I'm a bipolar caveman daminit!!!

Hey I know you guys like RSDB fighting systems well heres mine.It IS the best :fuckyea:

I have trained Navy SEALs,Green Berets, Marine Recon, FBI, CIA, and several other government agencies i cannot talk about

I am here to offer a new never before seen style of elite self defense.No where else will you get this kind of training(unless your a high up in the above groups)

This style was made for the military

first let me tell you about my self

I have served 45 tours in Afghanistan 28 tours in Iraq

I have been a Army Ranger for 4 years and a Navy SEAL for 8.

I have been to the nastiest parts of Africa,recently Greece during the riots and Argentina during there collapse.

I have seen tons of dead and have killed many people(I lost count but its somewhere between 6 and 7…thousand people)

I have been in numerous secret assassination missions in Iraq and Afghanistan

I have spent 6 months in the worst POW camp starved torchered and i escaped


-----THE SYSTEM-------------

its so elite it is just called the system

in the system you will learn H2H,Knife defense,Gun Defense , knife fighting and how to take a gun shot point blank range to the head(no Joke i found this out in combat)


you will learn

*how to kill a man in half a second( not for the weak stomach)

ok i might get in trouble for saying this but it was not a bullet to the head that killed Osama bin Ladin…it was this technique(i have talked to the SEAL who did it)


*How to take a man down completely subdued in half a second…if your slow

I have used this on body builders its amazing how there face looks

*take on hundreds of people with nothing but your hands

I used this when i escaped from a POW camp

*Take any man down regardless of size strength or experience

I love this no one uses this OLD technique anymore it was almost gone until a very old Vet taught me this

*Cause so much pain the assailant will puke blood

be careful with this one the guy i did it to was sent to the ER and i demonstrated this to him in half speed

*Take anyone down WITH OUT TOUCHING HIM

  • and so much more

*disarm a knifer in half a second

i was hanging with SEAL team 6 and one of them tired to surprise me with a training knife

it failed i disarmed him cut him and took him down in 1 second and it was pure instinct


Im cereal
*Disarm any one any gun any distance EVEN IF YOUR 100 YARDS AWAY TAKE THE GUN AWAY WITH EASE

*Mentally disarm a gunman for a full minute
he will even forget he had a gun

here are some testimonies

“I killed osama bin ladin with this”-The SEAL that killed OBL

“I killed someone with this system”-Special forces Military guy

“I Use this all the time”-the Small ass bouncer guy

“My partner the small ass bouncer guy kicked my big ass.This stuff is the real deal”-Big ass bouncer guy

“I killed a rapist”-Weak good looking Women girl

“This HURT”-Skeptic guy

“I was attacked with a knife …and lived”-Staby mc staberson

“I accidently killed one of the Gracie brothers with this.I went to jail and killed the biggest guy there”-Incarcerated Martial art guy

“I am banned from MMA now”-MMA guy

“Don’t kill me”- Everyone


This stuff is the real deal i have used it in many places and many people have used it

buy my 9 disc video series

for only $10000

thats right only $20000

you can learn an elite killing tactic right now online for free






if you want(you should) to buy then make a check out to

Jesus Christ
Pentagon, Washington, DC

buy now and be a man

[QUOTE=P Marsh;2574627]Is this supposed to be a comical parody of tough guy ads,[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about im trying to sell the best Fighting system the the world.

[QUOTE=Kouch;2574727]i laughed because of how big of a moron you are.:HerpDerp:[/QUOTE]

i am very sorry about that

please watch this it will make u lol more



cool story bro

[QUOTE=PXM;2574895]Also, that’s a Jon Lajoie line.


he took that from me

[QUOTE=Homernoid;2575001]what a poor joke of an advertising.

However, Eleet, I am happy to help you with marketing strategy. How it works, easy, just send me US$ 5000 and I’ll tell you the r33l secret of selling, not just in here, but everywere. this is going to make you rich.
pm me, so I can tell you my swiss account.[/QUOTE]

i will pay u 5000 forf teh secret

[QUOTE=kracker;2575019]This is only slightly more ridiculous than Lt. X and friends.I am taking this add cereal cuz i r stupid[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Evergrey;2574990]I would like to see your certification, sir. Unless it was eaten by a rhinoceros just before I asked this question, and the rhinoceros was blown up by a rocket. Then it’s for sure legit.[/QUOTE]

a rhino almost ate it but i killed it with my hands

here it is

fighting does not work in a streeet fight

it dont work you must repel him with ki energy.or bite him in the balls

do tie chi it will teach u how to use magic to kill people

i challenge everyone here to a street fight .I would win CUZ I WOUD KILLZ U ALL

i challenge everyone here to a street fight .I would win CUZ I WOUD KILLZ U ALL BJJ sucks donkey dick bruce lee did wing chun when he was not smokin pot.Wing chun will not work cuz a girl invited it.She was on her period and made it cuz she is a chick.and bjj is for fags who like to touch each other and wrestle in a sexual manner on the ground U ALL FAGS I AM AWESOME

[QUOTE=Eleet;2582235]i challenge everyone here to a street fight .I would win CUZ I WOUD KILLZ U ALL BJJ sucks donkey dick bruce lee did wing chun when he was not smokin pot.Wing chun will not work cuz a girl invited it.She was on her period and made it cuz she is a chick.and bjj is for fags who like to touch each other and wrestle in a sexual manner on the ground U ALL FAGS I AM AWESOME[/QUOTE]

Shouldn’t this go with this http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=107814&p=2582279&viewfull=1#post2582279 and these http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=107814&p=2582286&viewfull=1#post2582286 http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=107814&p=2582426&viewfull=1#post2582426

lol nice

You make me want to kill peepel, in a nice way



I was attacked with a knife yesterday

So i was attacked with a knife i was at a gay bar and i asked a guy to dance and he was all hey wtf man i kill u but i used magic chi tea to repel them and kill him and it went gewd in court and i r alive cuz of the tie chaieezey i r survival guy

learn the chi ti that i used to keel ppl at


ok seriously wtf is this shit.I cannot believe they actually sell this


^ you got to be fucking kidding me!!!


Control Time, Animals, and move objects with your mind. This shit is totally legit. I’m tempted to buy it. I’ve always wanted the use the force.

I have killed many men with my bare hands

The technique is simple, grasp man by rear legs with your right hand
Grasp man round neck with left hand
Pull hands sharply apart whilst rotating left hand 90 degrees ani-clockwise to break neck

Man can then be skined and cooked in any way
the fur can be preserved though speed is essential to prevent alapecia

ok really some mod asshole keeps posting my posts in here

[QUOTE=Kokikai90;2584599]Control Time, Animals, and move objects with your mind. This shit is totally legit. I’m tempted to buy it. I’ve always wanted the use the force.[/QUOTE]
Make sure you watch the Star Trek episode where Riker gets time and space powers from the Q before you make your decision.