I'm going to bend over and when I do put ninja sword here.

Comin people!,
you guys are all being misguided to thinking that BJJ can beat Ninjutsu?
seriously ninja’s are faster, more acrobatic, faster reflexex, more stealthy,
and they have anti grappling.

You bjj noobs are to straight foward and easy to know what grab your going for!!.
in my ninjutsu class we learn how to jump high, excellent cardio,dodging techniques,learning how to be 1 with the enviroment,
while u guys chase balls on the mat.

Ninjutsu has much more to offer then some boring slow bjj,
not only that ninjutsu is great against multiple opponents…while bjj is only suited for 1 person!!! imagine a group of people attacking you while you do a arm bar on one of the people attacking you. But in Ninjutsu i can confuse the enemy and doing a bunch of side kicks.:wbaba2

and boxing gets owned by Ninjutsu also!!,

I personally have fought boxers in sparring matches…what do i do?
I stay back and use my kicks and jump over him using my attacks on his back.
i also learn internal arts.

Ninjutsu also owns Judo…
They always try to throw me and grab me but I strike there pressure points with the points of my middle and point finger…, they grab so slow but I do a punch to the nose and trip them!!!:5bomb:

You guys are n00bs!!!

And i spar against live opponents!

what? you aint got nothin beoch:eusa_snoo

2/10. yawn.

[quote=It is cool;2081578]Ninjutsu also owns Judo…
They always try to throw me and grab me but I strike there pressure points with the points of my middle and point finger…[/quote]

2? 0.5/10

I don’t even know if this counts as trolling or just a bad attempt at being funny.

3/10 .

He went as far as to pretend to make graphics and seriously represent . If one didn’t know better one could possibly think that he was serious .


Seriously OP , this has been done to death . Try a different angle .

  • shrug *

either way it is not entertaining any more .

O God no, I realized what this is. This is meta-trolling. His trolling is that he’s pretending to be a really bad troll. This is the most evil plot ever hatched.

[quote=BackFistMonkey;2081590]3/10 .

He went as far as to pretend to make graphics and seriously represent . If one didn’t know better one could possibly think that he was serious .


Seriously OP , this has been done to death . Try a different angle .

  • shrug *

either way it is not entertaining any more .[/quote]

i am being serious, noob

Shaolin kung fu v.s mma

I’m honestly thinking you guys are tards,

Shaolin kung fu students of a great mixture of reliable techniques that can be used for any situation…they learn how to take grate pain,strenuous actions for a very long period of time,Very well tough acrobatics.

They have roots of training harder then the average m.m.a…
Have you ever even sparred a Shaolin kung fu person from a (real) Shaolin temple?
Lol thier tougher then nails… I punch one of them but my hand nearly broke cause it was like punching a r0ck!!.

Shaolin kung fu students also have a way bigger arsenal of techniques.
a “western boxer” only basicly…jab…hook…upper cut…footwork…=BORING!!
Shaolin kung fu people also have a great sense of balance

hay bjj tards…go for thier legs and they will jump over you and do a 2 leg plant on your back.:5blindfol Matter of fact…Shaolin kung fu ownes EVERY MARTIAL ART ON

DO you know how many times i spend read_ing my…
screw you

Do you really believe this shit? I admit there might be some merit to some techniques but someone jumping over me and planting thier feet into my back? Fuck that, try to jump me once thier feet will come up to my knees and from then the ground is thier new home. Noone I have ever met or seen can jump above or up to 5 feet without aid and many people are taller then that. If you can prove me wrong do it. I can see your new to bullshido has Am I you will learn very quick about the rule vids or it didnt happen. Watch when you trash other styles with your qi balling shit.

my ki balling owns your mat hugging

[quote=It is cool;2081615]I’m honestly thinking you guys are tards,

Shaolin kung fu students of a great mixture of reliable techniques that can be used for any situation…they learn how to take grate pain,strenuous actions for a very long period of time,Very well tough acrobatics.

They have roots of training harder then the average m.m.a…
Have you ever even sparred a Shaolin kung fu person from a (real) Shaolin temple?
Lol thier tougher then nails… I punch one of them but my hand nearly broke cause it was like punching a r0ck!!.

Shaolin kung fu students also have a way bigger arsenal of techniques.
a “western boxer” only basicly…jab…hook…upper cut…footwork…=BORING!!
Shaolin kung fu people also have a great sense of balance

hay bjj tards…go for thier legs and they will jump over you and do a 2 leg plant on your back.:5blindfol Matter of fact…Shaolin kung fu ownes EVERY MARTIAL ART ON[/quote]

ahhhhh… Shaolin Kung Fu the new Wing Chun.


---------- Post added at 06:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ----------

1 R t3h 0wn4g3!!!

What is a real shaolin monk doing out of china anyway and then sparring with you. If you knew anything about real gung fu you would know that the “Priest” practicing wushu there now are opposed to that. by the way a question not directed at nut riders I just saw something on the travel channel saying the monks thier still practice gung fu I thought it was all wushu there now right?

I agree with you OP. My go to move-in Judo, when someone goes for my legs, is backflipping over their head and planting my feet in their back. Sometimes though, my opponent is too big for me to leap over, in which case I’ll team up with one of the other students, jump on his shoulders, and unleash our combined attack.


You have no clue what your talkin about:copdance:
no shaolin monk came out cuz i w3nt to china!!!

[quote=It is cool;2081624]my ki balling owns your mat hugging

What did you prove with that if its so effective show me. Save the insulting for after you prove me wrong. If you can I doubt it.

urghhh… trollshido please… plus shaolin monks were in that show, so you think you can dance or whatever, soooo enough said… I’m not denying that some of their stuff that they’re doing is pretty amazing, and some of them might be a competent fighter (I said might because we haven’t seen any prove about their fighting prowess), but to expect them to win against professional fighter (people who train everyday and being paid for it) is delusional…

Finnaly some one agrees, but i dont use teammates, I had Acrobatic practice
so i jump HIGH