I have been reading this forum for a long time now and finally just need to add this little piece. First off Im not interested right now in doing the newbie town introduce myself thing and I wll when im ready, that said I personally think if your a skilled and trained Instructor who gives a shit whether you have paper on your wall or not. Bruce lee argueably was one of the most skilled artists in history and he had no paper yet claimed all kinds of different lineage, none questioned his fists. So as someone who trained a long time through real sweat and blood and a fewtears, I say if a man wants to teach a few cops a seminar and say he taught such and such dept, s what. At the end of the day you’ll know if the guy is skilled or not. During a trip to sao paulo I saw plenty of papered BJJ guys that were not great skilled yet wore black belts all it means is te instructor lies yu and you beat so many brown belt/belts thats it. Means you wre good at a particular time on a particular day. This whole forum is so anal and bent on trashing anyone who even uses a slight hand of marketing by tying to make themseves look a little more attractive than the next guy, we all do it to one degree or another. In my final statement I just have to say whether you trained personally under Helio Gracie and got a 2nd dan or whether you never trained a day in your life with anyone reputable and learned your skills by rolling with buddies then go out and beat several gracie trained black belts and call yourself a Black belt in BJJ so #$^#$ what. If ya got the skills then who cares about paper. In history uyou ppl seem to forget the Japanese / Indian and Chinese masters made this shit up, noone gave them paper. So I say if the guy trained 1 buddy of his that was a US Navy seal and says he trained US Navy Seals you guys go all postal " Thats Fraud" " Hes Lying" Well let me tell you if a Seal feels this fuckin guy can show him something to help himcomplete the mission and come home, then OORAH mor power to him. Now bitchmoan, whine scram and jump on me all ya like. Thats my 30 secs of fame lol.
God Bless
Sorry Admin wont let me edit my post so ill clarify a typo and missing statement here.I said this"
During a trip to Sao Paulo I saw plenty of papered BJJ guys that were not great skilled yet wore black belts all it means is the instructor relies on you beating so many brown belt/belts thats it for the most part. Anyone can have a good week or bad day, just because you can beat someone on a given day doesnt mean your qualified to hold that rank. So what if the Instructor was 1st generation Gracie or 100th all that matters is if the guy can do the work required, not who can he beat.
I think you don’t read very well. This site is more particular in telling the truth on what you claim. Admittedly, there are a few on this site the criticize if you didn’t train with so and so as a direct lineage but that has been going on for centuries and not just on this site. So take a deep breath. Pull your head out your ass and cruise a bit more.
!!!Wall of text!!! Paragraphs.
Second, which schools you went to in Sao Paulo? Name and Location please, time if possible… (it is not like I would go and check it out)
The good thing about BJJ, you beat up BBs on a REGULAR basis, you get a BB.
What was your point again?
That everybody on this site sucks. What is it with these sorts of threads today?
More lurking less posting
by the way, nice try troll
You showed up after a long absence?
[quote=BTDT45;2116059]I have been reading this forum for a long time now and finally just need to add this little piece. First off Im not interested right now in doing the newbie town introduce myself thing and I wll when im ready, that said I personally think if your a skilled and trained Instructor who gives a shit whether you have paper on your wall or not. Bruce lee argueably was one of the most skilled artists in history and he had no paper yet claimed all kinds of different lineage, none questioned his fists. So as someone who trained a long time through real sweat and blood and a fewtears, I say if a man wants to teach a few cops a seminar and say he taught such and such dept, s what. At the end of the day you’ll know if the guy is skilled or not. During a trip to sao paulo I saw plenty of papered BJJ guys that were not great skilled yet wore black belts all it means is te instructor lies yu and you beat so many brown belt/belts thats it. Means you wre good at a particular time on a particular day. This whole forum is so anal and bent on trashing anyone who even uses a slight hand of marketing by tying to make themseves look a little more attractive than the next guy, we all do it to one degree or another. In my final statement I just have to say whether you trained personally under Helio Gracie and got a 2nd dan or whether you never trained a day in your life with anyone reputable and learned your skills by rolling with buddies then go out and beat several gracie trained black belts and call yourself a Black belt in BJJ so #$^#$ what. If ya got the skills then who cares about paper. In history uyou ppl seem to forget the Japanese / Indian and Chinese masters made this shit up, noone gave them paper. So I say if the guy trained 1 buddy of his that was a US Navy seal and says he trained US Navy Seals you guys go all postal " Thats Fraud" " Hes Lying" Well let me tell you if a Seal feels this fuckin guy can show him something to help himcomplete the mission and come home, then OORAH mor power to him. Now bitchmoan, whine scram and jump on me all ya like. Thats my 30 secs of fame lol.
