Hello everyone, I was just wondering if I could receive some advice on something. Over the summer, I am considering joining an MMA school. To help you on your advice giving, I will give you a brief bio on my self
All my life I have done many Traditional Martial Arts, Including Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo, and Tang Soo Do. I also did Kickboxing for a short time. All of these styles that I trained in where at real, legitimate schools, and we would always spar at these schools. I also have a very extensive streetfighting background, and, surprisingly, I can hold my own on the ground.
Hello everyone, I was just wondering if I could receive some advice on something. Over the summer, I am considering joining an MMA school. To help you on your advice giving, I will give you a brief bio on my self
All my life I have done many Traditional Martial Arts, Including Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo, and Tang Soo Do. I also did Kickboxing for a short time. All of these styles that I trained in where at real, legitimate schools, and we would always spar at these schools. I also have a very extensive streetfighting background, and, surprisingly, I can hold my own on the ground.
I have not received professional groundfighting training, but I have picked up certain things from watching MMA, tutorial videos, and reading books, and I have put them to good use.
And Ka-Bar, I really have had plenty of street fights, so just keep your mouth shut
[quote=The Blade;2099947]I have not received professional groundfighting training, but I have picked up certain things from watching MMA, tutorial videos, and reading books, and I have put them to good use.
And Ka-Bar, I really have had plenty of street fights, so just keep your mouth shut[/quote]
That last posts really shows how low on the idiocy scale a person can reach, I do not live in Tennessee, nor have I ever lived anywhere near Tennessee, and, I won’t tell you where I live, because that post about me getting raped made me a little more cautious.
It was a school that taught several different styles, one of them was Realistic Wing Chun, The other was SanShou, and finally, they also taught Southern Praying Mantis
[quote=The Blade;2099959]That last posts really shows how low on the idiocy scale a person can reach, I do not live in Tennessee, nor have I ever lived anywhere near Tennessee, and, I won’t tell you where I live, because that post about me getting raped made me a little more cautious.
p.s. I don’t drink beer, I am Straight Edge[/quote]
Dude you’re a fucking moron. I said your IP said you were in Tennessee. Are we back tracking already or do you realize talking shit on the internet is stupid?