does that mean gm flolyd’s student kyoshi durand howard teaches fake ninjutsu
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Hi All,
I am a martial arts practicioner from New Jersey who is fortunate to have found this board.
I study and teach a system called Seisuikan Budo, which is rooted in ninjutsu philosophy and concepts, and incorporates several more modern techniques (from VeeArnisJitsu, BJJ, Toshindo) and realistic elements in training such as weapon use (knife, gun, clubs etc) and avoidance, breakfalls against modern surfaces, such as walls, doorframes, pavement etc, situational assessment and awareness, a mental conditioning such as fear reaction training. To be clear, we are not claiming to be traditional ninjutsu practicioners, although some of us like myself have taken up that study in addition to the Seisuikan.
The physical training involves very some forms training for the purpose of perfecting your balance and disciplne, but centers mostly in the adult system in learning techniques and concepts of application to anatomy. Eg. as opposed to learning this technique is always for a short hook punch, our approach is to explore how to apply what we know to deal with that punch, then to apply it at gradually increasing speed and intensity (physical and emotional). We’ve been known to pound on each other as we learn, but as I say, I’d rather be punded on by a friend in a controlled environment and learn that I was wrong than think I know “it” and get shot or stabbed to death by a person that hates me !:XXbuzzsaw
We do not claim to know it all, we strive to learn more about why and how we do what we do in this world, both on the mat and off of it. And yes, fun is certainly included. Life and death can’t be taken that seriously. :icon_cool
I am here to learn and share my experience too. Thanks for having me aboard !
isnt seisuikan fake ninjutsu fro chi fu ki ninjutsu from gm floyds school
bujinkan sound like a wonderful art i would love to study under soke hatsumi but i study seisuikan ninjutsu which is better in some ways and worst in some ways