Is it true: Jamoke

My goal is to wish donnie the best of luck. What is your’s SB

My goal is to make you think about why you keep coming back here and starting threads concerning Jamoke when he is no longer on the board. This trolling is really gaining you nothing but since your actions at this point are irrational I don’t suppose that you are interested in logic. BTW I notice that you don’t deny that you are Anthony Chaves, so I must give you a bit of credit for your honesty.

honesty is best served cold…can’t say that I can take the credit for that…

If you really want to vent once and just tell us the facts about why you hate Donny based on you’re personal experiences, go ahead and get it off you’re chest. I’m not going to endorse your conclusions, but if it lays this matter to rest, and you can move on with your life, go for it. Otherwise you will keep yourself stuck in this passion play with him which doesn’t accompany anything. Kinda like the movie, “Groundhog day” where the same action happens again, and again, and again, every day. So what’s your beef besides “he sucks”, and then can you let it go and move on.

Mr. Browning, You have inspired me to let go of it. YOU ARE absolutly right. I am waisting my time with this. So I will do one better. I will not mention it any more or even vent. I will contact him directly and see if we can resolve this the right way.

I want to thank you( and I mean it too).

I wish you the best of luck with your conversation.

thank you, for your wisdom, you my friend just made someone a better person!