigourous than that. Second, I never said I was too deadly for sport. I merely said I DO NOT PRACTICE SPORT TECHNIQUE.
2.To Aesopian
What the hell did you just say.

The point is that the “do=spiritual development and warrior way” and “jutsu=deadly killing art” dichotomy is too stark and doesn’t really exist.

Which of these do you believe?

both in one does not necessarily exclude the other.If I train in martial techniques, that does not mean I cannot participate in a sport.It simply means that I must SEVERELY limit myself in terms of what knowledge I possess and what techniques I can execute.The opposite is also true. Just because I train in sport technique and strategy does not mean I cannot execute deadly technique. It simply means I must change my strategem and my techniques.