God Bless[/quote]
First off, who the Hell are you?
Second, WTF are you talking about?
Third, is that the grade you stopped studying spelling and grammer?
If you have any videos of guys who learned to grapple rolling around with their buddies beating legit BJJ BBs I’m sure everyone would love to see them.
This isn’t TxS is he? is he TxJJ now? TxSTFU
Oops, here you go:
Nubreed Martial Arts - Ben Fajardo: Legit/Grappling question Answered. - No BS Martial Arts
Hi, I’m new and don’t read the rules.
I have been reading this forum for a long time now and finally just need to add this little piece. First off Im not interested right now in doing the newbie town introduce myself thing and I wll when im ready, that said I personally think if your a skilled and trained Instructor who gives a shit whether you have paper on your wall or not. Bruce lee argueably was one of the most skilled artists in history and he had no paper yet claimed all kinds of different lineage, none questioned his fists. So as someone who trained a long time through real sweat and blood and a fewtears, I say if a man wants to teach a few cops a seminar and say he taught such and such dept, s what. At the end of the day you’ll know if the guy is skilled or not. During a trip to sao paulo I saw plenty of papered BJJ guys that were not great skilled yet wore black belts all it means is te instructor lies yu and you beat so many brown belt/belts thats it. Means you wre good at a particular time on a particular day. This whole forum is so anal and bent on trashing anyone who even uses a slight hand of marketing by tying to make themseves look a little more attractive than the next guy, we all do it to one degree or another. In my final statement I just have to say whether you trained personally under Helio Gracie and got a 2nd dan or whether you never trained a day in your life with anyone reputable and learned your skills by rolling with buddies then go out and beat several gracie trained black belts and call yourself a Black belt in BJJ so #$^#$ what. If ya got the skills then who cares about paper. In history uyou ppl seem to forget the Japanese / Indian and Chinese masters made this shit up, noone gave them paper. So I say if the guy trained 1 buddy of his that was a US Navy seal and says he trained US Navy Seals you guys go all postal " Thats Fraud" " Hes Lying" Well let me tell you if a Seal feels this fuckin guy can show him something to help himcomplete the mission and come home, then OORAH mor power to him. Now bitchmoan, whine scram and jump on me all ya like. Thats my 30 secs of fame lol.
God Bless
Sorry Admin wont let me edit my post so ill clarify a typo and missing statement here.I said this"
During a trip to Sao Paulo I saw plenty of papered BJJ guys that were not great skilled yet wore black belts all it means is the instructor relies on you beating so many brown belt/belts thats it for the most part. Anyone can have a good week or bad day, just because you can beat someone on a given day doesnt mean your qualified to hold that rank. So what if the Instructor was 1st generation Gracie or 100th all that matters is if the guy can do the work required, not who can he beat.
Funny, these two posts are very contradictory.
If ya got the skills then who cares about paper. In history uyou ppl seem to forget the Japanese / Indian and Chinese masters made this shit up, noone gave them pape
No, what you seem to not know is the fact, all of these people, who made their shit up, had their shit vetted on the battlefield, in competition, and in the street with multiple witnesses.
Notice, I did not say “either,” “or,” I said “and.” Styles that failed were absorbed and disappeared. Paper became a necessary part because frauds, you know how old that word is right, started trying to make money off others fame.
It had nothing to do with “OMG one guy said it was good” therefore it was good. This is the last webiste you want to pull the history card on.