is it a sin for tall guys to like short girls

today i finally found a girl i seem to like at this friend meeting. cute, dumb, obediant, and dont mind me smoking while she doesnt smoke. so i was chatting with her and we arranged to meet up tomorrow for breakfast and decide where to go from there.

she wasnt feeling so good so her sister drove her home first. as soon as she left everyone was asking me do want that short girls ass and other stuff like that. everyone was advicing me that she wasnt right for me because she is a whole 8 inches shorter than me.

is it such a bad idea and all, i mean i like her and all but if our height difference is going to make both of us feel bad because of what our friends say about us, i would just forget it

I’m not helping you anymore.

buy her knee pads and a desk helmet with the beer holder option included


My wife is short and I love her dearly.

Short girls aren’t your problem.

Your friend are idiots. Get rid of them.

Actually, the “cute, dumb, obedient” comment leads me to believe they might not be so bad for you after all.

My wife is 5’1 115#s, I’m 6’ 260#s. It doesn’t matter.

My brother’s fiance is a little over 5 feet tall. My brother is about 6 feet 6 inches tall.

My fiance is about 9-10 inches shorter than me, and my sister-in-law is almost a foot and a half shorter than her husband. It’s no big deal unless you’re that self-conscious.

“Cute, dumb, obedient”…

In three words, you proved the every damn stereotype about misogynistic Asian men & how they want their women to act.

Good job.

Nothing wrong with dating short girls. Tell your friends to stfu.

Can somebody explain to me why his buddies opinions matter anyway?

So do you bend over to kiss her or does she stand on her toes?

No one is addressing the question.

Trupwrz wants to know if it is a ‘sin’ to date shorties so I think its time for a long religious debate.

You must have a crush on JP, don’t you? Go do some pushups or something.


God blessed shorties.

God blessed longies.

Men are scum.

You are blessed to date shorties (unless your thing is long legs in high heels).

Date your shorty Trupwrz and get back with us (video please if available).

Ok I have checked the 10 commandments and before I answer I need to know-Is she your neighbours wife by any chance?

I once had a wet dream about banging a midget.

I was there - do you remember me?

Too much information…

It was just you “boxing with Happeh”

she was a gang banger asshole.

Flat head, big ears and a place to park a beer.

Quit making assumptions Marky (still haven’t figured out that moniker)