I will attack

No. Overly simplistic. Very weak argument. Try again.

Fuck. That. Shit.

I will attack any ill-formed, vacuous, unsubstantiated bullshit, whether it’s someone’s religion or whatthefuckever. If you’re an idiot, you deserve to have your shit called out when you foist your beliefs out as “evidence”.

[quote=tideliar;2414945]Fuck. That. Shit.

I will attack any ill-formed, vacuous, unsubstantiated bullshit, whether it’s someone’s religion or whatthefuckever. If you’re an idiot, you deserve to have your shit called out when you foist your beliefs out as “evidence”.[/quote]

So, no one is entitled to believe differently from you? How enlightened you must be. Speaking of vacuous, is it possible for you to form a complete sentence without making up a word or using some asinine expletive?

[QUOTE=NotThatBruce;2415172]So, no one is entitled to believe differently from you? How enlightened you must be. Speaking of vacuous, is it possible for you to form a complete sentence without making up a word or using some asinine expletive?[/QUOTE]Is it possible for you to lurk more and understand sarcasm? Also read that again. Nowhere did he say people aren’t “entitled” to verbalize, rant, discuss, or believe differently.

I understand sarcasm. I also understand that attacking someone’s religious beliefs, or philosophy, or threatening to do so on the basis of one’s own view of it has nothing to do with sarcasm. If it was an attempt at sarcasm, it was so muddied with filth as to be unrecognizable as such.

My response, however, was a textbook example (not that tideliar would know anything about textbooks). See? More sarcasm.

Am I to understand that I am being invited to not post? I do not lurk. However, neither am I an asshole, nor do I retread old arguments, nor do I ask questions that have been answered, etc. Name the rule that I have broken and I will gladly review it and adjust my conduct accordingly. Until then, I will continue to read and post as my scientifically unobservable qi moves me.


Am I to understand that I am being invited to not post? I do not lurk. [/QUOTE]

Yes, that’s exactly what I implied. Just like tideliar implied no one can believe differently from his belief system.

. However, neither am I an asshole, nor do I retread old arguments, nor do I ask questions that have been answered, etc.
Psst you are posting in a retread thread based on retread arguments. Post 18 is a retread of an old answer based on an old argument. Yes, you are an asshole because this is pretty pompous and no, you don’t get sarcasm

Well, at least I don’t troll noobs!


Redacted due to OPSEC.

Somehow, that part escaped me. Troll on, my friend.

This ain’t a troll, my man.

Not even close.

As far as your insistence that religion should be respected, I posit this example. A certain extremist sect of Islam decides that murdering people because of religion is okay.

Should we stop these people from committing the illegal and immoral act of murder OR should we respect their religious beliefs?

[quote=helmutlvx;2415223]This ain’t a troll, my man.

Not even close.[/quote] Right. So, blowing up a thread to put me in my proper place as a noob is not trolling. Got it.

By the way, I’ve seen how other noobs have been dealt with and I must say I’m grateful for the restraint shown thus far.


As far as your insistence that religion should be respected, I posit this example. A certain extremist sect of Islam decides that murdering people because of religion is okay.

Should we stop these people from committing the illegal and immoral act of murder OR should we respect their religious beliefs?[/quote]

Religion doesn’t kill people. People do. I do not believe someone who practices a certain religion should be tried, convicted, and hanged (figure of speech) on the basis of the guilt of some other practitioner of that religion. Neither do the majority of the decent people of the civilized world.

To directly address your query: We have laws. Laws make certain acts unlawful. People who commit those acts are subject to punishment. In a free society, people are free to think and believe how they wish. I guarantee you there are people living in your city who would love to see you die the death of an infidel. Have they acted on it? Do they plan to? If not, then there is no law currently on the books (I am speaking of US laws) that will punish them. Merely deciding something is not a crime. So, no, they cannot be punished under the laws of the United States, or any country whose laws are based on the common law of Great Britain, for that matter. If they were to act or plan to act, they could and should be prosecuted. None of this has anything to do with religion. However, a sect that notoriously advocates violence would likely be subject to prosecution, and well should be.

All this is beside the point.

I assume that someone who practices martial arts has a general idea of what it means to respect other people. When I see someone behaving in a manner counter to that assumption, I speak up. That’s all. Mutual respect for the person, but not necessarily the ideas that person is promoting. Is it that difficult?

