Is it cheating if...

I really didn’t want to start 2 threads in LLL in the same week, but I really can’t ask anyone I know this kind of shit, because I would get into some drawn out discussion on existential and/or religious stuff and I really can’t deal with anymore of that shit right now.

But is it cheating if you go to a foreign country and pay $100 to get an erotic massage? I’m just wondering? Do you justify that shit or what? What the fuck is the deal?

Is it cheating if she uses gloves?
Is it cheating if I let her manouvre my hands while not actually touching me, so I only touch myself but she provides the direction and force?

Maybe I need to sleep on this.

[QUOTE=The Question;2688885]I really didn’t want to start 2 threads in LLL in the same week, but I really can’t ask anyone I know this kind of shit, because I would get into some drawn out discussion on existential and/or religious stuff and I really can’t deal with anymore of that shit right now.

But is it cheating if you go to a foreign country and pay $100 to get an erotic massage? I’m just wondering? Do you justify that shit or what? What the fuck is the deal?

Is it cheating if she uses gloves?
Is it cheating if I let her manouvre my hands while not actually touching me, so I only touch myself but she provides the direction and force?

Maybe I need to sleep on this.[/QUOTE]

Dutch rudder isn’t cheating as long as shes blindfolded and thus doesn’t see any glorious wangage. T

If you don’t your simply cheating yourself from an opportunity that may not arise again when you’re struck down by a bus/cancer/Tsunami/dodgy ham sandwich.

Cheating is gaining an unfair advantage over your opposition. In relationships, the woman always has an unfair advantage when it comes to sex (source: a woman of any level of attractiveness can say in a crowded bar, “I need to get fucked right now” and at least one sorry fucker will take up the offer, whereas if a man did that, well, let’s just say it didn’t turn out well for my mate, who was known as Desperado until his suicide several days later). This unfair advantage is cheating and therefore any action taken by a male is merely balancing out the inequity. It is, in fact, impossible for a man to cheat on his girlfriend/ wife.

You must pay for it outside of the relationship? So you are telling me that you have spent a shitload of money on your woman and STILL your needs aren’t met? Not cheating by way of fiscal inequity.

You’ve been propositioned to enjoy a threesome? Is at least one of the girls hot? Not cheating for reasons of “threesome” and “hot”.

She is REALLY good at giving head? Not cheating due to scarcity.

She has a pulse and actually wants to do sexual things to you? Not cheating because come on, are you serious? She’s right there begging.


If you paid it is not cheating… it’s just vivid masturbation, lively porn. On another note if your gf is not willing to take it up the ass and the other girl will…than it is not cheating. A threesome is obviously not cheating (with two girls. Two guys and a girl is not a threesome its just gay) . If the girl is from a race you haven’t tried yet, than its not cheating, its just getting a head (lols). If it is in a different time zone than obviously it didn’t happen at the time she thinks it happened so logically it didn’t really happen. Famous or model is not cheating, rape is not cheating. Red head girls don’t have souls so again it’s not cheating, the same for girls from another faith… Other than that it is all cheating im afraid… and you have to be a real low life to do that shit to your loving spouse…
p.s doing it on an airplane is also acceptable as long as you are trying to get to the mile high club.

? has a girlfriend?

If you have to ask you know the answer

[QUOTE=Goju - Joe;2689064]If you have to ask you know the answer[/QUOTE]

^^^ This.

But judging from the other responses there’s possibly a generation gap, a morality gap, or both going on too…

I hear about old guys who, when asked if they’ve any regrets about their life say “I wish I’d fucked more chicks.”

Don’t be that guy. If you want to pay for a bit then get you hand in your pocket - you’re on your holidays after all. Leave the worrying about morality until you’re in a nursing home swearing at your grandkids when they visit twice a year.


[QUOTE=battlefields;2688891]C a woman of any level of attractiveness can say in a crowded bar, “I need to get fucked right now” and at least one sorry fucker will take up the offer[/QUOTE]

Hi. raises hand

Don’t go paying for a Dutch Rudder though. That would be beyond lame.

Slight derail but has anyone tried the DR? Paid for or free? I haven’t, don’t completely see the appeal. I kind of like my own rhythm, if you know what I mean?

The Question, how would you feel about your significant other paying for an erotic massage in a foreign country? Giving it a label of one thing or another doesn’t really change what happened, so “is it cheating?” isn’t really the right question.

[QUOTE=Permalost;2688984]? has a girlfriend?[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Permalost;2689122]The Question, how would you feel about your significant other paying for an erotic massage in a foreign country? [/QUOTE]
See, a lot of guys might be OK with that if their girl was getting serviced by another lady, and they might be even more OK with it if there was video.

Using that logic, maybe Q-dot may be best off getting his massage off a guy, and of course taping it. That probably wouldn’t be considered cheating.

or it didn’t happen?

Using that logic, maybe Q-dot may be best off getting his massage off a guy, and of course taping it. That probably wouldn’t be considered cheating.[/QUOTE]

You’re setting up some elaborate John Travolta joke, aren’t you?

Why not just ask your partner, instead of the internet? “Hey honey, would you mind if I got an expensive handjob?”

[QUOTE=TheMightyMcClaw;2689188]Why not just ask your partner, instead of the internet? “Hey honey, would you mind if I got an expensive handjob?”[/QUOTE]

I know what my wife’s response would be “that’s fine darling as long as you don’t mind waking up minus your cock”

[QUOTE=TheMightyMcClaw;2689188]Why not just ask your partner, instead of the internet? “Hey honey, would you mind if I got an expensive handjob?”[/QUOTE]I’ve seen some weird and scary shit on the internet. Asking the internet is less scary than asking certain questions of a woman.

[QUOTE=CrackFox;2689131]See, a lot of guys might be OK with that if their girl was getting serviced by another lady, and they might be even more OK with it if there was video.

Using that logic, maybe Q-dot may be best off getting his massage off a guy, and of course taping it. That probably wouldn’t be considered cheating.[/QUOTE]

My girl would so be down with that. Too bad for her I’m not.

[QUOTE=Permalost;2689122]The Question, how would you feel about your significant other paying for an erotic massage in a foreign country? Giving it a label of one thing or another doesn’t really change what happened, so “is it cheating?” isn’t really the right question.[/QUOTE]


But this is fucking insane, mayne:

Using that logic, maybe Q-dot may be best off getting his massage off a guy, and of course taping it. That probably wouldn’t be considered cheating.
Dude, what the fuck, man, what the fuck? We don’t play that shit.

As the chicken farmer used to say, there should be no more than one cock in a room at a time.