I'm engaged...

I proposed to my girlfriend of five years last weekend, and she said yes. I even did the whole oldschool thing of speaking to her brother and father well in advance, and proposed in a suitably cheesy manner. It’s all very hallmark. I must admit, it’s been quite a surreal experience.

So… who else around here is married or engaged, and how has it affected your life? Alternatively, for those of you who are bachelors/bachelorettes, what are you thoughts on marriage?

P.S. I know you don’t give a s#!t about the fact that I’m engaged, but I’m happy about it so STFU :tongue3:

Congrats and welcome to new fulltime job.

Don’t even think I’m kidding. So, does that mean no more Aussie Dojo storms?

I proposed to my girlfriend of five years last weekend, and she said yes. I even did the whole oldschool thing of speaking to her brother and father well in advance, and proposed in a suitably cheesy manner. It’s all very hallmark. I must admit, it’s been quite a surreal experience.

Congrats, man.

Good shit.

So… who else around here is married or engaged, and how has it affected your life? Alternatively, for those of you who are bachelors/bachelorettes, what are you thoughts on marriage?

I’ll get married as soon as I find someone that will have me. You know, so I can have sex and shit.

P.S. I know you don’t give a s#!t about the fact that I’m engaged, but I’m happy about it so STFU :tongue3:

Not so. This is excellent news. Congrats, and best of luck with your new wife.

Thanks, mate. I believe you, but it won’t be all that much different really, will it? I mean we’re practically joined at the hip anyway…

Well, that’s an interesting point. My fiancee doesn’t love the fact I spend every night after work at training, and extra curricular activites like dojo storming definitely aren’t going to increase my popularity at home…

But having said that, she knows that MA is very important to me, and she tries to be supportive. Also, she attended a Karate school for a few years, before repeated knee injuries made her stop.

Thank you sir

Depends on your signifigant others out look on marriage. My wife an I were dating basically five years (give or take a few months) before we got married. I thought the same exact thing. Not an overwhelming OMG change but, you’ll see.

But having said that, she knows that MA is very important to me, and she tries to be supportive.

This will help in the long run and is a good thing.

Oh my god!!! Congratulations DM! :slight_smile:

The fact that you’ll have made it through 5 years says a lot, all the best.

Congrats buddy !!

If you own a sports car, you’ll be selling it soon.

If you play football with your palls regularly, you’ll soon stop.

If you go out on the piss at the weekends, perhaps join a video store as you won’t be going out soon.

If you have a bank account, it ain’t just yours anymore.

If you girl is slim and takes care of herself, mark my words; that will change soon.

Take a look at her mother, if she looks like a hag - think about that ;p

If you’re having sex several times a week, forget that from now on.

Other than that mate, things don’t change that much lol.


Anyone else laughing at the fact his name is ‘deadmeat’?

Congrats Deadmeat.

@lilly: thanks, mate :smiley: We’ll probably be coming back down to Sydney later in the year to visit some friends, so I’ll be in touch with you and the others to see if I can join you all for a mini TD.

@Simio de las Rocas: lol.

@Pizdoff: I was waiting for someone to say that :happy:

DM - cool :slight_smile: We have been absolutely slack and not done anything this year. I blame Virus.

Also why in the world did you post this in LLL if not to get mocked?

Well, reading the forum descriptions, YMAS requires a relationship to MA in some way or another, even if it is comedic.

And I don’t mind being mocked, the whole

thing was pretty much tongue in cheek.

Plus, I’m genuinely curious in regards to what people actually do think about marriage. I know it’s not for everyone.

oh, and IIF - I just remembered a certain Dojo I was supposed to be storming this year. I’ll be in touch to discuss the details when I get my act together.

Hey you were healing and you got engaged. I’m old and Married. You are young headed that way no worries.

Sell everything that you bought for yourself because once married, you’ll never have time to use it. ;p

Forget that idea… Your wife to be will not approve of this childish behaviour.

I thought you got less sex after marriage, at least after the first year or so.

It’s not possible to get less sex than he’s getting now.

With regards to “The Question” here’s a good rule of thumb to go by, and it works perfectly.


Please spread the word by posting that in any/every thread he infects.

Thank you

Sorry, replace “Storming” with “reviewing”.

Think she’ll go for that?

Fixed for you, mate.

I was referring to The Question, not you mate.

Congratulations btw.