Is BJJ illegal?!?

Hey, it even sounds dumb to me, but I was watching a vid of some people I’d like to see locked up in jail, and it got me thinking about bjj and street fighting. Anyway, the way I understand law seems to be that you are only allowed to defend yourself when you are being threatened. So if you are attacked, you can’t beat the guy as he is running away (since he is no longer attacking you). And this horseshit got me thinking… is BJJ even legal?

Let’s take a hypothetical attack situation and say that Rocko has a knife and tries to stab you in the alley. Is it legal if:

You are a boxer and you punch Rocko in the face and break his jaw, then stand over him while yelling “I’m king of the world!”-- LEGAL

You do TKD and jump out of the way of the knife to deliver a 360 spinning hook-kick to the face of Rocko, who was trying to elliminate your chance at olympic glory.–LEGAL

You do _ing _un and gouge out one of Rocko’s eyes while shoving him to the ground on some broken glass.–LEGAL

You do Aikido and melt Rocko’s knife with your chi while forcing him to run at you full blast and into your arm, all-the-while telling him about “the way”.–LEGAL

You do Muay Thai and kick one of Rocko’s legs in half, then call him a pussy for not being able to stand on his bloody stump while he stabs you.–LEGAL

You do RBSD and force Rocko to grab your wrist/collar, then twist his arm up and break it to make him release his knife.–LEGAL

You do Judo and sweep Rocko off his feet and to the ground, which makes him cry because he didn’t think an old, fat, sweaty guy who obviously got picked on a lot in school could do that.–LEGAL

You do BJJ and bring Rocko down ontop of you b[/b], then offbalance him and roll to a full mount b[/b], then grab one of his outstretched arms b[/b], controlling him b[/b], before deciding if you’d rather beat the shit out of his face (NOW ILLEGAL!!!) or break his arm (NO LONGER LEGAL!!!).

Isn’t it normally illegal to continue attacking once your opponent no longer has the ability to do harm? Maybe after controlling Rocko b[/b], the BJJ guy can let him get his knife back b[/b], then let Rocko stab him a few times b[/b], before simply laying down to bleed all over the place (LEGAL or ILLEGAL depending on jurisdiction).

Dagon Akujin :bbd:

The way Illinois law reads:

Sec. 4. Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, it is lawful for any person under 13 years of age to learn BJJ:
(1) Within his house of residence, with stupid friends, via the internet, DVD, printed literature or old UFCs;
(2) Unless he is a duly enrolled member of any club, team or society organized for educational purposes and maintaining as part of its facilities or having written permission to use BJJ under the supervision guidance and instruction of a responsible adult and then only if said BJJ is actually being used in connection with the activities of said club team or society under the supervision of a responsible adult; or
(3) In or on any private grounds or residence under circumstances when such BJJ is used in such a manner as not to endanger persons or property and then only if it is used in such manner as to prevent the techniques from being done in a crapply fashion

Sounds like adults are free and clear of such provisions.

k thanx bye.

It’s all about what’s reasonable. If he theatens you with deadly force, you’re allowed to do anything to protect yourself up to and including killing him. Just becaue you got the dangerous maniac in an arm bar doesn’t mean he’s no longer a threat. You talk about legal matters as if it’s the rules for some NHB match, and you have to get out of that kind of thinking. As a general rule, force = threat.

Besides, don’t you know that the only martial art that has been banned worldwide is Ashida Kim’s mystical ninja woogie?

When you put it that way it does sound a little sketchy …

I know that if you respond to a situation using violence and beat the hell out of the guy that’s fine, because he was threatening you at the time.

But if you disarm/disable him then restrain him AND then go on to beating the living hell out of him/snapping various appendages that, i think would be pretty dodgy on the legal side, especially if some nice old lady walking her dog came round the corner at exactly the time you start wailing on this guy.

Best just to beat the hell out of him to start with in my opinion !

You - gotta - be - shitting - me.

Oh, you are! Damn, you’re an LEO, don’t DO that to us ignorant citizens!

Um, no. The striking techniques you mention, as well as the Judo throwmay or may not be legal depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction.

