I like cupcakes

its more than that Der…

a) Ever student who is a fifth dan and higher and under the Booj is a student of Hatsumi. To word this explicitly is strange to say the least. To claim a degree in generic Tai Jutsu is also strange…

Toshindo training might exlain it but you guys do not think this is the case yes?

Is there certainty that this is one of Bud’s guys? As you know there are roots in that area that would explain that.

My reason for bringing this up is to confirm that a lot of the wording is strange on this website. I don’t know if it is misleading as IIF is asking (IIF is asking and not suggesting any opinion yet)… but I think IIF is right to ask about it.

To say that one is a student of Hatsumi in the Bujinkan, is like a Chef saying “I am a French chef who is an expert in the use of sauce preparations.” Nobody I know would word it (in either case) like that who is in the Booj or a French Chef. In either case the redundanc would suggest a red flag.

Really? How can you be the #1 MMA Fight Team with only one fighter? It wouldn’t have come up except they said “American Academy of Martial Arts Maryland’s #1 MMA Fight Team.” otherwise, I’d chock it up to a bad choice of words in any other circumstance.

Yes, semantics and it is very important.

As to the rest of your post, I said I didn’t care about the Bujikan Hatsumi stuff as it is irrelevant to me.

[quote=It is Fake;2446764]Really? How can you be the #1 MMA Fight Team with only one fighter? It wouldn’t have come up except they said “American Academy of Martial Arts Maryland’s #1 MMA Fight Team.” otherwise, I’d chock it up to a bad choice of words in any other circumstance.

Yes, semantics and it is very important.

As to the rest of your post, I said I didn’t care about the Bujikan Hatsumi stuff as it is irrelevant to me.[/quote]

I was just being clear that I was not putting words in your mouth. I had to mention your point because my point was that there was another anomlie with how things were being worded.

It may not be important to you but it may be a contributing factor to things which concern your line of inquiry. Others did pick up on this as well and it is not to steer away from your point.

[quote=Dsimon3387;2446790]I was just being clear that I was not putting words in your mouth. I had to mention your point because my point was that there was another anomlie with how things were being worded. [/quote]Which has nothing to do with the Specific #1 MMA claim or the Travel Marshall claim.

Do we need to cull and argue semantics because, I left your borderline posts in two other threads there will not be a third.

[quote=It is Fake;2446795]Which has nothing to do with the Specific #1 MMA claim or the Travel Marshall claim.

Do we need to cull and argue semantics because, I left your borderline posts in two other threads there will not be a third.[/quote]

cupcake move anything you need to wookay? does everything have to be a fight with you sweetums? Its nice you learned a new word semantics but this is not the proper place to use that word… Yes you can use it but it is not the issue cupcake.

I told you WHY I brought it up others did as well so apparently it was fruitful… there are more lines of inquiry that might not meet the IFF stamp of approval.

Move anything your wittel heart desires ok? But lets not have a fight wookay?

The same reason everything is an argument, followed by name calling, with you. That’s what you do.

You’re in my world now…

My reason for bringing this up is to confirm that a lot of the wording is strange on this website. I don’t know if it is misleading as IIF is asking (IIF is asking and not suggesting any opinion yet)… but I think IIF is right to ask about it.

My implication in the OP is exactly about the meaning of the #1 MMA comment and what they are trying to say.

I eventually said this:

Really? How can you be the #1 MMA Fight Team with only one fighter? It wouldn’t have come up except they said “American Academy of Martial Arts Maryland’s #1 MMA Fight Team.” otherwise, I’d chock it up to a bad choice of words in any other circumstance.

Yes, semantics and it is very important.

Now, as always happens, when you get your hackles up you think I am referring to you.

My question to you is based on semantics. Since you read everything I type as an insult here is further clarification.

Yes, my question is arguing semantics but it is very important.

Semantics is correct because, we are going to discuss the meaning of the #1 MMA comment and what exactly you are commenting on. The Hatsumi Booj, Taijustu, Ninja, MMA claim or something else. It is pedantic but, it is a derail that doesn’t need to be in the MABS thread. This happened in two other threads and I left it alone. The discussion meander and I culled it out much later.

This time it was caught earlier and culled so we can bicker or figure out what you or I am talking about.

put it on Simon…quit arguing and just put it on.

yup thats what I am known for… Dsimon is the guy who is inflammatory, name calls and argues with everyone…

IIF on the other hand never is inflammatory, never starts a fight on the boards, just minds his own business and is sweet as Rosewater.

