I'm butthurt by bodybuilders, I don't read rules or stickies, either. Wahhhh!s

his other videos are also amazing lol

YouTube - Bodybuilder Issues Death Threat To Christian Ministry Leader

… relevance?

it says it’s a comedy forum

But this is unfunny.

really? have you watched the second one? that’s the one I wanted to post. I almost fell off my chair laughing when he concluded that Joe Weider is a cult leader guided by dark powers, instructing followers through flex magazine to destroy planet earth

Thats really true dude…
you been living under a rock or something?

[quote=Lebell;2150168]Thats really true dude…
you been living under a rock or something?[/quote]
is that why he makes crappy benches?

[quote=Lebell;2150168]Thats really true dude…
you been living under a rock or something?[/quote]

(The Terrible Secret)

no serious, bodybuilders are the militant section of the illuminatii.

You got some serious brass balls daring to say teh truth on a public forum just like that!
If you’re assassinated by Illuminati death squads I’ll do no-touch chi-pushups (since using the false strength of the muscles is exactly what the NWO and reptilians want us to do) at your funeral!

Let’s just go ahead and nudge this somewhere more appropriate.


Scrapper, a bodybuilder is trying to muffle teh truth away!
point proven! :wink:


I am a WEIGHTLIFTER, good sir! NOT a bodybuilder. If anything, I am the natural enemy of the bodybuilder.

I represent all that is good and wholesome at the gym, not the vain and vapid! I lift for TRUTH! I lift for JUSTICE! I lift for BRAGGING RIGHTS!

no shit…are there different groups of wieghtlifters/bodybuilders?!

didnt know that!

but you’re still a minion of the illumnatii, right?

[quote=Scrapper;2150264]YOU TAKE THAT BACK THIS INSTANT!!!

I am a WEIGHTLIFTER, good sir! NOT a bodybuilder. If anything, I am the natural enemy of the bodybuilder.

I represent all that is good and wholesome at the gym, not the vain and vapid! I lift for TRUTH! I lift for JUSTICE! I lift for BRAGGING RIGHTS![/quote]
are you sure you are a WEIGHTLIFTER and not just a weight trainer


So you’re a musketeer?

My musket, Let me show you it: