[quote=The 13th day of XMAS;2282855]Doesn’t matter if you said wind. You’re still hitting a little low. In other words you said "I striked my partner’s temple with my top knuckles ".
How does hitting somebody in the temple knock the “wind” out of somebody?[/quote]
Its just a figure of speech. I meant that the strike rocked him.
[quote=karateman911;2283731]Its just a figure of speech. I meant that the strike rocked him.
plays Indian citar music
There’s nothing like a little shit head like you telling me to chill when I said nothing to indicate that I was agitated in anyway. If I do choose to go to your school little punk I hope you’re there. I’m going to show your fucking instructor your post and ask for the chance of beating the crap out of you in front of your peers.
I never once tried to injure my parters. The busted shoulder was because he did not land right. The hurt back was because I was trying to break his gaurd. But slams happen a lot. When I was in HS wrestling, when people got double legged or surplexed they would get slammed hard and none of our coaches ever got mad. Did I feel bad? Yes. But it was an accident–it was not intential to injure.
Within sparring, you can cause pain on your partner to control them, but not to injure them. As a matter of fact, when we are wearing the little MMA gloves, we cannot strike to the face but only to the body. Head strikes are only allowed if we are wearing boxing gloves or wearing 16 ounce MMA gloves. When we practice throws we cannot go hard. These are all saftey measures. Its not like our class is free for all.
Let’s not go back to references from your other thread.
Here’s a hint:
What was the training of your Wrestling coaches? Yes, a world of difference.
Within sparring, you can cause pain on your partner to control them, but not to injure them.
Yet that happens quite a bit with you, More so than I have seen in my experience.
As a matter of fact, when we are wearing the little MMA gloves, we cannot strike to the face but only to the body. Head strikes are only allowed if we are wearing boxing gloves or wearing 16 ounce MMA gloves.
Wow? I just wow. You keep heaping it on don’t you?
When we practice throws we cannot go hard.
Yet, you injured people with slams.
These are all saftey measures. Its not like our class is free for all.
Yet in the two years you’ve been in the MMA program how many severe injuries have occurred that you were involved in?
He’s like a lot of other little punks I’ve encountered over the years. They always believe they have nothing to do with the injuries of their partners. He’s almost injured as many partners in his short stint than I have in my entire martial art career.
He’s like a lot of other little punks I’ve encountered over the years. They always believe they have nothing to do with the injuries of their partners. He’s almost injured as many partners in his short stint than I have in my entire martial art career.
Exactly. These were the students that I had to lecture, sit out, or kick out of the school when I was instructing.
These are the students that I show what it means to be an asshole on the floor. I line up the senior guys, instructors and/or myself and we run them through the grinder.
again, I never once tried to intentially hurt anyone. I’m very freindly with everyone I train with. I have no rivals. If anybody wants to come and train with us you’re more then welcome to. Just be resepctful, cool, and open and we would love to train with you.
[quote=The 13th day of XMAS;2284039]These are the students that I show what it means to be an asshole on the floor. I line up the senior guys, instructors and/or myself and we run them through the grinder.[/quote]Shhhhh…That’s was a secret in our school.
Okay not really.
You lied in your OP thread. That is disrespectful. Shhh. Stop. Shut you teenage mouth. It was completely unwarranted and unnecessary to lie. I don’t care if you begrudgingly and eventually apologized. It was and is disrespectful.
Is it because I disagree with some of those on here?
You are a beginner posting in the advanced forum that is disrespectful.
Telling a professional fighter to chill is disrespectful.
Breaking the rules is disrespectful.
We all disagree. Hell me and 13th day have disagreed. Disagreement isn’t an issue. It is your blatant disrespect in the face of logic that is my issue. You want to lie to yourself? Go ahead no one cares. It is when you spread those lies to others it becomes a problem.
No, as he gets angrier his teenage 1980’s slang and bad grammar appear. Although, I do think he has at least received help form his instructor on occasion.
You lied in your OP thread. That is disrespectful. Shhh. Stop. Shut you teenage mouth. It was completely unwarranted and unnecessary to lie. I don’t care if you begrudgingly and eventually apologized. It was and is disrespectful.
Why can’t you accept my apology? If you don’t want to thats fine
You are a beginner posting in the advanced forum that is disrespectful.
none of my posts their were suggesting advanced techniques. I commented on SamboSteve’s casting punch vid and even thanked him for it.
Telling a professional fighter to chill is disrespectful.
I was joking. Hence the indian music. Is their a caste system here on bullshido?
Caste system? Sure, why not? How would you like to be told what is and isn’t by a 9 year old? You’d laugh your ass off. Well you’re the 9 year old here. You can’t even see the things you’re doing wrong which makes you a social moron. Saw that you were on the wrestling team, apparently you must’ve been part of some clique that prevented you from people telling you that you’re a douche bag to your face. Well here we are, not so much in your face but I’d have no problem saying it to your face.
I’ve seen no apology.
You’re joke was ill written.
You are completely disrespectful in your assumption that you can dictate how I should act without knowing me.