I'm Jealous of Tae Yun Kim

Mmm, I know this is years old, but if only you knew where she’s been, you wouldn’t tap that. Trust me. (In reference to a 2005 comment about someone who wanted to do her). YUCK!

And she’s like 66 years old. She’s not a Mift, master ya wanna freak. Eew.

The heading is awesome in an obvious way.

You know it is old but posted in it anyway?

Get out of here.


Hey why not? I knew this ‘master’, and she is very long in years. Don’t train there anymore. Seen some of her cult like behavior and read all the cultmaster and the bullshido posts over the years. So whenever I can I like to poke fun of her, not you. I have no idea who you are. I was just saying shagging her would be gross. :slight_smile:

Like a cheap trick from Frisco, you’d never know what you’ll wake up with in the mornin’.