OK my friend Kalie wants to have sex with me. I think she might be a sex addict or something. At first I wasnt sure. She normally is talking about Terry(her fiance) but she kept talking how cute I am and wanting to talk about why I am single(At first I thought she was messing with me but she kept on)and she has barely talked about Terry. Even last night when I was chatting with her on MSN, she got a call and then was chatting with me saying stuff like “God this guy is annoying, wish he would just hang up already”. Turns out it was Terry just wishing her goodnight. Then tonight we are on the phone and she continued with talking about how cute she thinks I am and how she believes I am a catch. It ended with her asking me to come over and saying she wouldnt tell Terry if I wont and she doesnt want to go to bed alone. I am very uncomfortable with this. Although I am her friend not Terry’s, I feel I should tell the guy. But I am worried I may mess up their relationship and our friendship. I dont know what to do.
this chick is a sociopath dont do it if you need to have sex then find someone more stable
she could also be using you to get back at him or maybe shes just a crazy slut I dont know either way its a bad deal any way you slice it
tell her you dont see her that way and she should find someone else (even if you do want her) this will save you from future drama
is she hot? fuck her. the guy is probably a loser.
It sounds like she’s playing games.
You’re the pawn.
Whether you’re a willing pawn or a reluctant one is down to you.
If Terry’s a nice guy and they’ve been together a while… well you might want to factor that in before you put dozer jnr in there.
If she’s a good friend and you don’t want to risk ruining it… that’s something else to think about.
Of course, she could become one of those wonderful friends with benefits that people advertise themselves as (before turning into psycho stalkers).
It’s entirely your choice. If you can look yourself in the mirror afterward without thinking “Shit, I’m a cad” then engage her in sexual relations. If not, there’s always porn.
tl:dr version: nail it if you can get away with it without staining your soul
Dude, this isn’t Love Line.
Steve, it SO is…
No it isn’t. Can you imagine if Alex hosted that program? Possible illegitimate babies with unknown fathers everywhere.
hey, the girl is a slut. fuck her and then leave it. just remember to use a condom. might even be worth telling the guy so he knows his girl is a whore.
Okay, now we are getting a bit closer to Love Line.
I dont want to fuck her. Seriously dont. We are friends so I dont think of her that way, plus I dont find her remotely attractive. Terry is a great dude. He is a total gentlemen and he doesnt want to have sex until they get married. Granted I like to give him a hard time cause he is kinda a hippie, but all and all not a bad dude. I am conflicted. I think he should know what she is up to. But I dont want to ruin a relationship and friendship by doing so. This shit is just weirding me out.
Okay, grow some balls and tell her that you don’t want to have a relationship with her in that way. FORGET ABOUT TERRY. That is her and Terry’s relationship.
yeah if you aint gonna fuck her then its terrys problem. also terry is a fucking loser and this girl is gonna rip him apart but meh. thats their problem, if you dont know him it aint worth getting involved.
Meh, guess your right. On the upside I do enjoy seeing those whiny hippie guys in some sort of pain.
That’s the spirit!
Just think of it as warming her up for him.
A gentleman would not deny a girl satisfaction for her basic needs in this heinous manner.
never make yourself a woman’s pleasure toy. should be the other way around. since you and her are friends an it seems like you enjoy that friendship. once you bend her over
and give her the business, that will change things forever you wont be able to have fun and joke around and chill like you used to. she all of a sudden be more sensitive and act
like your in a relationship with her when your really not. since you know you can smash her anytime you want cause she wants u so bad
just keep her as a friend and whenever/ if the hippie breaks up with her thats when you can smash her if u decide to take that route
Jo Dozer! I’ve been with a guy who didn’t want to have sex till we were married and I did. Perhaps she just wants you as a shag to get what she’s not getting elsewhere. Or she’s a psycho. Or she’s a slut. Whatever the case, she’s still cheating.
Whether or not you tell Terry about this girl is your choice, but rest assured if she doesn’t shag you she’ll probably shag someone else, so he’ll probably have to deal with it sometime. That’s his own problem whatever your decision.
Just a thought, with her revealing her “true colours” to you like this, do you think your relationship will ever be the same again anyway?
Run now
Keep running
Cost benefit analysis:
Based on the comment that you don’t find her attractive, I’d advise not sleeping with her. Chances are, it will complicate your life. If you don’t find her hot, why would you even consider it? That was a rhetorical question by the way. I’m a male too. I know why.
Now if you thought she was smoking hot, then maybe the inveitable relationship fallout between her and her fiance would be worth the experience.
If she wants to mess up her relationship with her fiance, that’s her business. There’s no reason you should get involved.