If i want to train for pure street defense ...

… what general MA would you recommend i cross train in, i am taking boxing now which i know is useful, but i am worried about being taken down.

As a general rule i have heard its better to keep fights standup incase you get ambushed by the dickbutts friends, or he pulls a knife on you and gets Jason Voorhees happy, so BJJ may not be the answer.

Opinions ?, Outlines on what better to train for ?, General assholeness from 13 year olds ?


search function-fu.

LEARN 2 GRAPPLE!!! There is no better way to learn takedown defence, so bjj, wrestling, judo or any other serious grappling style!

bjj is the answer 4 everything!

Well the answer to your question depends entirely on the degree of purity of the altercation measured in “gankstaness” Under 50%=bjj pimp. Under 80% = sambo playa Pure street = judo ganstar.

assume he is a skinny 5’7 bum who says “mo’h’fuckin white boy aint gon live fo starin at me” ganksta (thats probably the pure street type), and all i really fear is somehow ending up on my back from a slip, or get football tackled by a drunk jock.

And assuming i want to keep the fight standup, Judo ?

The answer is Judo - the world’s #1 source of techniques for military combatives and police defensive tactics. :happy:

Top Ten Reasons Why Sport Judo is Effective

Judo as a Martial Art

You already train in boxing. Boxing + Judo will be a formidable combination against 95% of unarmed assailants.

As for knives and other weapons, you’re in deep mud regardless of what you train in. Best defence against weapons is a gun or “run-dori”.

Now that’s just silly. Er’one knows white people caint be ganksta. I think you should first stop being paranoid about hypotetical attackers. Save yourself the stress. If you’re in highschool, join wrestling. That’s your answer. When you get out join judo or bjj, and keep the boxing.

me like sambo.

you should like sambo.

me stuff’d and can’t sprechen…

I’m going to cast my vote for regular MMA classes and less frequent Krav Maga or similar RBSD.
MMA will give you a solid technical base, physical fitness, and regular live training. All that’s missing there is the bells and whistles of self-defense - working off of a fence instead of a high guard, situational awareness tips, scenario based training, how to get out of a headlock, and so on.

It’s called a gun.

If i was back in my home country, a little bit of trigger-jutsu would be nice, but Canuckistan has problems with my best friend Makarov.

I have read your advices, and was most impressed with Judo and MMA/RBSD mix, now let me scouter decent clubs in ottawa.

i tried searching for FIT MMA here, so little pants KFC can stop choking his chicken from anger, and got null. any reviews from that club ?


It’s not our fault you live in a nanny state.

My response was actually in reference to your stupid question which has been asked a million times before and it wasn’t in anger, but rather the best way you’ll get an in-depth answer to your question. You’ll know when I posting in anger.

Since nobody else has bothered with this golden oldie and you can’t bother to search the forums, I will simply remind you that you will not learn how to avoid being taken down by training in a martial art that doesn’t take people down. After all, who would you practice defending yourself against?

If i want to train for pure street defense …

Then you are being idiotic. No offense, but that’s pretty much it IMO. Self Defense is not much about whether you can fight or not, but whether you have common sense.

If you are a shitty and arrogant person and/or hang out with shitty and arrogant people and/or hang out in really shitty places, you will eventually and certainly find a situation when you will have to fight and defend yourself (or have to defend one of your idiotic, shitty and arrogant frendz)…

… and if you are too dumb to have some situational awareness, you’ll get screwed. Besides, if you ever encounter a fight that can actually endanger you, chances are a weapon will be involved. A no-win situation no matter how you cut it… unless you are Neo.

This is a nice quote for you, food for thought:

The more you train with the idea of training for pure “street” self-defense, the more that I question your common sense, or even your sanity (by “you” I mean anyone reading this.) This excluding of course law enforcement offices, military personal and legitimate experts on the subject.

If you are worried about being taken down, then train for it - obviously BJJ, Judo or any flavor of wrestling will do you good. But train because you want to train and learn what you are choosing to learn not because ZOMG!!! TAKEDOWN ON PAVEMENBT!!111

Train with the aim of learning how to fight and live a life that does not increase your chances of running into a fucked-up situation. That’s how you train for pure street defense.

If you are worried about CRIME, then forget MA as anything other than a confidence builder and space to run maker. Instead, go learn about crime, crime avoidance and safety from Law Enforcement sources. Then appropriately and legally arm yourself based on your local laws, age, etc. And get in shape if you’re not already.

For fighting off bullies and various schoolyard fight situations, your boxing is probably enough already. But I would say add Judo. Judo is perfect.

Its not like Ottawa is a dangerous city.

I would be more interested in an art that gives me good break falls for when the side walks get all icy.

(I nearly wiped out today walking the dogs, my wife wiped out throwing out are tree )

Ha Ha. That is just like New England. Break falls help me every winter when I have to defend against the “street” when I slip on ice and go for a plunge.

To the original poster:

If you want to learn self-defense for the street; practice learning how to recognize and avoid bad situations.

If you want to learn how to fight keep practicing boxing and either take up Judo, BJJ, or train MMA.

I am quickly learning that Judo and MMA are much more cost effective that BJJ if you are worried about your bank account. Still have to defend against bill collectors.

If you want pure street defense in your area, here is a link.


This should give you great advice on how to act in the street. Otherwise, listen to the advice already given and learn how to avoid situations. Train hard and take Judo.