i love how people with almost a completely homogenous population* and one of the lowest median population densities talk about violence when compared to a growingly heterogenous population with growing populaiton density and a great deal of freedom. And while some countries may have higher population density, they typically are also more homogenous, or have high restricitons on rights.
I guess my point is: I ain’t just the fucking guns.
*(i don’t mean just black or white, but racial, economic,political,etc)
Excuse me, OP, but what the fuck are you babbling about?
What “kid” got shot, who’s the “stupid shit” who shot him, and what does any of this have to do with gun laws in another country halfway around the world?
I think he’s talking about that article about a kid shooting himself with a machinegun while his idiot dad and an instructor looked on.
But seriously he cannot know what they he is talking about. Where I come from guns are almost impossible to get legally unless your family has a long history of gun ownership (I’m one of the lucky ones). At the same time a hell of a lot of murders are committed with smuggled guns and other weapons like knives.
BTW you’ve gotta remember that people have been killing each other for thousands of years before guns were invented and will be doing so ages to come, with or without guns.
You get that everywhere. You are assuming that because the country is gun-free then it follows that the % of people carrying a loaded gun at all times is not just greater, but much greater than in a country that it’s not. It is also assuming that the social inhibitions that prevents one to shoot someone is less prevalent or more absent than in a country with thigh gun controls.
Furthermore, it does not follow that the right to own guns is a precursor for legal owners to commit a crime. It ignores the fact that the majority of shoot outs occur during a crime, by criminals who happened to have a weapon illegally. I don’t have any statistics with me, but from what I’ve personally witnessed, the majority of gun owners do not carry their guns in their cars or with themselves, but are kept at home.
If you are likely to shoot someone at an intersection, you are also likely to club someone to death with the crowbar that it is in your car. Criminal inclination and the lack of moral inhibitions are not functions whose solely variable is the legality of gun ownership.
In other words, your assumption is just too fucking simplistic.
I grew up in a country where you can literally buy a fucking bazooka for less than a hundred dollars and where everybody carries a pocket knife… and sometimes a machete. The number of incidents I’ve seen there are just about the same as the number of incidents close to me that I’ve been aware off here in the US.
We have about 80 threads worth of argument on this in sociocide, so I will break it down for you. Both the “guns will keep you safe” and the “guns cause homicides” crowd are full of shit. Most of the arguments on both sides are more political and retarded than a crashed short bus. The best you can say on the pro gun side is that guns probably reduce certain property crimes, mostly by forcing the would be thieves to either pick another area with less chance of getting shot, or else switch the type of theft. They neither reduce nor increase violent crime in the US. For the anti-gun side, gun ownership slightly raises the chance of the gun owner dying, probably mostly through an increased chance of suicide.
Now I happen to believe that if there isn’t clear cut evidence of harm, you err on the side of letting people do what they want, but the important takeaway from this is that the partisans on both sides are retarded.
Honestly, any arguement for or against guns is stupid. The bottom line, period, is that people have a fundamental right to own firearms as enumerated in the US Constitution. Period. End of story. No further argument needed.
If I choose to exercise my right to own a firearm then no one should be able to give me shit for it.
thanks IIF for flushing all of this down the trollshido toilet. Not that it isn’t important, but has little or nothing to do with my original OP. For anyone that thinks all criminal types buy guns illegally, get real. For anyone who thinks non gun happy countries aren’t dangerous, I invite you to live there.
Cirijijlji called it, when he spoke on the dissimilar nature of high and low density/growth etc areas. It’s just not so easy.