i'm bad at girls

I’m really tired and you all probably hate me for some reason or another (keyboard warrior + dumbass + taekwondork = bad news), so I’m going to keep this quick.

I am, in a few words I just can’t seem to get the ladies. It’s not that they don’t like me. In fact, they like me quite a bit. But no matter what I do, I always end up being the cuddle bitch. Nearly every girl I go after ends up being more of a close friend than the girl I’m planning on fucking.

Naturally, alcohol helps. But I’d rather not rely on it, simply because I’m not that desperate (at least not yet), I’m not a constant partier, and I’m not an alcoholic.

Hopefully this makes sense so far. I haven’t slept in something like 18 hours, and I’m starting to feel the brain-draining, 4-hours-in-the-car-straight-to-six-hours-of-TV exhaustion that I most certainly deserve right now.

Am I just too damn sensitive?

edit: platonic friendships are cruel when they’re only platonic for one party involved

Oooo you got cuddle raped! Pwned. My condolences.

Quit fooling around and get the job done. What other business do you have with a bunch of women?

Fuck cuddle sluts.

Bunch of stupid cunts. Let it be known you are single and looking and that putting you into situations you would only deal with a girl if she was your wifey MEANS thats there is some form on interest going beyond just friendship. Spell it out for the fuckers. Most women until they finish college (most, not all) are fucking brain dead when it comes to how men think. Of course once they’re done with that the tables turn and we become the de-de-de’s. But that’s a different story.

Tell the fucking cunts that you’re not here to be a shoulder b/f and if they call you a jerk then EXPLAIN, like sit the bitch down and pull out a chart on why she is a cuddle slut.

…Yeah this totally isn’t bringing up past experiences. Not at all.

In the end if all else fails just shoot the bitch in her knee cap. Wee bit extreme but she’ll get the fucking point.

RNC > Cuddle.

Go to sleep.

i guess u like to act like the nice guy? just stop, be a bit more unpredictable, have mood swings, treat a girl like shit and then like the most important person in the world to you.

sounds weird but it works.

Do you tell them what your intentions are from the get go?

Platonic friendhips are great if they’re platonic for both parties, but if the girls know what your intentions are you’re far more likely to get what you want or at least find out exactly where you stand with them. That way you don’t waste your time on girls who have no interest in that side of things with you, and move things quickly along with girls that are.

Alternatively: Craigslist

strangely enough you’re not the first person to tell me to do this.

i think the problem is that i kind of enjoy being a cuddle bitch. i can’t seem to separate my “i want to fuck you” thoughts and “i want to take you on a date and have a nice conversation” thoughts.

Look at it from her perspective. You’re gonna pay attention to her, entertain her, provide for her, and take care of all her emotional needs in exchange for nothing. That bitch ain’t your friend. Its like that mooch that comes around the way. You smoke him out, spot him from time to time, get his back, etc. In return he talks a good game about all the shit he’s gonna do for you. You’re totally invited to that badass party that he’s gonna throw next week. He’s got some of that superkryptoconolite afghan blueberry kush with sparks flying off it and honest to god christmas tree lights. He might try to start a minor scuffle with the chess club because one of them stepped on your shoes.

Then you realize that the party is always next week or that somehow you missed it last week. His connect is always in New York trying to reup. In the meantime, he’s smoking your stash. Then it hits you that you didn’t wanna fight the chess club in the first place and that holding him back was what he wanted. In fact when someone shows up at your party looking for trouble, your supposed right hand man is sneaking out the back door with your blunt cause he can’t fuck up the rotation or some shit.

She’s running the same game he is.

Yeah. It sounds like they just aren’t that into you. Sorry.

Oh and btw, shooting a woman in the knee cap is the optimum way to get her to have sex with you.

Your dye has been cast the minute you make your first interest known:

If you begin as a friend you will either stay a friend or you need to plan on being in it for a long, long haul and dealing with being her male confidant and the one who is supposed to give her insight and advice on the male psyche for all the scumbags she is dating. You set yourself up as an emotional interest.

If you at least make your intentions known as a possible romantic interest, even something simple like “You are hot, let’s go out” she know you find her attractive and you set yourself up as physical interest.

 He makes a really good point.

 Also, realize that guys do the same thing. For example, talking about other girls' physical attractiveness, when trying to impress another girl. Like that somehow lets the girl your interested in know that you're experienced or desirable to other women. It just makes you look like a douchebag, and makes the girl you're talking to feel 2 inches tall.

 Now, in retrospect, women tend to do the same thing. I think it comes down to an ill-fitted mix of low self-esteem and a personal God-Complex.

 It's never one sided.

Well, thanks for the advice.

Now for a few, related questions.


  • Is it okay to fuck your friends? As in a girl, who's your friend, who just happens to be extremely hot, and wouldn't mind a good fuck. Is this morally wrong? Will the sexual tension and awkwardness justify the ass you're getting?
  • What happens when you start to like one of your female friends as more than a friend, when you had up to that point been close friends? Do I just have to suck it up and feel like shit for a little while?[/LIST]
  • Why would you put yourself in either scenario? That first train wreck should be your cue that you’re too old for play dates.

    first train wreck meaning the first post or the first question in my last post?

    Meaning the first time that you find yourself in a painful mess with a friend.

    Ohh… well I still don’t know what you mean. It went right over my head.

    1. I know lots of people who’ve done it and survived. Some friendships completely fall apart, others evolved. All of them were seriously affected though. If you do though, without actually going out with said girl, chances are if you guys wanted to make it work later, it wouldn’t.

    2. Some of the most meaningful relationships start off as really good friends. In fact, you’re probably most likely to last in that case. However, both of your intentions should be known ahead of time, and I suggest making some sort of verbal committment to each other before getting physical.

    Hey bro, how old are you?

    1. Yes, this is perfectly acceptable if both of you find it acceptable. I’ve had some “Friends with Benefits” in the past…but they were a different class of “Friend”. The big question you need to ask yourself is, “If she’s cool enough to be my friend, and hot enough to bang…why am I not dating her?” Answer that question, and the situation should answer itself.

    2. Dude, don’t be that guy. If you have had this friend for a while without developing feelings for her…why the sudden change now? Why didn’t you try to date her when you first met?

    In situation number 2, you need to SERIOUSLY evaluate the relationship. Is it a flirty/casual relationship that could easily escalate…or a “You’re like my brother” bond that would get REALLY weird REALLY quick?