I never post or contribute, I hate gr@mmer, and I misquote pple on purpose, lolcats!!

teh el macho:
page 3 post number 25 - you’re lazy ass can go look it up yourself…quote and link…hahah…you can’t even remember you’re argument and you’re giving people deadlines…lol.

Although you said it in round about ways throughout many of your posts.

My oh-so-predictable socket puppet, I know that post, and I asked the question and set the deadline on purpose knowing exactly that one tard would fall for it.

So while you gloat and “hahaha” you ass thinking you have actually made an awesome e-discovery, I’m reeling my fishing line and prepare my tard bait. I want you to quote the line, IN CONTEXT, where, supposedly, do this argument:

The deadline still remains.

Anything else oh master of bullshido…?

Master of the PT Forum and you still didn’t get it right.

And it is fair to say they don’t grow. They won’t grow. Period. Average Joes work out. They don’t train. You need to train to grow, steroids or not.

The above doesn’t match:

Average Joe is incapable of weight/strength gains regardless of steroid usage.

He said in context, no one has done that save Russ.

When Russ finds the study(ies) he will be the only one not nit picking. He will still be slightly out of context.

“Average Joe is incapable of weight/strength gains regardless of steriod usage” is the exact same thing as saying “and it is fair to say they don’t grow. They won’t grow, steroids or not”

I’m not going to argue about this…thats a stupid argument and a waste of time, which you seem to have plenty of…I think he said it, I’m not forcing anyone to agree with me. Good day.

Yep, the text highlighted in yellow, which you maliciously chose to leave out for the sake of building your strawman, just as I predicted it. Damn, by fish bait rules.

As IIF said it, context is king when quoting, specially if you know how to read. You claim to say arguing about this is a waste of time and that I have plenty of it. I guess because you don’t have plenty of time you choose to quote out of context.

You would have an argument here if I had said that. However, that’s not what I wrote.

Of course, since this is a waste of time, I don’t expect to see you again arguing with an e-vagrant such as myself… or not. I seriously don’t care anymore. I’ll let this thread run its course, and if I don’t like how it goes, I’ll trollshido it. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can step up to the plate to moderate. I no longer have time or inclination to be replying to every single thing, specially if I’m going to be quoted out of context.


You got me there, and this was a mistake from my part in presenting this sentence in that way. However, again, quote me on context, as I’m presenting my answer to Ninhoto’s post. As poorly as that sentence was, observe the context:

Yes, steroids facilitate growth of lean muscle, or at least, reduce the window one turns catabolic. However, in the context of my answer, steroids are not the magic pill that will turn the “Average Joe” into Lou Ferrigno.

The context of my answer is in debunking the all-too-common myth that all you need to do is shoot some juice up your quads, that steroids do the work for you, that upon shooting, you will simply grow.

You gotta train and eat well and like an animal to make any substantive gains (not to mention the effort to keep those gains.)

Yes, steroids would keep a positive nitrogen balance and could help make/retain gains. But so would keeping a consistent intake of proteins and BCAAS. Whatever gains you could get from any of these two options above without consistent, focus, methodical training (not just working out) and without the diet to sustain it, whatever gains would be too little and unpredictable and unsustainable to even be considered.

And this is why the Average Joe will never make such dreamed games, steroids or not. For the same reason not everyone that signs up into a jits school becomes a decent grappler. It’s not primarily genetics, economics or the availability of facilitating drugs. It’s mentality.

Training vs “working out” is what makes the difference between the Average Joe and the person who raises above average on whatever field he/she chooses to play.

Now, if anyone thinks this is not true, by all means get some juice and let me know how far you go without switching from “working out” to “training”.

haha you’re still saying the average joe on steroids will not grow…“because he only works out, and doesn’t “train””…well I disagree because I’ve seen average joes grow using steroids and only working out. Of course, they could accomplish much more with the right ‘training’ and nutrition, but to say they won’t grow because they don’t “train” is retarded…Well, i guess ignorant would be the correct word…I guess you just haven’t been exposed to the average joe on steroids, which makes you ignorant, not retarded, I apologize.

There’s no need for insults, sir.

I didn’t insult anybody…look up ignorant. I was however, insulted…I don’t however, give a shit…its the internet, lol.


Ignorant has a perjorative connotation. And yes, it’d be reasonable to say that you were insulted. And yes, you could respond in kind. Or… you could keep a level head and try to get along with the other folks who post here, because there’s not much of a point in being here otherwise.


I was however, insulted.

What did you expect for jumping in an argument and deadline that wasn’t even addressed to you (unless you are a sock puppet account), and with an insult to boot?

…I don’t however, give a shit…its the internet,

Cognitive dissonance.


yeah, lol, lol, lol, and… I guess more lol, u r teh funx0r.

  • edit -

shit culled from Bigger, Stronger, Faster: A new movie about steroids. - No BS Martial Arts