I'm gonna invent my own martial art

I’m not satisfied with the available martial arts, so i’m starting to create my own martial art right now. Tips would be highly appreciated.

Lots and lots of cockpunching.

First, I recommend you get off the internets.

If you’re going to waste bandwidth try and be remotely funny.

Think about a great name, everything starts with a big name.

This advice costs 1000$ (showing you the second advice, make money. Oh and this advice costs you another 1000$)

Get your boyfriend a tilt steering wheel, the blood supply to your head keeps getting cut off.

Why would you need to create your own when there’s Nevarikan?

I present my self defense technique

  • act passed out from shock
    *when the guy is standing close or over u to kill u hook his leg
    *take him down and snap his ankle

Nunchucks. Any art with nunchucks is way better.

Oh, and chi fireballs too. Definitely chi fireballs.

Expire in a tire fire.


epic fail at comedy

Next Technique

*Gun threat
*Beg on your knees
*Suck his dick
*he is distracted now
*block is ankle
*pull his knee down
*while he falls kick his right arm protection down with your left leg and continue spinning slamming your right heel into his temple

and with that, we procede onto the fail meme:

posum fu?

Please include Dim Mak in your new martial art and test it out on yourself.

Another useless thread, like “oh crapmuffins”
But Q-dot eats wheat and then craps muffins
So watch me change this thread around like a top level tailor
The OP tried to surpass, but then they had to fail her
Or is it a “him”,
because the Q drops hymns
Like I rap in a church choir
Name the right price and I’m a wordsmith for hire
Bringing it down to the wire like a trapeze artist
And then hand the middleman off to the sleze, Scar-Mist

I think we all knew that at some point, you would have this in your “art”.