Is krav maga being used to beat up girls?

3 Yeshiva Students Arrested for Harassing Catholic Girls

By Howard Schwach

Three young Jewish students from the Yeshiva Mercaz Hatorah of Belle Harbor on Beach 130 Street were arrested last Saturday night for aggravated harassment in a case that involved three 13-year-old Catholic girls.

According to the Deputy Commissioner for Public Information for the New York City Police Department, the incident began just before 9 p.m. on Saturday night in front of 505 Beach 129 Street, just around the corner from the school’s dormitory, which is located at 512 Beach 130 Street. Police say that the three 16-year-old yeshiva students approached the unidentified girls, who were on the shopping street and began to make anti-Catholic remarks.

In the ensuing argument, one of the girls was pushed by the boys, according to police. “About 15-20 boys surrounded the girls on Beach 129 Street,” a father said. "They asked her what religion she was. When she told them she was Catholic, they called her an ‘Irish slut.’ She laughed and said that she was Italian and they called her a "Guinea W___!’

They knocked her down and punched her. One boy tried to kick her with a karate kick but missed her head. They kept calling her a ‘Catholic slut’ and demanded that she ‘give it up’ to them."

One of the boys said to her, “Your priest probably had sex with you,” the father said. The mother of one of the girls lives on the block. She saw what was happening and ran to the scene. “I stopped a serious incident from happening,” she said. “When they saw me coming, yelling at them, they ran inside the school. I followed them. There were no adults present. I asked for a Rabbi, and they told me that there was no adult present.” “My daughter continues to be harassed every time she walks by the school,” the mother added. They shout profanities and religious slurs."

Rabbi Levi Dicker, the head of the Yeshiva, however, told The Wave a different story. He said that two boys were getting out of a car service vehicle in front of the school after taking part in a gymnasium program that the school runs at Beach Channel High School. Dicker says that the two boys were accosted by a group of girls who called them names and harassed them. The two boys reportedly went into the dormitory in which they live and told others about the incident. Three of their older classmates decided to go outside and confront the girls. “The original boys were shy, and they walked away, as we teach them to do. The other boys, however, were a little more aggressive,” the Rabbi said. “They went out and confronted the girls, and admittedly called them names.”

Dicker says that some pushing ensued and one boy pushed into another, who then pushed into the girl. “She was never off her feet,” the Rabbi said. The girls then called their parents, who called the police. “We cooperated fully with the police, bringing the boys down to be identified,” he said. “Even though it was obvious that the girl was not sure who pushed her, she made an identification and the boy was arrested.”

None of the three girls was injured. The unidentified boys were arrested by police from the 100 Precinct and charged with Aggravated Harassment.

“I think that they took away the boys who did it,” he said. Detectives from the Bias Crime Unit are investigating and at press time it appeared that two of the boys would be tried as adults.

Kungfoolss, Scourge of the theory-based stylists, Most Feared man at, creator of the Kungfoolss Darwinian Awards, and the Preeminent Force in the martial arts political arena

interesting story, no mention of KM though.

interesting story, no mention of KM though.

True, but that’s why some of us exercise our intuition when the evidence is not readily apparent. Being that the Jews are a very predictable group of people, gives you a template to work from. Karate, krav maga, both are styles and both have about the same effectiveness in a fight.

Besides, I’m usually right in my suspicions. Click on the following link to see a stellar example of this-> ‘The Cowardly sniper, who could he be?’ thread,

Edited by - kungfoolss on March 27 2003 10:33:31

True, but that’s why some of us exercise our intuition when the evidence is not readily apparent. Being that the Jews are a very predictable group of people, gives you a template to work from.

Yay, a bigotted remark. Who would expect less from kungfools though. So all Jews do Krav Maga, that must be while we are taking a break from controlling all mass media.

Karate, krav maga, both are styles and both have about the same effectiveness in a fight.

Yeah, but they are different styles, and the effectiveness is up to the person doing it.

Besides, I’m usually right in my suspicions.

Yes, and the city of Gotham needs your amazing powers to help Batman stop crime by posting news stories.

