I'm not in a English class right now am I

Well I spent a lot of time there and some of what you people had to say is true I mean I found that at the beginning of my training there that I really loved the place we had just started to learn tuk gong mu sool at the time the instructors where kind of learning as they went along all of them training for their first black belts in it it didn’t take long I think they spent a year because I’m pretty sure I was there the first day we started and I wasn’t allowed to train for my black belt because I wasn’t an instructor but I sat there every day and although I wasn’t allowed to attend the classes C.I.T training which I used to be a part of but I had one asshole instructor always fucking up my career but that’s another story and I’m not getting into that I sat there every day and watched those classes than I went home and referenced my book at the time it was one of ten books in the country. I put up with a ton of shit on the streets from these instructors they always wanted to be friends but all I found was that worked to their advantage in ruining my career there and I did have a lot of promise the first year I was there I don’t even want to fully get into what the instructors where like on the streets I’m not even going to talk about how the instructor got me kicked out of C.I.T training which I was in since orange belt about how he set me up to get beat up and than blamed it all on me without one question from the Master asking the real story he doesn’t care this is one of his very trusted instructors so the instructor is on a pedistol. What I’m trying to get to but I do still hold much resentment for what went on there. Is I sat there and I trained I watched and referenced and no one really helped me the last C.I.T training class before we got our belts they let me in to do the forms I knew every single move and form they knew except one form black belt form I never really could grasp it well enough to learn without instruction. But for all my efforts and for my whole heart and soul being in a place I walked with green belt in tuk gong and purple belt in tae kwon do. I don’t have that book anymore I was so frustrated and furious with how that school was run that I burned it I cut up my belts threw away my uniform. I denounced all my friends who were friends with the guy ruining my career way see it your friend douche bag your no friend of mine. I mean someone made of comment about how the school’s instructors looked like a bunch of teens with their middle aged mom ya that’s what the school is it wasn’t when I walked in there but a year later we never saw the master it was a special occasion for him to be there the people that ran the daily affairs of his school was exactly that a bunch of teenage kids and their middle aged mom. The guy that runs his anti bullying program he had a guys mom coming in to complain to the master about how the instructor was stalking her son ignoring police restraining orders and I mean this is a guy that in highschool bullied a child hood friend of mine every day of the week that he went to school the instructor and his friends made him eat urinal pucks one day after they all pissed on them his parents had to go and get his stomach pumped. Now I’ve got a lot of injury impairing my ability to make a living from that school and for the years I trained competed internationally I never got them treated and they aren’t necessarily anyone’s fault but mine yes I could have worn my body armor but personally I’ve seen plenty of schools never use body armor because they teach control like the ITF taekwondo and you wouldn’t use body armour in a tournament I mean his school must just be so dangerous that everyone that faces them in tournaments should be wearing body armor but the guys at tiger balm internationals they don’t use armor. It was my fault it happened see the current day chief instructor not at this time called an all out match between between me and another guy and I took the match I could have not taken the match and said but I have no intention of going all out see when I was 12 I trained ITF under a 7th dan master John Russell we where going for our green belts me and my friend that trained it with me where sparring one day we where doing a two on one match match two of my friends verses me we did these all the time but I won to often so I gave them a chance I said for one month I sit around and I do nothing and don’t train you have that month to train as hard as you can we did bare knuckle in those days without any equipment we had several different training grounds on that day it was a trampoline battle that was the favorite these guys they trained so hard they almost beat me I still won but I don’t like what happened that day as I’m starting to lose my consciousness I spazd out with a kick it made contact it was scarry my friend he couldn’t breath I thought I’d killed him he ran to the bathroom and started pissing blood turns out I burst his kidney so if I could do that at 12 do you think I’m going all out against anybody no but the guy that I was sparring against I beat easily all the time flawlessly like everybody else but that day he had a new trick and he landed two powerful kicks to my stomach it gave me a terrible back injury I mean my back is just fucked these days that was the worst I got at that school. Aside from that I broke my right shoulder wrestling with the Master’s brother in-law and two broken feet from that instructor that ruined my career my fault on those ones I could have simply tapped out so I’d have to say the school is safe as advertised I mean these are all my fault. The Master’s wife always talked about me going to the Olympics that’s what kept me going there but than I saw the olympic taekwon do and I mean they don’t use their hands it’s barely fighting and it’s boring to watch so I don’t know what I dreamed to do it.

