I'm a 11 year old girl on her first period, havn't you heard? MT doesn't Spar.

I dunno where you got all that from, Jin; no, it isn’t just about winning. Of course, they all want to win the top titles later on; but most of my friends who fight are 13 and 14 year olds, they just need experience and to develop.

I really do not understand the life and death part. People die in Muay Thai, but not much anymore. But if you’re a real Warrior, you will be very concerned about the effectivness of your skill in real life, also.

There’s nothing to prove on the internet, that’s true. But I do want to prove myself to my teacher and friends here, and also to myself.

In the end, but, it is not about what you manage to prove, it is about how hard you tried to prove it. That is where good character comes from through martial arts.

A Champion should not care about his title, he should care about the efforts he made to get it.

As for other people wanting to know my gym; this is an old trick, you want to attack the person because you’re not having much luck attacking the comment. If I show you my gym, will it change the fact I’m right? No. So why do you not keep working with the subject, and maybe I’d share things if people stay nice.

[quote=SarahSunwalker;2240251]I dunno where you got all that from, Jin; no, it isn’t just about winning. Of course, they all want to win the top titles later on; but most of my friends who fight are 13 and 14 year olds, they just need experience and to develop.

I really do not understand the life and death part. People die in Muay Thai, but not much anymore. But if you’re a real Warrior, you will be very concerned about the effectivness of your skill in real life, also.

There’s nothing to prove on the internet, that’s true. But I do want to prove myself to my teacher and friends here, and also to myself.

In the end, but, it is not about what you manage to prove, it is about how hard you tried to prove it. That is where good character comes from through martial arts.

A Champion should not care about his title, he should care about the efforts he made to get it.
that last sentence basically wraps up everything you’re trying to say, and i agree with it 100%.

my comment is more about a “frame of mind” and how Thai’s view training differently than us here in the states. again, i am only going by what i know and your experiences. i’ve been to thailand and know how poor people are there, just like mexicans put their kids into boxing, Thai’s put their kids into muay thai training, some just to be able to feed their kids, some to help their kids to transition from “boys” to “men”, almost as a “rights to passage”.

Muay Thai there means so much more to them than to us here in the States, it’s infused into their rich tradition, which is why i make the statement about “life and death”, not so much literally but more metaphorically.

anyways, it’s great that you’re sharing your experiences with us all!


Sarah, unless you name your gym or somehow prove that you train, people will think youre just an eleven year old kid who has just found the internet.

Youre making some very lofty claims so why dont you explain your own experiences and background in mt. Please do it elsewhere though, this is one hell of a derail.

As a shotokan/brawler,i throw chambered chain punches like a bat outta hell bubba…If it looks like you could finish someone after a few punches,then by all means chain punch…Finishing some doesn’t neccesarily mean that there has to be longevity to a fight.

[quote=BigKovacs;2240300]Sarah, unless you name your gym or somehow prove that you train, people will think youre just an eleven year old kid who has just found the internet.

Youre making some very lofty claims so why dont you explain your own experiences and background in mt. Please do it elsewhere though, this is one hell of a derail.[/quote]Hehehe… but I am an eleven year old girl. LOL And watch out; I just got my first period so I’m on the edge!

But it dusn’t matter that I’m only eleven now, dus it? No. Because when I tell you a World Champion who dusn’t spar and a gym that dusn’t spar but is full uv K-1 fighters, that kind of proves that I’m 100 fucking % right in what I said that sparring is probably the least important aspect of training to become a dominant fighter now, dusn’t it?

Moreover, it is a fact that a massive portion of gyms in Thailand do not spar. I’m guessing this is the overwhelmingly large portion, also. In a country crazy about Kick Boxing where there’s barely a handful of foreign fighters who can stand toe to toe with these guys in the top fights, you dun think they would have figured out yur “superior training” by now, no?

These are the facts, and I dun have to tell you where I train to prove this; only an idiot won’t have realized it.

Again, if I were to tell you to post up a link to your gym, would you? If I were to ask you who from your gym has become Champion of your country, could you answer? I don’t think so. If I were to ask you to prove that sparring is an essential aspect of training and you cannot make it without it, could you? No. Especially after the examples I’ve already given.

This site is so damn funny; it’s full of MMA mythology.

So who has the “lofty” claims here? Just what is your claim? Please clarify.

If sum dick were to listen to you guys and try out his roll punching in a sparring match and land a few punches, he might actually think he’s on the right track. Now that’s fraudulent suggestions this site’s full of. I dun care how many times you can tap your friend on the chin before he covers up, it ain’t gunna make you a better fight and it isn’t going to give you the proof you need to assure yourself your techniques are sound. Telling people it is is probably a very dangerous step that I would classify as real bullshido.


Who are you and why are you derailing this thread?

