Maybe I’m not as technoligically savvy as some of you guys but this ZOINTS! profile thing seems like garbage to me.
Is there a way I can revert back to NOT having a ZOINTS! profile and use the run of the mill bullshido one? This thing is shit IMHO. How do i unfuck myself?

what exactly is it that is upsetting you so much about zoints? I barely even look at the thing anyway, I really can’t see why anyone should care.

Once you catch Zoints I’m afraid it’s permanent, you know, like your Herpes.

Who is this non-conformist?

Just some lost, drunken man who no longer cares where he finds himself each morning.

I was like that once. I hated waking-up everyone morning in a ditch.

Thank god I elevated myself one step higher to living in a van down by the river. I still drink though!Thank god i still have that!

When you try and check someones profile
When you try to PM someone
It just looks hokey.

About as un natural as watching a robot give birth!

Zoints looks pretty much however people custom make their zoints to look. Yes, this results in a lot of terrible looking profiles. So what.

ps, you shouldn’t be whining about a free service that you haven’t contributed anything to.

I liked the old profiles better, but whatever, not that big a deal.

PS: I have ten stars on zoints.

Just to spite you i’m going to donate to the web site and then Im going to start a petition (resistance?) and get zoints removed :wink:

Just saying it’s hokey and asked if it was reversable.

We will then be forced to post pics all across the site of that horrid armbar you are attempting to do in your photo gallery.

mmmm you win this round zoints lovers. I’m going to go photoshop my pics.

wtf :frowning:

Yeah, pretty bad huh?

I think he’s just checking for a pulse.

you do aikido, so it doesn’t really matter

Hey what can I say, we all start somewhere :slight_smile:

Best way to learn is through mistakes IMHO

If you want to see your old profile then go to where it says:

My Communities
Zoints Communities
Bullshido: Martial Arts Without The BS

Then click info to the left… it re-directs you to crap… er I mean the old profile.

Not to be an ass but

" Don’t fucking use profanity in the goddamn Thread Title "
- Phrost