On the way home from work, it hit like a tornado no warning sign at all. And of course I was sitting in traffic with no where to go. So I just let it flow and flow it did, all up my lower back and inside of my legs and on my car seat ( I was wearing shorts). So I am sitting in my car and the smell is over wellming, I was gagging so I roll down the windows and of course it starts pouring down rain (Seattle), now this is really fucked up, not only did I just shit my pants but the inside of my car is getting soaked.
Well it took me an hour to get home, I was nearly jumping out of my car as it was still moving as I pulled into my parking spot and hoping no one would see me and my shitty shorts and legs, I ran like a cheetah into my apartment. Ripped off my shitty clothes and jumped into the shower watched as my tub water turned a dark color of shit as it cleaned my stinky body, then the drain gets plugged from the poop that will not fit through the drain.
I could go on about this fucking mess but I will let you know that I am home safe now and smell like irish spring, my clothes on the other hand are in a bag in the dumpster, maybe the rats will eat my clothes tonite.