yeah, so don’t laugh too hard, but i made a blog.
granted, i won’t know about half the stuff that i’ll be posting, but i’ll make sure to post so much crap on there, there’ll be at least one or two things that may be useful.
in a nutshell:
my made up “opinion”
links to MA resources
to be perfectly honest, i just wanted to make a semi-legit site that had lots of enticing ads.
so, just click the link a lot and
a) if you’re ever thinking of buying either the tao of jeet kune do, or bj penn’s mma book, buy it off the amazon links on the side of my page.
b) ‘read’ daily for me. make the interweb traffic for me. just favorite it, and click on it once or twice. ty. i’ll be sure to put up lolcat pictures to make it worth your time, i swear.
c) if you have any favorite online or book resources, let me know so i can put it down as my own. ^^
also, i just made a bullshido link on the side. you can thank me later in a year or two if my site leads a new breed of trolls to BS.
i has a blog.
granted, i won’t know about half the stuff that i’ll be posting, but i’ll make sure to post so much crap on there, there’ll be at least one or two things that may be useful.
in a nutshell:
my made up “opinion”
links to MA resources
to be perfectly honest, i just wanted to make a semi-legit site that had lots of enticing ads.
so, just click the link a lot and
a) if you’re ever thinking of buying either the tao of jeet kune do, or bj penn’s mma book, buy it off the amazon links on the side of my page.
b) ‘read’ daily for me. make the interweb traffic for me. just favorite it, and click on it once or twice. ty. i’ll be sure to put up lolcat pictures to make it worth your time, i swear.
c) if you have any favorite online or book resources, let me know so i can put it down as my own. ^^
also, i just made a bullshido link on the side. you can thank me later in a year or two if my site leads a new breed of trolls to BS. on a side note, on days i don’t feel like typing alot, i will just be copying the useful things off this site (linking here, of course:evil4:)
In spite of what some other web-sites would have you believe, we here at welcome you, ysc87, with open arms and hope that you will share with us your unique experiences and ideas on the martial arts… so that we may then make fun of those experiences and ideas.
the only thing that i have BS related is a link to ashida kim and a picture link TO the site (btw, you guys need to make a button-type logo for referral links). not to mine. as a matter of fact, BS only has the possibility to gaining revenue if i get more traffic. you’re not paying for the ads, google and amazon and the people who pay google and amazon pay for it.
hell, if i get enough advertising money, i would be glad as hell to be a sponser.
you’re a douchebag. you just based everything you just said off of my stupid ‘lame funny, now click here’ post, not the site.
i was joking about copying things straight off BS, you dork. i like this site. i have referral links to anything not created by myself.
let me add something:
if you find something that’s actually derogatory to BS, or a post that doesn’t have ANY value to it, information or humor wise, pm me and i’ll immediately get on it. it is actually a serious site, despite my silly description of it, if you haven’t seen it already. i’m sorry about the dumbass way of posting this on the site, but i stand by my blog.
unless i’m horribly mistaken, they’re ads for products i wanted associated with my site. not my books… my ex-blogger pal just said: “advertise with google and amazon, you can’t go wrong.”. but that doesn’t mean i wouldn’t like piles of bruce lee and bj penn books sitting around for me to sell.
also, can someone get me a picture of the bull with “” written across the bottom?
i’m using a small screenshot of the forums as the picture link.
yay, i made 12 cents in my first two days.
anyway, i decided, despite the fact that kagan is a huge deterrent to doing so, the first 20 dollars i get from my site will go into buying a supporting membership.
so it might be within the next few months… or decades.
I don’t click on spam links. I’m not interested in finding out if there is malware lurking in them.
Becoming a supporting member has nothing to do with whether your blog makes money. That is, they aren’t related unless you are a parasite too cheap to pony up $20/year to help pay for 12+ terrabytes a month worth of bandwidth, but still want to use this site to help drive traffic to your adverts instead of Bullshido’s. So, are you a parasite?
BTW, one of the advantages of becoming a supporting member of Bullshido which may apply in your case is you can’t be banned without reason. Additionally, it would take three staffers to agree to ban you. As it is now, you could be banned for simply pissing off a single staffer or because they think it would be funny.
this is reminescent of a really bad war movie i watched.
bullshido technically wins,
kagan’s still a fag beyond limits,
and i still maintain that my site has good content, despite the ads.
they’re not even popups, goddamn it.
google and amazon cpc ads, + links to 3 other sites, including i really don’t see how advertising my site is bad. i mean, granted, i did a real dickweed job in terms of describing the site in the OP, but at least look at the content, goddamn it. it’s a free ‘service’ in terms of the fact that i’m taking my time looking for quality videos and links to show people.
i know that i’ve had at least 50 visitors off this site alone. will someone please tell me what they think of the blog, and what i should change?
-Tom Kagan is correct. He only stated the truth.
-Your intro post is poor. I probably would have removed it completely.
I know your intentions are noble but the initial presentation was quite poor. From what I’ve read on the site your writing isn’t very strong. I’d suggest read more, take some writing courses and producing content with proper capitalization and punctuation. Otherwise I am not close to inclined to read something like yours that doesn’t look professional and you can bet I wouldn’t return again.
Fair enough–
I’ll actually take my time to format things properly from now on, instead of just trying to put as much crap on there as humanly possible.
Poor excuse, but english is actually my second language.
The site was initially made with the intention of dumping all the videos i’ve seen to share with friends, and i just decided to take it a step further, hence the rushed posts. Thank you for actually commenting on the site.