I am going out on a limb here by posting this, but I feel I must. I am 37 years old and have seen a lot in my life, and I mean a lot, and I can tell you truthfully, I am a survivor of sorts. I am not a great man, rich or famous, but I can tell you that there is a world of half-truths and disinformation out there, even about Frank Dux, who was proven to have existed and to have fought in the ancient underground Kumite, a very misunderstood and misrepresented term and event that does take place even to this day. But, the movie, Bloodsport did mention something that, if more had been said about this group, the movie would not have been allowed into open view to anyone in the general public. This is because it was showing aspects of teachings and secrets to a degree and it almost did not get released. Did you hear the mention of the “Black Dragon Society”? They are one of four dragons all coming from one ancient secret society under the monk Sinanju, also named in a half-truth movie Remo Williams that would never be allowed to tell the real and entire story of the REAL Sinanju. All martial arts and I mean ALL, come from Sinanju. I can tell you this, I am not downing anyone openly for being involved with self-defense persay, as I can get caught up in the whole so-called beauty of watching the stylistic approach and presentations, but in reality, martial arts in it’s true origins are not what the general public is told and revealed they truly are. They are much more ancient, secret and dark. Shaolin’s meditations and design, for example, come from the Black Dragon. Also, you want to know why Bruce Lee and his son were “mysteriously murdered”? Lee (Li) was one of the 13 bloodlines of Illuminati and he angered many, and of course we should then be surprised the movies were allowed to be released at all, but again that was because not only the editing process was put upon them, but he could not just “show it all” so to speak. There are those who so desperately want to expose the order of these dark groups, but it can be ever so hard because they also have ways of dealing with leaks and people they can pin as to who is doing the leaking. People have been killed, had records altered or their minds messed with. This is not about paranoia or half-baked conspiracy theories. A lot of them are weak compared to the whole story of it all. This is one big aspect of the web. So please, think about what you are getting yourself into or about what you think is a hoax. You just might be getting fed disinformation and/or being led down a different path so as to not to be exposed to the real secrets and truths going on behind closed doors.
Welcome to the forums.
Trollshido plz
Have you thought of seeing a psychiatrist? You really don’t expect us to swallow this load of BS do you?
let me guess, you know all this because you’re obviously on the “inside”. telling secrets you’ve learned while being around them. The Illuminati doesn’t exist, sinanju doesn’t exist, & the black dragon society are essentially yakuza. In other words “mobsters”. You better take your prozac buddy.
Like I said I was going out on a limb talking about this at all and I expected some ignorant replies or some attempts to make me look stupid. But take the time it took for me to write the above post. Do you really think I would know all of this at all if I was not involved in or exposed to it somehow? By the way I do not take any toxic drugs and do not believe in any of them. One of the tactics of the secret societies when one tries to expose them or is wanting to leak our information, is to try and make them look crazy and say they need to see a shrink or take drugs. They even mock them. But the path to true knowledge goes through ignorance. The Black Dragon gang is not what I was talking about. The Dragons are in reality a secret society. The japanese gang you speak of is NOT what I was talking about and I made that very clear. There is proof of all of this and truth seekers will ignore your rude and offensive remarks anyways. These posts are definitely not for people like you who act childish and idiotic.
Not bad, I like the Shaolin, taichi thing and the “I’ve been around the block” stuff which I think was a decent touch. The bruce lee conspiracy was good, and I like the stuff about the Black Dragon. The element of paranoid conspiracy was a refreshing element to your troll post and set it apart from the usual mediocre standard. You do however commit one of the common troll mistakes which is you go over the top and fill your first post with too many ludicrous statements rather than getting your foot in the door, then rationing the stupidity. Overall, I’ll give it a 8/10 even though I didn’t bother reading the whole thing.
You guys actually managed to read that? Man, you’re real troopers. I was tapping by the third sentence.
Wecome to the forum Ashida.
Can I introduce a concept here?
F’ing paragraphs!!!
Does anyone besides me think that psychotropic drugs such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft are WAY over-used by people in the United States? Goddamn there are some fucking looney people on this here internet.
To the original poster of this thread, if you are a troll, hardy-har-har. If not, hit yourself in the head with a hammer repeatedly until the voices stop talking to you.
I second what you have said. I used to be a part of the Black Dragon gang, although our sect was called the Double Dragons with head masters Billy and Jimmy Lee.
Our training consisted of CHI ball fireing and imbuing ourselves with ancient chinese secrets of dragon tattoos on our chest to give us power.
We, however, were dissolved when our sect warred with the Templars and the Free Masons over possession of the Holy Grail.
Did the technique Dux used to kill Fish come from Sinanju too?
Trollshido please.
I’d have to agree. I think it was one of the more creative trolling attempts.
No attempts necessary. You’ve done a pretty good job of doing it to yourself.
Shit! I KNEW I had heard of the Black Dragon Society, but I forgot where…until 2 minutes ago:
I think the original poster is KANO!!! :new_puppy :new_puppy :new_puppy :new_puppy
Moved from MABS.
Original title: “Frank Dux and BDS”
awww, this thread was hillarious.
I am the ILLUMINATI! Run for your life ERNIEM, I’m coming for you… right after I overthrow the current high wizard of the illuminati oversight council and replace him with this stripper who i wanna sleep with. Whatever happens know that it wasn’t personal, i was just trying to keep centuries old secrets out of the public eye. Damn Enquirer… always getting up in my batboy bidness.
The Illuminati!
Secret Societies!
One World Order!
Let me get this straight:
Bruce Lee was killed by Frank Dux and Count Dante because Brother Mason JFS wanted to fight outside a Masonic Temple in Baltimore and they had to keep Nicolas Cage from stealing Ben Franklin’s special secret sunglasses from Liberty Hall before Borimar got there and then kidnapping Angerline Jolie’s father?
Dont worry man i know where your coming from…
As a foulish teenager i once did a shit load of Acid and tripped the fuck out for 3 days straight…NO JOKE!
It’ll wear off after a while just try and relax put some nice music on and you’ll be fine.