5 years later and a wall of text, seriously what are you bringing to this?

This is a pain to read, any chance of using paragraphs in future?

I’m bring the truth so many people call me a liar but right there I’ve brought two things forward that if ever looked into can’t be denied and called a lie someone outside the group of friends he has calling me a liar can concur that these incidents really did happen and maybe the master will finally believe in my truths over everyone Else’s lies that in fact everyone is lying unless it correlates what I have to say happened over the 4 years I trained there see there will be a record of the restraining order even if he threatens the guy away from the truth if the master went to the schools principle and said did Mr. Blore bully a kid every day at school she would not be inclined to say they could no longer sit there and say everything I say is a lie I don’t know why they all hate me but when I look back at my life it’s not like any of those people where very good in it they’ve just always had disrespect for me and I don’t feel I should be called a liar when truths about the school come into play or truths about someone who is continually rewarded after he has such bad behavior outside the school something the master does care about

[QUOTE=Testyourmight;2723655]I’m bring the truth so many people call me a liar but right there I’ve brought two things forward that if ever looked into can’t be denied and called a lie someone outside the group of friends he has calling me a liar can concur that these incidents really did happen and maybe the master will finally believe in my truths over everyone Else’s lies that in fact everyone is lying unless it correlates what I have to say happened over the 4 years I trained there see there will be a record of the restraining order even if he threatens the guy away from the truth if the master went to the schools principle and said did Mr. Blore bully a kid every day at school she would not be inclined to say they could no longer sit there and say everything I say is a lie I don’t know why they all hate me but when I look back at my life it’s not like any of those people where very good in it they’ve just always had disrespect for me and I don’t feel I should be called a liar when truths about the school come into play or truths about someone who is continually rewarded after he has such bad behavior outside the school something the master does care about[/QUOTE]
Punctuation is the truth.

[QUOTE=Testyourmight;2723655]I’m bring the truth so many people call me a liar but right there I’ve brought two things forward that if ever looked into can’t be denied and called a lie someone outside the group of friends he has calling me a liar can concur that these incidents really did happen and maybe the master will finally believe in my truths over everyone Else’s lies that in fact everyone is lying unless it correlates what I have to say happened over the 4 years I trained there see there will be a record of the restraining order even if he threatens the guy away from the truth if the master went to the schools principle and said did Mr. Blore bully a kid every day at school she would not be inclined to say they could no longer sit there and say everything I say is a lie I don’t know why they all hate me but when I look back at my life it’s not like any of those people where very good in it they’ve just always had disrespect for me and I don’t feel I should be called a liar when truths about the school come into play or truths about someone who is continually rewarded after he has such bad behavior outside the school something the master does care about[/QUOTE]
Dude, the only period in this text isn’t even to end a sentence!

I’ll say some good things about the school too. In my senior year of high school my school got flooded with cocaine and extacy I fell hard into the drugs and dropped out of school I just started hanging out all day smoking pot and doing all sorts of other drugs I would have probably never stopped probably wouldn’t have completed school I still smoked a lot of pot but I graduated that year when they said to me there was a chance of going to the olympics I changed my whole life for eight months I went completely sober and trained hard every day of the week non stop it was a wonderful place in a lot of ways just a few bad people making my life shitty after awhile I started drinking and it became a daily thing those eight months where the longest I’ve been sober since I can remember it gave me drive something to strive for thinking I could do something with my life aside from all that but when I started drinking I drank for fun with friends I used to have a lot we always partied hard and I drank to deal with my stress. I got seriously crippled about a year or more after leaving the school training on my own I was creating a very power kick with the syne wave techniques of the ITF and a new way to throw a turning kick which created more power but my body couldn’t handle the impact and I tore my stomach muscles apart was bed ridden for more than 2 years 10’s of thousands of dollars in medical treatment I had been at the bar and the bar tender dosed me with acid I went crazy and they threw me in the psychward and said my injuries where all in my head for a year I suffered like that 8 months into it I went to the psychward for the last time upon leaving I was drinking one day and going off about how I was tougher he was so a non friend but pretend friend calls him up and says he’s talking shit are you going to come fight him ya so he drove all the way across town to come fight me I lost that fight for the first time I lost to him. Now I’d have to say is that someone who sounds like a good instructor a good instructor would be sound in his ability and be able to say what ever and not feel the need to drive across town to fight a man with injuries that brought him close to death so many times. His character will never change and I’d have to say that a man like that has no business in ever being a master or teaching martial arts cause he only ever hypocritically says and does what the master would want to see and spend the rest of the time trying to hide the rest of what he doesn’t want people doing

