can we change ar549’s tag to “I am a liar, a coward and a complete fucking gibbon” now please?
Every claim you’ve posted has been demonstrated to be true, if somewhat overinflated. Post one that turns out to be false, and you might have a case.
You won’t, because you’re a bitch.
How’s your wife?
More playground typing for the children in the audience. Please continue to believe your own bravado, eventually you’ll get brave enough to insult someone to their face and test your resolve.
If you want to call my wife a whore again you should do that in person, then you can get a good understanding of Thai Culture.
I know this is MABS, but that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen on here, and is a real yardstick by which to measure Ar5ef4ce’s credibility.
Why? Is your wife twelve or something?
The guy’s wife is not in question and should never have been insulted in the first place. A mod should step in when that kind of BS takes place. It is tasteless to say something on the net one would not say to a person to whom one is speaking… and cowardly.
Fatherdog travelled to Thailand to give Ar an opportunity to hear it face-to-face, but Ar wouldn’t meet him.
That’s why AR has the distinction of the custom user title “Liar and a Coward”.
Ummm, I’m still new here and there’s lots of stickies to read and all, but is this where we bring up Phil Elmore?:5baby:
Are you ever going to stop jumping in late? This is a serious question. You have this huge problem of admonishing people with less than half a percent of the story.
There is huge history that you missed concerning that insult. It was so bad that AR went back and edited the posts after the fact.
Anyway, AR are you going to provide any type of proof?
He showed up on holiday for a wedding, he wanted to see my DD 214 which I did not care to show him, nor did I ever offer to show it to anyone, thats my choice. His whole deal was trying to prove I do not have a military background, thats kinda funny since I have a Army mail box to this very day and I get a Army Paycheck every month.
When one of the Mods who actually knows something about the Army looked into it he saw my name listed just as I said it was, no hype, no bullshit. Fatherdog called my wife a whore and Im supposed to run all over Southeast Asia and produce documents for him, yea right.
He impressed the kids, so what, If this website wants to call me a liar and coward thats fine, but I would like for someone to prove it. Im in no paticuler hurry, I wasnt last year and Im not today, reality lasts a long time.
When one of the Mods who actually knows something about the Army looked into it he saw my name listed just as I said it was, no hype, no bullshit. Fatherdog called my wife a whore and Im supposed to run all over Southeast Asia and produce documents for him, yea right.
He impressed the kids, so what, If this website wants to call me a liar and coward thats fine, but I would like for someone to prove it. Im in no paticuler hurry, I wasnt last year and Im not today, reality lasts a long time.
Don’t make me (or others) rehash this bullshit again. Stick to the facts and provide your evidence against Scott or STFU.
You do not know what the hell your typing about.
Actually, I was in the thread and know exactly what I’m talking about. You are the idiot that refuses to post the links to Scott’s fraud.
Again you just asked to be proven a Liar is that what you want?
Hows that working out for him?
Stop it man…just stop. You dont know the history here. I , and many others have offered to take it up face to face and he refused. One of us even showed up IN THAILAND to do it and he didnt show.
This poster has a history of trying to start witch hunts of Martial Arts people without evidence. He simply has a grudge.
While many of us disagree with Sonnons self agrandisement he has never been proven a fraud. To come here and call him one without backing it up is not what this place is about.
This post isnt just meant for you. It is also meant for anyone who comes here looking for info about Sonnon.
More complete bullshit from Mississippi Trailer Trash #34, Just to set the record straight I offered to sign a fight contract with Dave Humm after he called me out but he was to chicken shit to do that. I don’t make up the rules of challenges, they are set in stone. Challenge somebody and you go to them.
I have not ever challenged anyone on this website ever to a fight. The only person who has ever challenged me was Humm, nobody else. The meet up with Fatherdog was not ever planned as any kind of fight, its just his bullshit way of doing things. The truth is I would not walk across the street to fight someone who was talking shit, much less travel through the jungle all night and take a taxi there. In my face trash talking is a separate matter, something I deal with then and there.
Start a thread in Trollshido for this bullshit ok? Dont do it here.
Whatever, Now you have almost 5,000 posts in a little more than 1 year, says much about your lifestyle, and all that on a dial up connection from a trailer park.
Ahh and now it starts… Didn’t think it would be long before we see the real ass098.
Trollshido plz.
BTW how is your wife ?
And I’m still calling you out you cockfaced twat.
Here’s the thing, you’re calling me a chikenshit yet you failed to turn up when Fatherdog did exactly what you’re asking me to do so, go fuck yourself until your arse bleeds. Coward.
Oh how many months exactly did you serve in the US forces ? LMAO
Dave Humm, you continue to be a chickenshit. Just how are you calling me out now? By insulting my wife from half way around the world. Please remember you are the one who challanged me to a fight, when I gave a window of time for you to sign a contract through this forum for a real fight in Bangkok with open gambling you proposed I fly to some little fishing village in England in winter for some kind of bullshit at your dojo.
Please stick with the dojos and stay within the boundry of England, things can get rough out here in the jungle.