insane statement/question

i’ve wrestled for about 7 years and gotten hit in the face with some “accidental” crossface/fist and thats about it in terms of combat, now for some reason i just want to get the shit kicked out of me and return the favor. is this normal?

I certaintly want to hit you, that much I know. Wrong forum.

Moved to Trollshido.

There’s no fucking way you went 7 years wrestling without being on the receiving end of an “accidental crossface/hit” at least a half dozen times.

Maybe he was just that damn good?

Maybe he’s The Natural…

Maybe he’s retarded and people took pitty ?

Maybe he had shitty shorts and people stayed well clear ?

Maybe he looks like Jethro ?

Retarded ? …no I said that already

Maybe he’s superman ?

Maybe he’s the Rock’s bro ?

“eh…the fucker aimed low with his crossface”

next time to a sweep to the Walls of Jericho

He spent all that time in all four getting oil checked :eng101:

I can’t believe he wrestled seven years and didn’t take one chair shot…the last indy show I went to had at least four people KOed with t3h d34dly seating implements. And that was just the drunk fans at ringside.

how is Grandma Tortelli?

She’s fine, thanks for asking. I think she would have beat the shit out of the fat guy if his Down’s Syndrome son hadn’t hit her in the back of the head with that beer bottle.

I dunno, you put her in the presence of alcohol and guys in tiny shorts and she wants to fight everybody that looks at her with both eyes simaltaneously.

I am sure this is the story of your conception, as well.

You have psychic powers don’t you?


trust me.

it’s no treat on this side of the story, either.

I think I need to go pour Lysol inside my skull.