It was the constant conflict he created in my life when is the next time you do something shitty to me who’s the next guy your going to have come beat me up

You may go how does he keep training with a broken shoulder and feet the back is easily understandable well I worked hard with yoga to keep a full range of motion I have almost no arch in my foot naturally so when the joint got dislocated I was able to keep going when I got home my arm wouldn’t do a full rotation so I made it do a full rotation than did yoga to keep it in place I ran a 9.5 mile race on the feet with the back injury and came 8 overall it was international and it’s on the internet but I’m not saying my name so you can’t check it

ya make note of my grammar I’m not in a English class right now am I

[QUOTE=Testyourmight;2723682]ya make note of my grammar I’m not in a English class right now am I[/QUOTE]I love this type of ignorance. No you aren’t in an English class. Funny how a large number of successful people use proper English outside of the classroom. How dare people expect coherent thought in a post.



Like seriously I tell people about this stuff all the time they know me I’ve met them through my martial arts training every chance I get I tell more and more masters about it. I remember when I searched the school on youtube and I saw that instructors belt test. I went and posted a 13 yr old girl from the ITF on people’s e-mails and facebook pages. It was the instructor fucking up his board breaking and the 13 yr old girl breaking all her boards man she did some hard breaks. The ITF master who taught me Syne Wave technique he could break up 6 boards I doubt even my old master could do that many and he has at least 40 pounds on the ITF master.

The instructor I’m talking about he didn’t break all his boards and he got his belt others fail for less but when your an instructor you get special privileges so for that I say Mcdojo.

Like my Dad said you give the school enough money you get a black belt. I think he’s right the ITF masters they aren’t expensive but they are quality instruction under a master with black helping not teaching. They teach excellent form and great fundamentals I honestly feel they’ll make you a better fighter. They have a strict standard and are good lessons very traditional. You know they even take time at the end of each class to do some meditation and sit down. You could never say they where all about the money. They don’t make enough they do it for the love of the sport.

[QUOTE=Testyourmight;2723689]Like my Dad said you give the school enough money you get a black belt. I think he’s right the ITF masters they aren’t expensive but they are quality instruction under a master with black helping not teaching. They teach excellent form and great fundamentals I honestly feel they’ll make you a better fighter. They have a strict standard and are good lessons very traditional. You know they even take time at the end of each class to do some meditation and sit down. You could never say they where all about the money. They don’t make enough they do it for the love of the sport.[/QUOTE]

“And from that point on, if I was goin’ somewhere I was RUNNIN’!”

are you a bot? you’re a bot right? is this some convoluted way to get me to buy viagra?

Best Taekondo

I’d just say that the best display I ever saw of martial arts was the International Taekwon do federations west coast pan am’s that was seriously a treat I mean it says Korean special forces on the flier but seriously Nothing beats General Choi’s international Taekwondo Federation at the art I have never in my life seen such skill guys where sending each other flying across the floor without cause injury or even the slightest bit of harm it makes me sad that the master I met trained the Canadian national champion the winner of the west coast pan am and he was having trouble sending him to internationals because the school only charges 50 a month and doesn’t make enough money and from other taekwondo schools and white crane gung fu in kamloops I have seen a far better display of stand up fighting than what was shown at Viani’s special forces school

[QUOTE=Testyourmight;2723741]I’d just say that the best display I ever saw of martial arts was the International Taekwon do federations west coast pan am’s that was seriously a treat I mean it says Korean special forces on the flier but seriously Nothing beats General Choi’s international Taekwondo Federation at the art I have never in my life seen such skill guys where sending each other flying across the floor without cause injury or even the slightest bit of harm it makes me sad that the master I met trained the Canadian national champion the winner of the west coast pan am and he was having trouble sending him to internationals because the school only charges 50 a month and doesn’t make enough money and from other taekwondo schools and white crane gung fu in kamloops I have seen a far better display of stand up fighting than what was shown at Viani’s special forces school[/QUOTE]
Please stop posting.

I mean they got throws and Ju-jitsu so does ITF maybe not ju-jitsu but they have their own throws some would say ITF is watered down but the encyclopedias of ITF taekwondo are a wealth of martial arts knowledge it really is the best taekwondo out there in my opinion