I don’t really train no more but did a few years of this and a few years of that. I’ve always been caught up in scraps and tear-ups and do good coz I’m just a big, nasty dude. Last time I checked was like 6ft 5 and 24.5 stone.
An I reckon that all the training in the world wouldn’t amount to shit next to all the real experiences I had over time. Not chatting all long just saying though.
My question is what does mans reckon the martial arts is really gonna show them to beat a natural fighter who is big and tough?
See Randy Couture vs. Tim Sylvia. Sylvia is a big hard bastard by anyone’s definition (6’8, walks around at 285) and he was knocked on his butt in the first thirty seconds of the fight by a man 10 years older, 6 inches shorter, and forty pounds lighter.
Or Genki Sudo vs. Butterbean, in which the Bean, an almost 300 Toughman boxing champion, nearly had his leg broken by a Japanese man who was smaller than the stack of scrambled eggs Butterbean eats for breakfast.
Being a big strong dude is good, but it doesn’t mean somebody who knows more than you can’t absolutely wreck your shit.
Lots of examples of people with lots of MA skill taking apart tough guys. Being naturally tough and aggressive seems to count for a lot, not to mention being big, but when you train (good) martial arts, you’re basically adding inches to your height, pounds to your weight, and subtracting years from your age when it comes to fighting other people. A hard guy with a size advantage could definitely take a martial artist, no question, but the better trained the martial artist is, the less likely it is. And I think it’s safe to say that if the martial artist has about 5+ years of experience in a hard martial art (combat sport), it’s gonna take a LOT of size to make up the difference.
It’s too bad no one invented some sort of “Ultimate Fighting” event where different fighters could meet. And we could see if some guy, who is like a 180 skinny Jiu Jitsu nerd from Brazil, could submit guys weighing + 100 pounds more and who were experienced street fighters.
Ok good answers but for real, how likely is it that a badmind is gonna rock up that has serious skills to beat you down like that?
Most people who train martial arts are just little geeks.
And I’m not saying I’m some bad man. If it came down to me vs. Tim Sylvia I’d just shoot the mutha fucka. But how come all these office workers and shit train martial arts when they never gonna be able to do shit?
Guy sort of has a point. If all you’re doing is MA (karate I’m looking at you!) without bag work, weights, running, sparring, etc., then you might as well stop wasting your time and take up “lock and load”. I do BJJ, but I also drag my butt to the weight room four days out of the week.
Being strong and tough + being technical will trump just being strong and tough or just being technical every time. (See: Hughes vs. Gracie.)
Nice one Vince. See that’s what I’m talking about. I know I can be a bit hard to understand coz I write how I talk it and I ain’t done much school for a bit.
But he gets what I’m saying. Not about me. Just in general.
Big and Tough beats ‘skills’ man if he a little weedy kid or something.
No, I watched the Dan Henderson vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira fight and then it came to me. Does no one else know of this? Should I preach this revelation to the masses?
Because it’s fun? Because they enjoy the physical and mental challenges that combat entails? Because they have balls and don’t shrink from any fight they don’t think will be easy, especially with some lame ass cop out (I’ll just shoot da mutha fucka yo lol).
See, when push comes to shove us little guys could shoot you just as easily as you could shoot Sylvia. Or shiv you in your kidneys, or hit you with a shovel when you’re not looking, or set our dogs on you… if you want to factor in equalisers like that then size doesn’t mean shit (hell, I’m a much smaller, faster target than you. Who do you think’s going to win in a shootout Mr Barn Door?).
It’s a stupid question, but it doesn’t seem so until extended. What you’re asking is “What do you do about an opponent that’s beyond your capacity?”
You avoid conflict, you lose, or you get lucky.
Now, you can come in here and posture about how many “stone” you weigh (what is it with fucking england and that stupid measurement?) and ask, by extension, “what are you gonna do about it” but the fact is, there’s someone tougher then you out there. Hell, there’s someone tougher then me, maybe. So your question literally boils down to “how do you beat the guy you can’t beat” and the answer is “I dunno but knowing something and doing something is better then knowing nothing and doing nothing.”