Whether the ground and pound or armbar and break are legal depends on whether you could reasonably argue that you would be in danger if you released the person. A woman fending off a rapist could almost certainly break his arm and claim self defence, for instance.

Leaving aside the fact that not everyone here is training out of paranoia related to street confrontations, have you thought that BJJ might have more tools in its aresnal than the ones you mentioned?


you would have scored higher but were hampered by your stupidity.

“Officer I don’t know what happened. He just attacked me! I tried to get away but couldn’t because we were wrestling. He kept trying to punch me. I am not sure what happened. I just grabbed ahold of him to keep him from killing me. I put him in a headlock. I am not sure what happened. All I know is he stopped hitting me. I was afraid to get up because he might hurt me real bad. That’s when you guys arrived. Thank you so much. I felt my life was in danger.

That’s all I’m gonna say. Or I might change it slightly to:

“Officer I don’t know what happened. He just attacked me! I tried to get away but couldn’t because we were wrestling. He kept trying to punch me. I am not sure what happened. I just grabbed ahold of him to keep him from killing me. I guess he broke his arm when we fell on the ground. I am not sure what happened. All I know is he stopped hitting me. I was afraid to get up because he might hurt me real bad. That’s when you guys arrived. Thank you so much. I felt my life was in danger.

Oh and I need an ambulance and my lawyer. In that order, please.

Protect yourself from the 3 opponents you will face:

  1. Your attacker.
  2. Criminal liability.
  3. Civil liability.


The laws on this vary so greatly from state to state that it’s nearly impossible to tell what is and isn’t legal. As far as I know, it’s pretty illegal to do anything of an aggressive nature in New York if it’s still possible to retreat… so, unless you’re backed against a wall, any striking, joint breaking, sweeping or choking is a big no-no.

Tekka Maki- Make sure you post more, for I can not fathom living in a world without your avatar.

Tekka, that avatar of your has just given me the urge to go play with my Xbox!

Pulling someone who has a knife down on top of you is probably the most fucking retarded thing I’ve ever read.

No wait it’s not, that’ll be the eye gouging thing.

I might give him a 3/10, just because I actually read half of it.

Seriously, this is the stupidest fucking thread I have seen someone put effort into in LONG time.

That was the biggest bullshit I’ve ever read, we don’t melt the blade we turn it into a flower. Duh.

I thought in Aikido your opponent collapsed to the ground incapacitated laughing when you changed into the out fit, you know the one nipple high black jeans a vest with no shirt, a baret and a pony tail?

Sorry it was there and I couldn’t resist!

Dagon, up here in Canuck land its all about “perception of reasonable threat”.

I am not a laywer . . . but I have seen a whole lot of Law & Order episodes . . . and not the gay “Special Needs” spin-off!

I have had some discussions with “martial artists as lawyers” so to add to the above, they will note that state law varies, and you need to know the law in your state.

Next, the police are not your friend. What they mean by that is they are just as happy to arrest your “Oh man! Yeah! He attacked me! I kicked his ass! Man! Do you know I am a black belt?!” ass. As one who has defended such cases recommends:

Only Say You Feel Sick and Need to Go to the Emergency Room

“But we have questions!”

“I am sorry, I am feeling dizzy officer . . . want to help but . . . I really feel sick.”

“Fine, but what happened.”

“I think I am blacking out.”

From there call your lawyer. Talk with him before anything. Why? So you can calm down and get the details correct. Besides, you might actually be hurt!

“Your lawyer?” It is good to research criminal defense attorneys that may be called. You do not need to keep one “on retainer!”–“Dude, I’m . . . like . . . sixteen!”–just know who are people who can be called. This is important for martial artists NOT because “our hands are deadly weapons”–okay, mine are, but that is because I do not wash them–but because the “PUBLICK” has misconceptions.

Think Aikido folks are deluded in thinking they can “control” Mongo-the-Merciless non-violently? Well, the public has seen the same movies.


Are you on crack?

Canada? What state is that in? North Dakota?

Ducks hurled beer cans. . . .


Yes, how dare an innocent person defend themselves!

(j/k, obviously)