I start flame wars

I began training with Sensei Weathers in '91 when Fuga Dojo came to be . At that time we trained on the hard ground. I am trained in judo before that so without mats you really know how to fall. The training was authentic and hard. I have on occasion had to use what i have been taught …not in a cage were two sweaty brazillian juijitsu cross trained muscle men roll around the floor like it’s a wrestling match. If your on the ground you have lost already the idea is to be the one standing so you can go home to your family. That is the idea of NINPO doing what needs to be done and moving on. I would like to see some of these guys take the gloves off and learn that NINPO is everything it is said to be. Normally I would not engage on people opinions of one style over another they all have thier merits. I studied Kokusai with the dojo …yes it is original in form but taught for practical application in this world. You could not ask for a better teacher.

Been there done that before you were born. Fuga Dojo real thing taught traditionally with a new world attitude. I trained in Judo, where i was also taught by a silver star medalist from japan, he also taught us the use of COMBAT application and not just contest. Dont put down what you dont know…put aside the history concentrate on the system…i know from personal experience it is effective and decisive. Knowing comes from doing.

Talk about things you dont know. I started Ninpo in '91 when Fuga Dojo started we trained on the hard ground before getting mats and a building cant get any more real than that. I’ve trained with and know the people your putting down…dont watch so many movies go out and find yourself a bonifide teacher as i did…NOT BUJIKAN they have ruined it for all of us. I have used my knowledge gained in training to defend myself and others so put away the history focus on the system. And throw away those stepen K hayes books for gods sake.

put away the history study the system…before you dismiss it.

get real!!

Who is this guy talking to?
Edward ross try learning how to use the forum before posting. Thank you.

Fuga Dojo

Way to go Mr. Ross. It seems some folks are pretty angry that we train in the traditional way, very interesting. I would like to add that Judo and BJJ were developed from our art and we have elements of both in our school.
I’m not in the garbage bussiness so I don’t know much about that. Soke Tanemura, being of direct Samurai lineage has trained since he was a child in the arts and it has been kept alive in his family for centuries. He is a great and moral man an exceptional martial artist. As is my teacher Sgt. Greg Weathers. Google Futen Dojo in Milwaukee. Futen dojo is the run by Sensei Michael Coleman who is my teachers teacher. He is a direct student of Soke Tanemura. His website contains some really useful info. Thanks for all the great comments.
-Ryan Hall
Group leader Fuga Dojo.

[QUOTE=lobohall;2637968]Way to go Mr. Ross. It seems some folks are pretty angry that we train in the traditional way, very interesting.[/QUOTE]

Isn’t he precious, ladies and gentlemen?

Let’s see what happens when we substitute out the verb:
Way to go Mr. Ross. It seems some folks are pretty angry that we practice medicine in the traditional way, very interesting.

Way to go Mr. Ross. It seems some folks are pretty angry that we communicate long-distance in the traditional way, very interesting.

Way to go Mr. Ross. It seems some folks are pretty angry that we smelt ore in the traditional way, very interesting.

Seem silly to you? Yeah. Exactly. Quit projecting. Nobody here is angry.

That was a bit off topic, but I hope the comment makes you feel better. Sounds like you are quite familiar with incest and are looking thru a mirror of self reflection.

First off, for someone claiming to lurk you sure did quickly try to start shit bruiser.
Quit reporting your post lobo once is enough. You typed it you owned it.

Don’t pull this crap in the JMA forum again.

No, your thread and posts will not be deleted. You should have taken a deep breathe before you posted anything that you are now embarrassed about.
