I make up things to further my delusions Golden Bell part 2.

T’ieh Pu Sa/ Tie Bu Sha Iron Shirt Training/golden bell according to the chinese martial arts coalition in and reasearch society in Shanghai orginated in the fukien temple and has a reputed history of about 500-600 years. It does have some premise in conditioning the body to with stand blows to the torso only anything else such as Iron palm and iron bone conditioning came from the Omei hsien temple. Primarily utilizing more isometric tension and dynamic tension exercises to strengthen the body to be able to accept or absorb a blow. Depends on what your going for even karate styles especially the Shorin or owkinawian styles utilize a similar technique with the sanchin kata practice.

You know your going to be asked to cite sources, right? So you might as well and get them up now.

Sources. With links or books.

That’s never been a problem here we go. http://www.wuweidao.com/history_karate.htm
the next thing is I have a perfect youtube video of someone demonstrating this method <object width=“425” height=“350”><param name=“movie” value=“<A href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv5jtLcRr1A name=“wmode” value=“transparent”></param><embed src=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Pv5jtLcRr1A” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=“transparent” width=“425” height=“350”></embed></object>

No. Your historical evidence is in question. Many of us have seen, practiced, or felt Iron Palm.

I need sources to your claim IP came from Fukien.




I admittedly breezed through the links because I don’t have time to read them in detail right now, but here is what I pulled from them

First link claims that iron body qigong originated at Emei Mountain in western China. No mention of Fujian.

Second link has a hoard of pics of Shaolin iron body techniques being performed. Again does not support your previous post of iron body coming from a Southern Temple in Fujian.

Third link has a history of the Northern and Southern temples but I didn’t see it say anywhere that iron body training came specifically from the southern temple in Fujian.

So I ask again please site sources that state that Iron body came from the Southern temple in Fujian.

Okay, you have provided nothing supporting your claim of Fujian nor its history in creation of Golden Bell or IP as Ronin pointed out.

Again pictures and vids of people performing said skill does not support your assertions.

The above post show Hun Gar being founded 200 years after the original Temple.

That blows apart your assertion that

T’ieh Pu Sa/ Tie Bu Sha Iron Shirt Training/golden bell according to the chinese martial arts coalition in and reasearch society in Shanghai orginated in the fukien temple and has a reputed history of about 500-600 years.

This also blows apart your assertion

The tradition of Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong originated five hundred years ago in the temples on Emei Mountain in Western China

How come you didn’t provide rather than the other links who make no mention of your claims when IIF asked you for references?

Also, can you be a bit more organized with your references? See, let me help you:

Chinese Historical Reasearch Society of Chinese martial arts
Beijing University
history Of Fukien Shaolin temple and martial arts training.
Author Li Tsun Yao Ph.D Anthropology
Article 134.45

Better, no? Also, what’s the year of publication? Is this article from a book, magazine, symposium? How can one go about searching for a copy of this?


What style do you train in as Im curious to hear your background in relation to your comments on Iron Vest being from Fukien/Fujien.

external iron vest maybe. But the internal version has been around and spread out all over. You see it in the north and the south in various arts.

Be well, train hard


I don’t know if you’ve read any of Joshinmaster’s previous posts, in case you haven’t please enjoy the link below. There’s a reason it says “Idiotic Donkey” under his name in Chinese


yeah how about removing that and stop acting like children let’s start growing up and acting like adults here. if you want a copy of it I will give you the mailing address so you can get a copy for yourself you’re not going to find this on some website or internet link because it comes from a directly from that article the only way you can get a copy is by sending a request for that article you going to have pay a couple of dollars but you will recieve a copy of it as well. Make sure you make to the attention of Mr. Li Tsun Yao

Chinese Historical Reasearch Society of Chinese martial arts
Beijing University Room 2507 Building No. 127 Wangjing, Nanhuxiyuan Changyang District Beijing 100102 P.R China.
Tel: (++8610)-84727404
Tel/Fax: (++8610)-84722674
Mobile: (++86)-13031124184
Tel: (++8610)-84727404
Tel/Fax: (++8610)-84722674
Mobile: (++86)-13031124184

What was original asked.

No what you asked was where did it originate fukien temple burned down so where the 

records of it’s martial styles. But what is prevelent are the martial styles that where

continued from that temple and spread through out china and japan and owkinawa.

