Truth67: Don’t listen to these guys. They’re just a bunch of a-holes.
Listen. You want some real credentials? Put $400 in my paypal account, and I’ll make you a grand poobah sifu guru in my deadly Wingkido system. One developed in an obscure mountain top somewhere in Asia by a little old man with a white beard.
IIF is a robot built specifically for Bullshido, and is powered by three mutant hamsters running on very high-tech wheels (this comes from a reliable source, you can trust me).
It feels no emotions. You win no points in insult.
[QUOTE=TaeBo_Master;2589978]IIF is a robot built specifically for Bullshido, and is powered by three mutant hamsters running on very high-tech wheels (this comes from a reliable source, you can trust me).
It feels no emotions. You win no points in insult.[/QUOTE]