Internal Martial Arts

This is my first post to bullshido.

I am doing research on Chinese philosophy and internal martial arts. Do any of you know good places to get history on Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, etc… I am looking for real sources, not the Shaolindo kind of info.

So far I have used (seems pretty good) (very good, but limited to xingyi) (just ok)

etc… (too many to list actually)

Thanks for the help!

Have ya tried yet?

for ba gua zhang info.

but the best on pa kua and hsing i chuan history is the pa kua chang journal on cd, available through plum flower press.

Always a good reference is Dr. Yang and Shrfu Liang Shou Yu’s book on Emei Baguazhang.

What drugs are you on guy? This is like the third trhead I’ve bumped into you on where you put out some sort of drug addled stupor driven comment like this.

The “Beijing Sports Institute of China”? Gimme a link or an actual Chinese name or I say your already full of shit on that one.

I also challenge you to find me a thread anywhere on the entire emptyflower site on the subject of this school you metion…IF the place even exists.

And why did you pick an online name that, at least in southern styles, means “Sifu’s wife”?

it’s nice to see a communist chinese citizen replying to my note.

about the empty flower site comment:
some teachers are from Taiwan, others are still from China

not all, but some of the instructors have been certified by Masters post-Cultural Revolution.

No insult intended, but reminding all that we have to take post-cultural revolution Chinese MA lineages with a grain of salt if they say they are from China. Some may be true, but that requires a lot of research, and that is what this thread was started for.

we all know how true MA lineages get embellished or just out right created out of thin air, like

Omar isn’t chinese. He just studies kung fu there.

For Tai Chi info have a look at

This person seems to ask some of the silliest questions around.

Ohhh boy…

ha ha…

You deleted your comment but it’s too late. It’s already been quoted. Here it is again:

Originally Posted by simo:
empty flower is primarily info. on the arts via teachers of the
Bejing Sports Institute of China, created after the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s.

You still haven’t explained what school that is or linked a relevant thread or even named a regular emptyflower poster who likes to spread info on some teacher that came from this school that I’ve never heard of.

Now this…

…only shows your lack of reading comprhension beyond the level of the middles school ESL students I teach for my green card. My post is still up there. I asked for a thread not an address list. You may as well as pointed to one of the silly adds we have on the edges of the Bullshido site. Your link is nothing more than a directory. There is no particular endorsement of those schools on the site and the site does not serve to provide info on those schools. People often come to the site looking for a school in their area so various posters contributed the names and addresses of the schools they know of. I also happen to know that the site owner no longer updates the list and hasn’t for years. Too much work for a free site.

The funniest part is how the fact that “some of the instructors…” lol. When did “primarily info on…” become “…some of the teachers in the teachers directory…”

Get a clue and take a look at who you are talking to before you stick that moldy foot of your in your mouth again. You still haven’t explained what this mysterious “Beijing Sports Institute of China” is that we at emptyflower supposedly all pay homage too. I just realized the page you linked doesn’t even mention them?

So where are you getting your crack from again? How is this list of mostly AMERICAN schools have to do with some creepy red menace? Why is anything that has happened in China since 1949 illegitimate? When was the last time you visited China? You know I am a communist HOW? When did I become Chinese exactly? And take your foot out of your mouth first or I won’t be able to hear your decadent captilist piggie propoganda clearly.

we all know how true MA lineages get embellished or just out right created out of thin air, like

I don’t even want to touch this one. It smells too much like a Winc Chun thread. Would you even be able to recognize proof of lineage if you saw it?

You said your looking for “real sources” but I don’t see that you would be able to tell the difference between a Shaolin-do type source and the real thing if it was right in front of you.

ACCURATE information on XYQ is hard to find even in China. Let alone the Internet. But good luck with your work.


You still haven’t explained what school that is or linked a relevant thread or even named a regular emptyflower poster who likes to spread info on some teacher that came from this school that I’ve never heard of.


as a student of kung fu in China, you know what I am discussing here. Stop your rude insults and talk truth. You are a hypocrite if you want to defend learning kung fu (Chinese martial arts) in a post-Cultural Revolution China University.

The university I refered to is the Bejing Sports University, who passes off tai chi chuan (tai ju quan) and chi kung (qi gong) off as authentic and taught by authentic masters. I have the utmost respect for anyone who masters any art, but to call ones self an authentic martial art master with a martial art lineage is something to be argued…

This string on this forum is about internal martial arts. So why are there so many internal martial art masters in the world with training comming from Chinese tourist/student exchange universities?

Omar, there are hundreds of schools in China. Just because you do not know of the detailed bios of the empty flower martial art instructors, does not mean that you have to defend them. [I don’t know all of them, but some of them are the real thing, if that helps you feel better]. Who are they to you that you have to be the defender of instructors that you do not know? Did I specifically slander or call upon anyone as a fake? What has you so upset?