Click on the following link to see a stellar example of this-> ‘The Cowardly sniper, who could he be?’ thread,

Yeah, nice link, you have to be a member to read it. Well, I have to go back to hunting down catholics to use their blood to make matzah, secretely control the blacks, and to end my day steal change from the charity jars at the 7-11, oh and don’t forget my Krav Maga training. During the next election we are going to take over the white house using our elite krav maga training, now we have to figure out how to trick the Secret Service to put us into headlocks so we can use our techniques against them.

“But some apes they gotta go, so we kill the ones we don’t know” - ‘Ape shall never kill Ape’ by The Vandals

Edited by - matzahbal on March 27 2003 11:18:53

When Kungfoolss signs his name, he uses the “SS” symbol.

Kungfoolss: why are there two S’s at the end of your name? I could guess it has to do with a certain martial art that closely resembles scars… Am I close?

And, matzahbal, let us not forget as good Jews we must do our weekly shakedown of elderly Catholic pensioners on pension day, and steal as much candy as possible from small non-Jewish children.

Kungfools, I will not make excuses for my co-religionists’ stupid behaviour. I will, however, condemn you in the strongest possible terms. I’m Jewish, and I study Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. A few of my training partners are Jewish as well, and practice other ‘styles’, such as boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai, and Sambo. How’s that for a ‘predictable’ race, you cowardly, ignorant racist prick?

Any idiot can make slanderous remarks on the internet, without having to face up to the people that he has just insulted. All you really prove with your articles, and your pathetic little message board is this: You have far, far too much time on your hands. Instead of masturbating in front of your SCARS tapes night after night, why don’t you go and train in one of those styles you so despise. I can guarantee you, at a BJJ class, with the lousy groundfighting techs that are taught through SCARS, you will recieve a well-deserved asskicking.

As an apt signature line from the Sherdog forums state: “Arguing over the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics: Even if you win, you’re still a retard.” Think about it

--------NEWS FLASH-----------

In case a lot of you guys haven’t figured out already, KFss is not one to be taken seriously. He’s just a fake alter ego of certain individual(s) who post these articles just to get a rise out of people, nothing more. He’s most likely not even serious about the stuff he posts. The poor soul just wants to get attention and will resort to any means to get that, just for the sake of it. Think about it, surely a person with an ability to at least use a computer can’t possibly display this level of retarded reasoning while making a fool out of himself everytime. No one can be that deluded or in such a state of denial unless he is intentionally pretending it just to stir up shit storm.

Seriously, FFss is some weirdo. Bashing stylists, even though I think that SCARS should be considered a style.

"Is krav maga being used to beat up girls? "

I certainly hope so. Its not like anyone is beating up any guys with KM!

my original impression of his return post that is seemed to be rather anti-semetic. i did not respond initially with this opinion,because i am not jewish and also i had no desire to cause any ‘problems’ on the board. bit since those who had a right to say something, did so, i gotta back them up. i am not particularily enamoured of racists. i enjoyed quite of few ‘this person’(s)’ previous posts, but those remarks are out of line.

i usually dont get involved in other’s affair’s, but in my opinion if the guy puts racist remarks on the site, ban his ass.

hey kungfools, maybe just bad wording on your part. i wont give up on you yet.

and by the way, scars and krav maga are like twin sisters.(snickers)

How’s that for a ‘predictable’ race, you cowardly, ignorant racist prick? …Any idiot can make slanderous remarks on the internet, without having to face up to the people that he has just insulted.

How you choose to emotionalize my statements is your own problem and just for future reference, Conservatives are the biggest supporters of the Jewish nation. Reacting like a puerile adolescent serves no practical purpose.

why don’t you go and train in one of those styles you so despise. I can guarantee you, at a BJJ class, with the lousy groundfighting techs that are taught through SCARS, you will recieve a well-deserved asskicking.

