I like sodomy

Hello everyone, I was just wondering if I could receive some advice on something. Over the summer, I am considering joining an MMA school. To help you on your advice giving, I will give you a brief bio on my self

All my life I have done many Traditional Martial Arts, Including Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo, and Tang Soo Do. I also did Kickboxing for a short time. All of these styles that I trained in where at real, legitimate schools, and we would always spar at these schools. I also have a very extensive streetfighting background, and, surprisingly, I can hold my own on the ground.

Advice of any kind would be greatly appreciated.

I like sodomy

Hello everyone, I was just wondering if I could receive some advice on something. Over the summer, I am considering joining an MMA school. To help you on your advice giving, I will give you a brief bio on my self

All my life I have done many Traditional Martial Arts, Including Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo, and Tang Soo Do. I also did Kickboxing for a short time. All of these styles that I trained in where at real, legitimate schools, and we would always spar at these schools. I also have a very extensive streetfighting background, and, surprisingly, I can hold my own on the ground.

Advice of any kind would be greatly appreciated.

Did I miss the actual question?

Join the school, train hard, remember to eat and sleep.

Me too. Zangief is the shit.

How about, “don’t post duplicate threads.”

Where have you trained groundfighting?

How about answer the question or keep your mouth shut

I have not received professional groundfighting training, but I have picked up certain things from watching MMA, tutorial videos, and reading books, and I have put them to good use.

And Ka-Bar, I really have had plenty of street fights, so just keep your mouth shut

[quote=The Blade;2099947]

And Ka-Bar, I really have had plenty of street fights, so just keep your mouth shut[/quote]

[quote=The Blade;2099947]I have not received professional groundfighting training, but I have picked up certain things from watching MMA, tutorial videos, and reading books, and I have put them to good use.

And Ka-Bar, I really have had plenty of street fights, so just keep your mouth shut[/quote]

Really? You must’ve been raped a lot as a kid.

I have never been raped once in my life, but I would destroy you


Where do you live, we can test that theory.

In pace requiescat!

You’re in Tennessee from you IP address. There’s a Megathrowdown in Sept. Fly out to Cali. I’ll buy you a beer afterwards.

That last posts really shows how low on the idiocy scale a person can reach, I do not live in Tennessee, nor have I ever lived anywhere near Tennessee, and, I won’t tell you where I live, because that post about me getting raped made me a little more cautious.

p.s. I don’t drink beer, I am Straight Edge

[quote=The Blade;2099959]
p.s. I don’t drink beer, I am Straight Edge[/quote]

Hey, what style of Kung Fu did you practice?

It was a school that taught several different styles, one of them was Realistic Wing Chun, The other was SanShou, and finally, they also taught Southern Praying Mantis

[quote=The Blade;2099959]That last posts really shows how low on the idiocy scale a person can reach, I do not live in Tennessee, nor have I ever lived anywhere near Tennessee, and, I won’t tell you where I live, because that post about me getting raped made me a little more cautious.

p.s. I don’t drink beer, I am Straight Edge[/quote]

Dude you’re a fucking moron. I said your IP said you were in Tennessee. Are we back tracking already or do you realize talking shit on the internet is stupid?

I just had to fix that for you.