6’1", 203.4lbs and 9.7% bodyfat says you are an even bigger dickhead than before, but please carry on
I haven’t forgotten. I made generalizations and blanket statements for the sole purpose of pissing people like you off. In that I have succeded. I also succeded in amusing myself for ahwile.
Thread necro + “starting arguments on purpose for the sake of fun” = troll, acceptance is the first step.
Wouldn’t it be better to amuse yourself if you stayed off the internet and, I don’t know… masturbate? :jerkit2yf
Wow, a paying Troll
Actually, you’ve failed yet again. You never pissed me off. Now, Kungfools has managed to piss me off in the past. He’s a champ like that…you however, no dice. You’ve managed to make yourself look/sound ridiculously moronic, and your aspirations to be more than a mere troll are notable…mostly for their lack of originality and weak technique. As a troll, I give you a grade of D- … barely above outright failure.
Have a day.
You sure showed us a thing or two. It’s a shame you’re a paying troll… Nice bio pic though!
Not a fat cop. A meathead!!! Ha Ha. Even better:new_sleep