Hmmm, let’s see, as I recall from my own experience, the last time I ran into a “grappler” was during my afternoon workouts at the park. We were approached by a team participant of Hawaii’s “Real Brawl” tournaments, Hawaii’s version of NHB, he was driving by and saw us working out and came over to say hello. Asked what we were doing and wanted to know how often we came to that particular area stating that he was looking for workout partners because his buddies lived out in Waienae. I told him that we don’t do that sort of thing and provided him with a contact number if he wanted work out with us sometime in the future. He hasn’t called back since.

In any event, I’m not impressed just because someone states they’re a grappler or NHB fighter, if anything, it means they view combat as a sport or one-on-one combat with rules. I don’t exist in that world. Likewise, I don’t need to prove my abilities to no one.

Everyone knows I train in full view of the public, if someone truly wants to threaten my life, they can… they just better be ready to deal with the consequences of those foolish actions.

Kungfoolss, Scourge of the theory-based stylists, Most Feared man at, creator of the Kungfoolss Darwinian Awards, and the Preeminent Force in the martial arts political arena

The fact the Kungfoolss just used the term “Jewish nation” should demonstrate clearly his opinion of Jewish PEOPLE: That he thinks of Jewish PEOPLE as a separate and distinct “nation.”

Hey, Kfss, you should maybe act as an ambassador to the Jewish nation. You could introduce those foreign devils to some of your customs, like banjo playing, wearing a pointed sheet over your head, and enjoying a good ol’ minstrel show. Lord knows you wouldn’t want to end up as ambassador to those perverse and evil Japanese (what a wacky template those inscrutable Asians have!) Yep, stick with the predictable and brutish Jewish nation.
Let’s applaud Ambassador Kungfoolss! Bravo! Hoorah for SCABS!!!

The fact the Kungfoolss just used the term “Jewish nation” should demonstrate clearly his opinion of Jewish PEOPLE: That he thinks of Jewish PEOPLE as a separate and distinct “nation.”

Hey, Kfss, you should maybe act as an ambassador to the Jewish nation. You could introduce those foreign devils to some of your customs, like banjo playing, wearing a pointed sheet over your head, and enjoying a good ol’ minstrel show. Lord knows you wouldn’t want to end up as ambassador to those perverse and evil Japanese (what a wacky template those inscrutable Asians have!) Yep, stick with the predictable and brutish Jewish nation.

Yet another recipient of our failing public education system. How tragic.

Kungfoolss, Scourge of the theory-based stylists, Most Feared man at, creator of the Kungfoolss Darwinian Awards, and the Preeminent Force in the martial arts political arena

That’s a swift retort, there. I’d rather be referred to as a public school failure than as a racist prick.

“The fact the Kungfoolss just used the term “Jewish nation” should demonstrate clearly his opinion of Jewish PEOPLE: That he thinks of Jewish PEOPLE as a separate and distinct “nation.””

They are a seperate and distinct group of people. I dont know if Id use “nation” though. Not so much a racial thing as a cultural and religious issue. America’s only a melting pot as far as the diversity here. The groups still tend to hang on to their identities though. Thats changed a bit now, but mainly among the Sept. 11th sheep.

“A well set table, ‘Third Rock From The Sun’
Dead men hung, ‘Caddilacs and dinosaurs’
hot peanuts and fireworks, a Holocaust” - Warcloud

Osiris, terms like “the Jewish nation” have been used as not so subtle code-phrases by white and/or black supremacist hate groups for a long time. It’s a wing-nut Zionist world domination conspiracy term. It doesn’t refer to Israel. it implies that ALL of the Jewish people have the same motivations and ideals.

“Osiris, terms like “the Jewish nation” have been used as not so subtle code-phrases by white and/or black supremacist hate groups for a long time.”

Oh. Didnt know that.

“it implies that ALL of the Jewish people have the same motivations and ideals.”

Id say something about this, but I think ill leave it alone.

“A well set table, ‘Third Rock From The Sun’
Dead men hung, ‘Caddilacs and dinosaurs’
hot peanuts and fireworks, a Holocaust” - Warcloud

Well, whatever.

“Kungfoolss: why are there two S’s at the end of your name? I could guess it has to do with a certain martial art that closely resembles scars… Am I close?” lol.

[i] Movie Quote: [/i] - [i] Full Metal Jacket[/i]