Hmmm, did you take a look at your own response before telling me to grow up?
And how did you made me butt hurt in the past? When, how, in what imaginary planet? I find your e–persona dislikable, but I don’t know you nor have anything really against or pro you.
You are irrelevant to me as any person I can randomly run into on the street beyond the context of this website. My reference in my previous post is for this never ending e-drama shitfest that should have died long ago.
Yeah, the guy was a kiss up, a random tard with two posts who tried to stir shit in this old pot just to fit in. He necro-ed the thread and he was an asshole. The reference to toilet licking was in reference that you don’t have to follow or reply every single retarded post made on this deadbeat horse. You can either interpret it like that, or take it as a red-herring personal violation of your or kf-kitty’s rosy dignity, be my guest.
And the lady came to follow that stupidity. Whether it would have been her saying praises to you, or some tard echoing Megadoofus thread necroing, it would have been nothing but pouring more salt to the same fucking wound.
Telling me that I’m a bitch, always have and always will be is nothing more than empty and juvenile e-rethoric with absolutely no consequences, meaning or substance. If it makes you feel great or if you find any vindication in doing so, by all means.
You’re still an asshole. Thank you for enforcing that with this last post. You actually DEFENDING your toilet bowl analogy. You are a gross and petty prick. So saying I’m a nice guy is stupidity? Again, fuck you.
Is this still being talked about? Has their not been another Bullshido sparring video since Rudy vs Anthony? Or is this the only occassion where the Bullshido guy wins? I’m sure there are alot more fighters here on Bullshido than just Anthony. So post more videos so we can stop hearing about this one please. The story is way past old it is starting to grow roots.
Nice job to you as well for even thinking this way. I noticed no one else has been ridecluded that posted after my wife,am I right?
I feel I have the knowledge to judge what Rudy can or can’t do.
It must be a plan,sense I am here as well …give me a break.
Cut out of this thread (which is now closed). Anything regarding that thread’s topic should be posted here, don’t shit up the rest of the forums with this dead topic.
Hahahah your following was set up before you fought so, what the fuck are you talking about? Hahahahahaha.
More hypocritical shit from the so called savior of kung fu. The same savior that crossed trained in MMA for a fight.
I have claimed nothing. I haven’t photoshopped dicks on girls. I didn’t photoshop headstones and then get beat by said person.
What are my claims again? Bullshido fights against false claims and frauds right? I think this is about the third time I have asked for proof.