Wong Fei Hung is great exponent of hungar system and learned fukien temple iron body

and iron palm conditioning methods. Hungar came from the fukien temple.

Fukienese Crane style including it’s iron body method which is why I posted the video.

Also most owkinawan martial arts came from southern china and reflect many styles that

came from fukien temple such as the fukienese crane method and conditioning found in the

uechi ryu style. which is why I posted the video because it utilizes those methods and is

pretty clear and concise with that.

Omei Shen temple has it’s own martial art systems and cultivation methods of the iron

palm and iron body methods most historical or recorderd information points

towards the omei shan and fukien temple for certain specialties of Iron body conditioning

methods such as the golden bell method and Iron body conditioning.

No, I asked you to cite your sources. I didn’t ask you anything about white crane, Okinawa, Sanchin, or fukien temple.

Fukienese Crane style including it’s iron body method which is why I posted the video.

Also most owkinawan martial arts came from southern china and reflect many styles that

came from fukien temple such as the fukienese crane method and conditioning found in the

uechi ryu style. which is why I posted the video because it utilizes those methods and is

pretty clear and concise with that.

Which is irrelevant because these styles were founded AFTER the Honan temple.

Omei Shen temple has it’s own martial art systems and cultivation methods of the iron

palm and iron body methods most historical or recorderd information points

towards the omei shan and fukien temple for certain specialties of Iron body conditioning

methods such as the golden bell method and Iron body conditioning.
Yet, you said

T’ieh Pu Sa/ Tie Bu Sha Iron Shirt Training/golden bell according to the chinese martial arts coalition in and reasearch society in Shanghai orginated in the fukien temple and has a reputed history of about 500-600 years.

Which your own links show to be false. Now provide proper citations or I will banish this thread derail.

What exactly is the point of this thread? Why are you trying to prove where iron shirt came from? Does it really make a difference?

We had a thread asking does it exist or is it fake. Josh decided to come back and tell us where it came from.


I don’t know.

Then he says he is answering my question. I’m still trying to find the post where I asked where did Golden Bell originate. Even if I did, saying it is 500 to 600 years old from fukien then, citing sources saying it was created before Fukien is dumb.

Then to draw Okinawa, white crane videos, and hun gar into this debate is why he has pink Characters under his name.

thanks for the explanation.

Ah yes, trollshido, time to unsubscribe.

Before you go into claiming ( which is a big emphasis in here ) I decided to get some

historical back ground on iron shirt conditioning and techniques. Unless there is some

kind of established history then there is nothing to work with. I figured hey why get not

into the origins of it as well to give a better explaination. But of course the fury of the

supposed “experts” in here decide that’s not the case. Well the only way you can find

out if something exists or not is if there is proof. I have given you proof not only of it’s

origin and basis but also if it’s application. Even though I haven given proof and cited

sources the problem is that what you consider to be factual is dependant upon the

interputation of the individual.

quoted from fake :

We had a thread asking does it exist or is it fake. Josh decided to come back and tell us where it came from.


I don’t know.

Then he says he is answering my question. I’m still trying to find the post where I asked where did Golden Bell originate. Even if I did, saying it is 500 to 600 years old from fukien then, citing sources saying it was created before Fukien is dumb.

Then to draw Okinawa, white crane videos, and hun gar into this debate is why he has pink Characters under his name. "

  You see the problem in here is that once again we get only bit's and fragmentations 

of subjective views. Blah blah blah joshin master said this and joshinmaster said that.

No fake I am sticking to what you original asked which does iron bell exist bell and

can it actually be utilized.

The proof is staring you right in the face. Your going to have to get off your lazy butt

and actually get the copy of the article for yourself sorry no easy way’s out of this one.

The internet is not the most reliable source of information. How about actually sticking

to the original context here. Instead of shifting around the original subject.

Yeah I used uechi ryu karate and other forms of martial arts because they also utilize

iron shirt conditioning methods which relates to the topic and how they relate with

each other. Futher more I never said it existed before the fukien temple I said it was

created at the fukien temple. The article is only available via through the original citied

source it has not be posted on the internet and is written and soul propery of Dr. Li

Tsun Yao and the Chinese Historical Research Society of Chinese martial arts at Beijing


oh my eyes!