Is Rhee Taekwon-do Australia a good style of Taekwondo?

It is led by Chong Chul Rhee and is supposed to be based on military style Taekwon-do.

Is it good? Or a dodgy school?

It probably varies from school to school. You may get lucky and find an instructor who has cross trained for years and teaches a myriad of useful and practical techniques. Or the instructor may weigh 400 pounds, only allows light sparring, and be prone to saying things like, “Grab my Belt…No with both hands…I mean both hands on either side of my waist…now loop your fingers in from the bottom not the top… KIYAP!”

They are the very definition of mcdojo. I’d avoid them, but then again, I’ve done tkd and knowing what I know now, I’d spend the extra dough on bjj classes, or save some dollars and do judo.

A while back I challenged a Rhee Taekwondo black belt (17) to a sparring match. The fight went to the ground and I put him in Spider Guard. The second this happened they stopped the match and said the TKD guy won because they didn’t want me (14) to get hurt. That is BS! and they know it too.

Also, I saw then training in throws and ground fighting. I wondered why they would be taught that in TKD and asked them about it, they said that you learn grappling in TKD too. I was highly sceptical, of course. You see, it wasn’t in my knowledge and still isn’t today that TKD instructors where qualified to teach grappling.

So the answer to your question from me is NO. Frankly, I would never be seen training in one of their schools or bearing their name.