I’m a 11 year old girl on her first period, havn’t you heard?

I’m not derailing this thread; the OP talks about sparring being essential to test his technique. I’m correcting him.

On Youtube, “Sarah” claims to train at the Suksivichai Gym in Thung Song. Also, “Sarah” is a 22 year old man with a beard.

Thanks to the amazing power of the internet, you can find out these things without asking.

[quote=SarahSunwalker;2240342]I’m a 11 year old girl on her first period, havn’t you heard?

I’m not derailing this thread; the OP talks about sparring being essential to test his technique. I’m correcting him.[/quote]No the OP is about Chain punching, from his wing chun, if it is an entry technique, and its usefulness.

Thanks eyebeams. Guess what happens when you lie and don’t answer questions?


You’re going soft, Fake.

You’re thinking of prostitutes dude.


You’re going soft, Fake.

Hahahahaha nope.

Oh and to everyone who took this seriously…

Third why are you doing the broken English thing when you didn’t with this account?

That was a hint people…a troll.

Hahaha! Now you want to make a joke about me?

But the only thing funny here is I’m not wrong and you all have no idea! I notice no one seems to be answering on the fact Buawkaw never spars; how did he win so much? What is the standardized internet MMA answer for this one? He’s a cyborg?

So come on, rub it in and tell me all about Muay Thai which you all seem to know so much about? It is funny for me to laugh at stupid Americans!

And Fake, you dick, the OP wants to test his technique and is asking about sparring; I answered. You’re throwing your weight where it doesn’t belong again.

What a bunch of dicks; thanks for this laugh. I know when I’m not wanted (as usual). I won’t overstay my unwelcome!

For those of you who feel inclined to discover the truth about the mysteries surrounding your own stupidity, I suggest you get out and see the world; start with Thailand.

[quote=SarahSunwalker;2240449]Hahaha! Now you want to make a joke about me?

But the only thing funny here is I’m not wrong and you all have no idea! I notice no one seems to be answering on the fact Buawkaw never spars; how did he win so much? What is the standardized internet MMA answer for this one? He’s a cyborg?

So come on, rub it in and tell me all about Muay Thai which you all seem to know so much about? It is funny for me to laugh at stupid Americans!

And Fake, you dick, the OP wants to test his technique and is asking about sparring; I answered. You’re throwing your weight where it doesn’t belong again.

What a bunch of dicks; thanks for this laugh. I know when I’m not wanted (as usual). I won’t overstay my unwelcome!

For those of you who feel inclined to discover the truth about the mysteries surrounding your own stupidity, I suggest you get out and see the world; start with Thailand.[/quote]

Hey douche bag, what happened to the broken English?


What a bunch of dicks; thanks for this laugh. I know when I’m not wanted (as usual). I won’t overstay my unwelcome!
[/quote]Like you have a choice.

I wonder if this faggot realizes not everyone here is American. And that we have Thais here.

[quote=SarahSunwalker;2240449]Hahaha! Now you want to make a joke about me?

But the only thing funny here is I’m not wrong and you all have no idea! I notice no one seems to be answering on the fact Buawkaw never spars; how did he win so much?[/quote]
Simple. Part of the reason Buakaw wins is because he DOES spar.

You’re just a goddamn mouth-breathing liar.

[quote=wingchunx2z;2239849]What?! did you seriously just say that??

wow you’d better strap your seat belts and put on your hate blockers cuze that statement is gonna get a shit storm if it gets out to the MT community on the site. Most epecially sang and kidspatula…[/quote]

The statement about MT gyms in Thailand not sparring is not entirely inaccurate. Their are quite a few gyms that have little to no sparring I personally have trained in MT gyms that rarely did any sparring at all.

What they mainly focus on is pad work, bag work, shadow boxing, and clinch work. But there is a reason why they don’t spar. It’s because they’re fighting every week or every other week. They don’t spar in training because their next fight is always just a week away. If they get hurt in sparring they can’t fight, if they can’t fight they can’t make money, if they can’t make money then they can’t feed their families or pay their trainers.

You see the cycle going on here.

Outside of Thailand fighters don’t fight every week or every other week, most don’t even fight once a month so sparring becomes a necessary training tool in the gym to keep the fighters sharp. That’s the difference between Thailand and here in my experience.

S/he manages to properly use semi-colons despite his broken English. Pretty impressive!


Buakaw never spars?
Then what about this: Dailymotion - Por.Pramuk Play Sparring - a Sports & Extreme video@@AMEPARAM@@http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x4zb37@@AMEPARAM@@x4zb37

Also while you mightn’t need to spar so much if you’re fighting every other week, you wouldn’t drop a new guy in the ring without a good few sparring sessions. At least I hope you wouldn’t.

I know I shouldn’t feed the trolls, but hey.