I want to remind everyone that most martial artists learn their art from some great instructors, but a martial arts degree does not make a fighter, fighting makes a fighter. Niether does spending time in China at a university.

as a student of kung fu in China, you know what I am discussing here. Stop your rude insults and talk truth. You are a hypocrite if you want to defend learning kung fu (Chinese martial arts) in a post-Cultural Revolution China University.

No, I don’t know what you are talking about. You are being an idiot. How am I a hypocrite? What am I doing that is in contradition with what I am saying? Now you have 2 unsubstantiated pointless attacks:

  1. A bunch of nonesense about the training background of the people on emptyflower. Just because we ridiculed to no end now you are clutching at straws by attempting to invalidate the source. I call ad hominem on you. Back it up baby.

  2. You have labeled me as a hypocrite without actually supplying any particular hypocrasy. Spell it out or STFU.

The university I refered to is the Bejing Sports University, who passes off tai chi chuan (tai ju quan) and chi kung (qi gong) off as authentic and taught by authentic masters.

Now we’re getting somewhere. I know the school. I also agree with your assesment of it. Relevance? You still haven’t come up with a single active poster at emptyflower who has trained there or who trains with anyone who has trained there. Straw man.

I have the utmost respect for anyone who masters any art, but to call ones self an authentic martial art master with a martial art lineage is something to be argued…

You can argue. I can supply the proof. Anyone over the age of 50 in the Xi’an MA community knows exactly who my teacher is and who he studied with. His teacher was Zhang Xiangwu, a famous historical figure who is referenced by all sorts of other well known figures and martial arts “historians”. Just google it. Better yet, google it in Chinese: 张骧伍 There’s no real debate over my lineage. It’s impeccable. Zhang Xiangwu is not just “some guy”, he’s a damn legend. The entire Wutan org. founded by Liu Yunqiao in Taiwan all recognize his signifigance and Liu himself credits General Zhang with having introduced him to IMA.

This string on this forum is about internal martial arts. So why are there so many internal martial art masters in the world with training comming from Chinese tourist/student exchange universities?

Give one reason why this is relevant to “Sifu” Giordano being a big fat fake?

Omar, there are hundreds of schools in China. Just because you do not know of the detailed bios of the empty flower martial art instructors, does not mean that you have to defend them.

BUZZ Wrong again. It just so happens that I do know the detailed bios of most of the emptyflower instructors. A good half dozen or so of the more active posters, I have met with and trained with. At least a few of them I would even consider to be my friends. You need to watch your step with that big mouth of yours young lady and that way you can keep your feet out of your mouth next time.

Who are they to you that you have to be the defender of instructors that you do not know? Did I specifically slander or call upon anyone as a fake? What has you so upset?

Like I said, I DO know some of them. And YOU have fabricated a story out of thin air that most of them are Beijing Sports University related. I have challenged you to name even one. . . . .still waiting. . . … See that is being hypocritial, accusing me of slander while you make up crazy stories about us and out backgrounds. But as a defender or “Master” Giordano, you must take making up stories about peoples background as a matter of course. After all, that’s what he did for himself.

I want to remind everyone that most martial artists learn their art from some great instructors, but a martial arts degree does not make a fighter, fighting makes a fighter. Niether does spending time in China at a university.

Again…relevance? You keep harping on this Beijing University or even Chinese Wushu universities in general as if someone here or at emptyflower had actually trained at one or was claiming some kind of lineage that came form one.

What a maroon.

and you’re an asshat!! Like you didn’t know that the Beijing Sport University was exactly what he meant nor might be able to recall someone of merit who’s come out of it!
I’ve watched you morph into an elitist ass over the last couple of yrs Omar and be whatever elitist jerk off you feel you need to .know the type and faar from impressive …

whatever … enjoy your troll glory.


Can you write this again, but make sense?

I just thought that he was trying to elicit an argument and play ignorant to what he was getting at and did actually say as opposed to trying to have a fair conversation … it was a passing comment and I’m sure my position was noted. . …

so back to the discussion …

Blooming Lotus

I’m pretty sure BL is mildly dyslexic or something. I don’t mean that as a slam I mean I’ve seen her post in a pretty discombobulated style before and although she often has excellent points they are also often hard to decipher because of here chaotic style. Maybe not dyslexic so much as just really ADHD.

Like you didn’t know that the Beijing Sport University was exactly what he meant

No. I really didn’t. If she had said, “Beijing Tiyuxueyuan” I might have guessed but I have honestly only heard of the place since she brought it up a little while ago. Then after having seen her talk about it here, it clicked into place when it was mentioned on several other threads on emptyflower.

…nor might be able to recall someone of merit who’s come out of it!

Who’s being the asshat here? BL seems to have missed the fact that it was SIMO who said the place was shite. I never said anything bad about it at all. SIMO slammed the place and then claimed that most of the people on emptyflower trained under people somehow related to this school which, untill very recently, I had never even heard of.

