An actual explanation of exactly how humans evolved and were created in all aspects. On the internet?
Prophecy is not absolute, if righteous beings come and people are one with Great Law, some disasters can be postponed , lessened, or eleiminated
The Great Law teaching of the current time bear out that humanity is created by gods.
However, human history is not as important, or rather, it is only important as to how it is relevant to spiritual growth in the new era and universe.
Only because a lot of history dosn’t matter now. Why is history a required class to pass high school. Why do I need to know who first came to north ameriica. Why do I need to know about the fur trade back in the day… USELESS.
by the way, does anyone know whether Eric Von Daniken (sp?) is still alive?
why does math, economics, science, literature matter? Why learn at all?
history is not useless. Even if it is biased, it is the only empirical data we have from which to project how social decisions will manifest.
Damn you DJeter, for bringing logic into this.
History in highschool is useful, it teaches you to simply manipulate the system by memorizing and afterwards, forgetting a bunch of hardly useful facts about how the original natives of the land signed foolish contracts after drinking too much fire-water.
Also, I am getting really tired of serious harm bringing up a bunch of irrelevant topics (did he start this thread in trollshido? I have to give him some credit if he did) and then posting a bunch of bullcrap web-links to them that I’m far too lazy to click on and read because SH simply does not have the credibility/respectibility/some sort of ‘bility’ for me to put any effort whatsoever into understanding what goes on in that confusing mind of his.
Ahh I need more sleep.
Because knowledge defines interaction with others. That you find some history to be useless doesn’t mean it hasn’t given you insight on anything. History has it’s good sides and it’s bad sides. Like knowing what sort of dumbass fucked up stuff we did in the past to avoid doing it in the future. Without history, very few people would know what the hell they were doing. We wouldn’t know about anything more than what the oldest people remembered. Which I guess wouldn’t be a whole lot.
History both breeds and can stop hatred. If you have no knowledge of say WW2 you wouldn’t have a clue to as why people feel it’s a bad idea to be a nazi. I have such little faith in the united intelligence of young people all over the world as to think that there would be an insane increase in neo nazis if they weren’t told and taught about the horrors of WW2. Then again history can bring forth stupid little grudges that are completely insane. History is a way to give people a view of the world. A way to pass on experience in a different way than just doing things yourself. Quite frankly, without history many martial arts would be gone. (And I’m not just talking about the oldest most traditional) Great fighters and people who revolutionized both MA and other important aspects of peoples lives today wouldn’t be remembered for very long. Who would remember them? The people who truly admired them, and the older people get and the further from the event in time you get, the less people will know. Anything anyone did would be pointless because it wouldn’t mean jack shit to anyone but them selves here and now. Which means noone would think about the future, given that noone would care if they were a part of history.
Without history, how would the US even know the rest of the world existed? (I mean the president hasn’t been outside the US until recently
bad joke, sorry ) Without history, wouldn’t black people in america again easily be dominated and enslaved again if that was truly the wish of those in power. Because noone would remember the atrocities. No one would know it was wrong until they tried it again.
What people learn in basic history classes that most are required to pass, is to give them an understanding of why life is like it is, and what has happened to make us think they way we do today. It’s what the schools consider the most important historical knowledge to define the world around us. I’ve seen a lot of people say history is bullshit, but they know many of the things I do about what has happened before their time. It allows for comparison with what they do now, and they use that comparison every day without realizing it.
And my personal view is that if you have no interest in what the hell happened before you were born and that obviously the universe centers on you, then you’re most probably an obnoxious kid who really doesn’t have respect for anything or anyone. But hey, if you don’t wanna give some thought to the fact that you being able to live a pretty decent life today is because millions of people fought and died for you, or that someone risked death finding a new continent to live on or that they struggled to survive or how they did that… well… that’s your decision… but not understanding why we learn history is just wrong. It sounds more like a case of not giving a shit or understanding, and that’s not really reason for proclaiming it’s useless.
How anyone can go through life not being curious about anything of history sounds completely insane to me. But that’s just my opinion. Guess I spouted a lot of bullshit before I got to the point. Kind of like history eh…
History is useful if the teacher is hot.
Unfortunately, ours was a butch lesbian. Ah well, at least there was the French teacher…