If my name was diego sanchez...

then my fight name sure wouldn’t be knightmare…it’d be dirty.


hell yeah

Lame. I would be funny the first few times, but it would get boring REALLY quick. Maybe not for the audience, but you’d get SO MANY morons saying “ahyuck! dirty sanchez! that means you rub shit on her face!”. Trust me. Whenver I play a game online with “Poop Loops” as my name, I get a bunch of morons saying “ahyuck! it’s like fruitloops! but with poop!” NO SHIT YOU FUCKING MORON!! I MADE THE NAME UP WITH THAT IN MIND. But, people will always think that it’s a coincidence that your name makes them think of something disgusting everybody knows about (except for you apparently, since you made the name up as a total coincidence)


Hmmm, trollshidowned so quickly.

Though, I agree with you, so you obviously have a sick mind.

And how is Stephan Bonnar “the american Psycho”??? He seems like a fairly levelheaded guy.

This must be the fastest I’ve ever seen a thread get Trollshid0wn’d.

When I was typing up my reply, it was still out of Trollshido.


I get the same reaction too. Except, the online name I usually use is Racist Rick from the Bronx (if it fits).