Guys I am also keen, just wondering if there is anyone of a half decent standard that will be attending.
I expect to have at least some challenge. There will be no point if I show up, kick everyones ass and then leave again.
Guys I am also keen, just wondering if there is anyone of a half decent standard that will be attending.
I expect to have at least some challenge. There will be no point if I show up, kick everyones ass and then leave again.
[quote=Hardcunt;2211068]Guys I am also keen, just wondering if there is anyone of a half decent standard that will be attending.
I expect to have at least some challenge. There will be no point if I show up, kick everyones ass and then leave again.[/quote]
Well number one, lame is a purple belt. number two:It seems that gedan is a kyokushin instructor, I’d think there are some high level people coming. Personally though I think coming into a meet like that wth an attitude of I’m goign to kick everyone’s ass and leave is not the right attitude and certainly not condusive for any guests coming back to future meets.
I’d imagine msot of us are going to train and learn and get better by sparring different ppl.
Hardcunt: If you are a good fighter, you should more to offer others fighters than an ass kicking. If you are only looking for a challenge, please don’t come any TFC meetups. Respectfully, Gedan, 1st Kyu (Brown Belt) Kyokushin Karate.
I’m really curious on hardcunt’s background. Are you a pro fighter or something?
Honestly,I don’t think he’ll come in.Even if he does have good stand up he probly couldn’t pass a guard at a museum let alone on the mat.
Heh heh, nice…
Kyokushin Karate? Please dont insult me. Do you guys even allow punching to the head?
I have demolished plenty of Karate Black Belts in my time. Beating up Karate guys is always fun actually - they can never take a hit. They like to dish it out, but the moment you land one on them they pull a heart muscle.
Mate, your ground game is useless if I have knocked you the fu*k out in the operning exchanges.
I have had over 30 MT bouts. I would be pretty confident taking anyone on this board.
So you quit fighting because your so goodthat you got board?I can’t blame you though,if I knocked out Anderson Silva with my leet MT skillz I would retire too.Just because you go to some red-neck’s back yard boxing night and beat on 15 year olds like they were your wife does not count as a “bout”,pro or am.It’s funny,your first two post were about how bad ass you are and the next two were about how bad BJJ and Kyokushin are.
You sir,are a tool.
Do you know what happins if you don’t knock a BJJ guy out in the “opening exchange”?You pray to God that when you wake up your ass dosen’t hurt,because he is going to rape you like your name was Sally.Yeah,I hope you like that name,because if you ever fight any one that is finished going through puberty and has a black belt in Rex Kwon Do or better your going to have to answer to that name until they get done with you.
[quote=Hardcunt;2212754]Mate, your ground game is useless if I have knocked you the fu*k out in the operning exchanges.
I have had over 30 MT bouts. I would be pretty confident taking anyone on this board.[/quote]
30 bouts. I take it you are ranked? 30 bouts amateur or pro, you would be in championship or contender standing unless you really messed up your career. You probably didn’t do that, so why don’t you just give us your name?
I also assume you do indeed have SAMBO and BJJ experience?
You said anyone on this board right? I take it this includes any professional athlete.
[quote=Hardcunt;2212754]Mate, your ground game is useless if I have knocked you the fu*k out in the operning exchanges.
I have had over 30 MT bouts. I would be pretty confident taking anyone on this board.[/quote]
So basically, you can’t pass a guard at a museum. Its okay, I can’t pass guard worth a shit either.
You said anyone on this board right? I take it this includes any professional athlete.[/quote]
I should have clarified - anyone on this board under the age of 18.
Yes, I also have Sambo experience. Have trained at Red Devil Sports Club.
Also have a black belt in TKD. Was the youngest person in my club to attain this rank so I think that says something.
Okay, that explains a lot. Watch what you say, lose the attitude and keep training.
So he’s ether kid or useing that to back out,or just likes hitting minors.I beleave that any full contact compition for minors requires atleast shin,hand,and head gear,and most TKD schools do not allow ANY head shots,Kyokushin allows head kicks,so don’t act so tuff.
Back to what everyone was talking about before,what’s the plan on training?
[quote=lamegrappler;2213285]So he’s ether kid or useing that to back out,or just likes hitting minors.I beleave that any full contact compition for minors requires atleast shin,hand,and head gear,and most TKD schools do not allow ANY head shots,Kyokushin allows head kicks,so don’t act so tuff.
Back to what everyone was talking about before,what’s the plan on training?[/quote]
I ment to say most TDK only allow head kicks and Kyokushin I beleave allows kicks and knees(?) to the head.
[quote=lamegrappler;2213285]So he’s ether kid or useing that to back out,or just likes hitting minors.I beleave that any full contact compition for minors requires atleast shin,hand,and head gear,and most TKD schools do not allow ANY head shots,Kyokushin allows head kicks,so don’t act so tuff.
Back to what everyone was talking about before,what’s the plan on training?[/quote]
Watch your mouth buddy.
I still havent ruled out showing up and kicking your ass.
I may be young, but I can destroy most people at my dojang. The younger kids at the gym call me the pitbull, and I have been told I can only spar with people who are my age or older due to risk of opponents getting there head smashed in.
Spinning heel kick would certainly have you seeing stars.
That includes undergournd MT bouts organised by senior at my school, and also internal tournaments (excluding the non-contact tournaments) at my club.
Have demolished most people in the district, and now I have been banned from sparring with 90% of people at my local dojang - hence I am looking for fresh meat to beat down on and through this throw down thing would be a good idea.
I didnt realise you guys operate as a “clique” - I was just looking for a higher standard of opponent.
You guys seem to be the ones with the attitude problems.
If you wanted to have a private throw down you should have made that clear in the OP.
I wont bother coming because it is clear you guys are not interested in new blood (possibly upsetting the established pecking order).
Having said that, you guys need to take a good look at yourselves.
This confirms what many people at my dojang have said (a) about bullshido posters being full of it (b) about entering external tournaments and (3) about sparring with people outside the club. Aside from the fact that you are probably not good enough to offer competition, you guys seem to have a “closed shop mentality”.
Your loss - you guys can watch me in the UFC in a few years time!
I’ll kick YOUR ass any time sally.You where the one who started this by saying you could run though every body.By the way,they normally don’t give cameos to the janitors at UFC venues.
Actions speak rather than words. Your just another tough guy on bullshido talking up a big game but failing to deliver.
If we went head to head you would be KTFO.
Perhaps you would be interested in attending one of the undergound MT tournaments where I am the reigning champion?