Let a real Ving Tsun master get in on this. IN many MMA grappling circles, I am known as Bone Cruncher, because of the maimed crippled opponents i have left in my wake.
Sweet!! You must be the Great Wing Chun master Bullshido is abuzz with.
I lied, you’re just a tool. You should :seppuku:.
Please spare us your stories of crushing your bone in a circle. The visual is not pleasant, and it gives grappling a bad name.
do you go foom, foom, foom? Only real -ng -un masters go foom, foom, foom!
Culled from:
I love wing chun - No BS Martial Arts
Fixed. No need to thank me
Fixed that for ya…!
Listen more carefully “boner muncher”
Guys, I think this is what he meant. He practiced teh r34l --ng --un too much on himself.
FYI: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pickle%20dick
Too gross?
So Hemeo, any videos of your amazing skills?
No? Didn’t think so. Go play LARP on MAP
“IN many MMA grappling circles, I am known as the dearly departed because of the many grapplers who attended my wake.”
“IN many MMA grappling circles, I am known as that pretentious douchebag because of the many grapplers who I refused to spar with in my wake.”
Also, this is possibly the most useless smiley I’ve ever seen: :new_blueg
That is the troll/stupid busting smiley, not useless at all.