…I’ve watched you morph into an elitist ass over the last couple of yrs Omar and be whatever elitist jerk off you feel you need to.

No you haven’t. You’ve just moved off of the heavily moderated KFO and onto Bullshido where I have more of a license to be a jerk if I am in the mood. Hop over to emptyflower and you can see my manners come back. But then again, at emptyflower I am not free to trash a fake school like at will.

Simo made a couple of pretty unpleasant and I might add, dumb and uninformed claims. Exploding those kinds of lies is basically the theme of this board. Bullshido is not designed for a little friendly chatting and sharing of ideas. That does happen but there is no way I could let the kind of lies and misinformation that she put out just lie there.


Originally Posted by simo:
empty flower is primarily info. on the arts via teachers of the
Bejing Sports Institute of China, created after the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s.

That and the wisecrack about me being a Chinese communist citizen and therefor not worth listining to.

Then there is also the implication that anyone who learned anything in China since the 60’s (which would include me) is highly suspect, as if having learned something in America makes your CMA more legitimate somehow. We all know how awsome the quality controll and guarantees of legitimacy in the CMA world is in Americs. rolls eyes


BL, “Simo” is a she. :wink:

ooohhh … so with your newly albeit resident gongfu legend status and in playing like a Roman , it’s only a ‘woman’ in MA issue you have !!! Okay… so I understand then.

So unfortunately, for all your expertise and knowledge you just ‘missed’ the bit where all those monks and maany maany slightly less legendary than yourself chinese martial artist got qualified there pre and post study elsewhere ?
No sh8tting ! I thought everyone who’d looked closely at cma was aware of that regardless of what you’re calling it!?? …

I understand you know some stuff others don’t readily and I do see Simo being out of line . . I also see some solid ( though slightly gapped) facts in what she’s been saying. Having spoken to you though and knowing a little about the way you post and character and your martial committment etc, I just again apparently wrongly thought you were a little more mature. I’m sorry . totally understanding the ‘foreign teacher in China’ 's pleasantville thing so as unreasonable as it makes you superficially, please just feel totally free to have your can-b-jerk-off -when-just-gotta-be space back and totally unhindered by myself.

yah yah yah btw … rolleyes myself , but with all the recent yr and more’s talks across the various boards about shaolin this and today’s hm grown cma that … and ooh look what America has this, you’ve got to expect a measure of ignorance and somewhat extrapolative opinions. You ‘are’ right though, for all of your own apparent ignorance ( and why you’re not aware of the universities role in ima there - I’ll be half ****** ) , that ‘is’ what this board is about - so rock on and cheers

Happy ‘man’-space.

it’s only a ‘woman’ in MA issue you have !!??!!

no…I have an issue you with you repeated refering to her as “he” even after she pointed out that she was a she. Just sayin.

unfortunately, for all your expertise and knowledge you just ‘missed’ the bit where all those monks and maany maany slightly less legendary than yourself chinese martial artist got qualified there pre and post study elsewhere ?
No sh8tting ! I thought everyone who’d looked closely at cma was aware of that regardless of what you’re calling it!?? …

I honestly can’t decipher this one. Tell the truth…I can’t make sense of most of that post. You are trying to say that:

1 - I know a couple things and Simo did say something out of line.
2 - Simo also stated some real facts and presented some solid info.
3 - I’m being arrogant and immature.
4 - Something I can’t understand about how the peculiar social enviroment of being an ESL teacher has been affecting my personality. Your post on this point is not really intelligable.
5 - No skin off your back and I should feel free to continue to be a jerk off if that’s what I want.
6 - Something else I really can’t decode about my ignorance and something vague about CMA in America. …I give up. I can’t tell what you are saying here.
7 - I’m being a chauvanist pig.

The only part that I actually think deserves a response is the last two. I’m really don’t care about the miss manners thing over here. You want me to pull punches go see me on emptyflower or cyberkwoon. But the ignorance thing is exactly relevant. I am PROUD to be ignorant of the better known Wushu Universities. Having been told how me and my friends are all products of that post 60’s CCP standardized system of performance art I think that my not even recognizing the name of one of the more famous Wushu schools kind of proves my point. Not only do neither I nor my friends or emptyflower have any association with the place, I haden’t even heard of it untill just recently. I don’t waste time keeping up on the University sytem outside of what I know by acciden just by virtue of living in Xi’an. That’s just not the circles I travel in. I am in the “min jian”. I know some of the traditional teachers. I try to keep up on who’s got actual real skill. The Universities bore me.

The little “man vs. woman” thing is just dumb. Are you such a feminist that you think I should refer to men and women both as “he”? Simo’s a woman. (or a girl. I dunno really) therefore “she” is the correct pronoun to use in reference to her.