[QUOTE=NotThatBruce;2415243]Right. So, blowing up a thread to put me in my proper place as a noob is not trolling. Got it.
[/quote]No you adding your own twist to a post is blowing the thread up.

Religion doesn’t kill people. People do. I do not believe someone who practices a certain religion should be tried, convicted, and hanged (figure of speech) on the basis of the guilt of some other practitioner of that religion. Neither do the majority of the decent people of the civilized world.

To directly address your query: We have laws. Laws make certain acts unlawful. People who commit those acts are subject to punishment. In a free society, people are free to think and believe how they wish. I guarantee you there are people living in your city who would love to see you die the death of an infidel. Have they acted on it? Do they plan to? If not, then there is no law currently on the books (I am speaking of US laws) that will punish them. Merely deciding something is not a crime. So, no, they cannot be punished under the laws of the United States, or any country whose laws are based on the common law of Great Britain, for that matter. If they were to act or plan to act, they could and should be prosecuted. None of this has anything to do with religion. However, a sect that notoriously advocates violence would likely be subject to prosecution, and well should be.

All this is beside the point.

I assume that someone who practices martial arts has a general idea of what it means to respect other people. When I see someone behaving in a manner counter to that assumption, I speak up. That’s all. Mutual respect for the person, but not necessarily the ideas that person is promoting. Is it that difficult?

See, this is a derail/blow up. Tideliar’s post was a catchall generalization, you made it very specific, and helm trolled you into a derail/rant about religion. I didn’t troll you. Like judoist I’m telling you to pay attention to what is said not how you feel.

As I recall, we were pretty much on topic until you jumped in, Fake. Qi is about religion. The question was about scientific study. I gave my opinion. I called bullshido on a weak argument or two. Isn’t that what this is supposed to be about? You call me pompous, but you can’t see your own pomposity is what derailed the thread when you made it about me being a noob and having the gall to regard myself as someone who can contribute. I may have joined yesterday, but I wasn’t born yesterday.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2415256]and helm trolled you into a derail/rant about religion. [/QUOTE]

Damn it, Fake!

I’m trying to be subtle about this shit and you had to call me on it. Bastard. (hugs and kisses)

Okay, NotThatBruce, I’ll bite. What makes you qualified to give opinions on chi or whatever the fuck semantics you want to argue about.

I stated my qualifications for giving my opinion, others have also done such, like that guy who did a great little piece on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

So what makes you so goddamn special?

See there is this little thing called context. Go look at Baboon king’s posts then, go take a look at tideliar’s post.

If you don’t see the turn the thread was taking, “lurk more and learn how to understand sarcasm.”

Oh and drop the “we,” this thread was dead in the water before you posted. The rest of us were “on topic” before you decided to tell “us” how to debate…pompous.

Don’t flatter yourself. You couldn’t debate your way out of a wet paper bag.

  1. You picked this fight.

  2. I got off topic responding to you.

  3. I’m 8,000 miles from home with nothing to do. What’s your excuse?

[QUOTE=NotThatBruce;2415299]Don’t flatter yourself. You couldn’t debate your way out of a wet paper bag. [/quote]

Still light years ahead of your lies and poor debate skills.

So, no one is entitled to believe differently from you? How enlightened you must be. Speaking of vacuous, is it possible for you to form a complete sentence without making up a word or using some asinine expletive?

Now, how is this on topic? Oh that’s right it isn’t.

  1. You picked this fight.

Of course I did by telling you to lurk more and understand sarcasm. Oh and I added context as well. Where exactly did you address the topic in your second post in this thread?

Oh you didn’t. Hell, your third didn’t address the Op either. So, while you cry about my debate skill, let me know when you actually debate the topic.

  1. I got off topic responding to you.

No, your second post was responding to tideliar’s response to another poster which was off-topic. So, no, you started off-topic. Myself and helm kept you there.

  1. I’m 8,000 miles from home with nothing to do. What’s your excuse?

You say this like it is a real reason. Like I said pompous.

Get a hold of yourself. Your arguments are getting less and less rational.

By the way tideliar was responding to me. Which is why I responded back to him. Perhaps a little context training is in order.

Fake, I bear you no ill will, and I hope you aren’t taking all this too seriously. You seem to be missing my jokes. Wet paper bag, 8,000 miles, etc. Lighten up.

You still haven’t answered my questions, y’know.

I’m waiting, tick tock tick tock.