I'm high, I have glowsticks, I have a camera. You will watch


I’ll see your bet, and raise you one psychotic asian guy.


Guess what page of the internet I am on?

Just guess?

Oh man this thing

this thing lets you pitchshift and scratch mp3s

and it works well I got to touch one the other night.

More hips, grasshoppa.

also are you wearing a pantsuit? I find that funny.

I agree, I’ve been telling her she needs to move her sexay boday

She’s actually wearing a really cute dress

freehanding is cooler, imo. Also, I’ve seen much much better stringers at raves than this guy =P

what over her shorts?

you get around pretty well for someone so overweight.

some good freehanding:


That dude needs an ass whipping, and if he keeps up with his hobby, he’ll get one sooner or later.

If I could steal his powers when it was done then I’d do it.

when you have a flatmate who is a very talented fire dancer, ravers with glow sticks just seem so lame

OMG, he’s doing a kata, lurn2f1gh7

He needs an ass whipping for being a good dancer?

It’s just dancing, dude.

Kat, I no longer believe your boasts about sexual prowess.

You’re better without the sticks.