I think we both know you have some issues… they have been brought to bare before, thats cool… but it scares me that you want to censor certain information that you consider a digression.

IIF we as a community have to be VERY careful how these things proceed and not just purely on the linear progression of information. There are other issues…

Did you per chance talk to Stygens? you should. There is more than meets the eye and you don’t have any idea why I brought up what I did. You might have tried to find out before picking a fight. Thats all.

[quote=Snake Plissken;2446820]put it on Simon…quit arguing and just put it on.

400 pound samoan glares menancingly from the stage the music starts…I am just a teapot short and stout…"

[quote=It is Fake;2446812]My implication in the OP is exactly about the meaning of the #1 MMA comment and what they are trying to say.

I eventually said this:

Now, as always happens, when you get your hackles up you think I am referring to you.

My question to you is based on semantics. Since you read everything I type as an insult here is further clarification.

Yes, my question is arguing semantics but it is very important.

Semantics is correct because, we are going to discuss the meaning of the #1 MMA comment and what exactly you are commenting on. The Hatsumi Booj, Taijustu, Ninja, MMA claim or something else. It is pedantic but, it is a derail that doesn’t need to be in the MABS thread. This happened in two other threads and I left it alone. The discussion meander and I culled it out much later.

This time it was caught earlier and culled so we can bicker or figure out what you or I am talking about.[/quote]

you put a block of text into a quote responding to my post and I am assunming it is addressed to me?

Ok regarding this couple;

There was a big player in Columbia Maryland, Will Meir. He was one of Haye’s guys. Thing is mr Meir when I was around sort of dabbled and claimed to teach other skills and arts.

There was some sort of cutoff and long story short these two might be making a claim based on develpments that Meir had a “to do” with. Stygens knows this and has spoken to me already about it actually.

Meir used akward phraseology and ultimately it indicated there were some issues with what he claimed to teach. Considering his school closed and all the patterns in this school, he may very well be involved in this supposed teaching… yes including the supposed MMA teaching.

Truthfully I brought this up precisely because I wanted to hear from Stygens and I did and I can only say to you that this might have merit and correlation regarding your inquiry.

Can I prove it? well I was going to try but its your call…

Honestly, I feel as if you are both agenda trolls. I just happen to like IIF’s agenda better … and he is better at it.

[quote=Dsimon3387;2446828]yup thats what I am known for… Dsimon is the guy who is inflammatory, name calls and argues with everyone…

IIF on the other hand never is inflammatory, never starts a fight on the boards, just minds his own business and is sweet as Rosewater.

I think we both know you have some issues… they have been brought to bare before, thats cool… but it scares me that you want to censor certain information that you consider a digression.

IIF we as a community have to be VERY careful how these things proceed and not just purely on the linear progression of information. There are other issues…

Did you per chance talk to Stygens? you should. There is more than meets the eye and you don’t have any idea why I brought up what I did. You might have tried to find out before picking a fight. Thats all.[/quote]

Where have I claimed to be not inflammatory or an asshole? I haven’t so, your strawman fails the honesty test. I typed what I did because, you have no idea how many posters, besides a select few, perceive your actions in many a MABS thread.

Censored? You being culled because you lecture people is not censoring.

If you want to add a point make it. The MABS threads, which have terrible derails, happen because people don’t do this:

Did you per chance talk to Stygens? you should. There is more than meets the eye and you don’t have any idea why I brought up what I did. You might have tried to find out before picking a fight. Thats all.

I made a statement as to what I perceived and you did your usual dancing:

I was just being clear that I was not putting words in your mouth. I had to mention your point because my point was that there was another anomlie with how things were being worded.

It may not be important to you but it may be a contributing factor to things which concern your line of inquiry. Others did pick up on this as well and it is not to steer away from your point.

How easy would it have been to say:

Did you per chance talk to Stygens? you should. There is more than meets the eye and you don’t have any idea why I brought up what I did.

Your wish is my command.

[quote=It is Fake;2446835]Where have I claimed to be not inflammatory or an asshole? I haven’t so, your strawman fails the honesty test. I typed what I did because, you have no idea how many posters, besides a select few, perceive your actions in many a MABS thread.

Censored? You being culled because you lecture people is not censoring.

If you want to add a point make it. The MABS threads, which have terrible derails, happen because people don’t do this:

I made a statement as to what I perceived and you did your usual dancing:

How easy would it have been to say:[/quote]

I did make my point… twice now!

You don’t like the way I make my points… So be it.

edit: and fer crissakes stop the backpedaling!! nobody is calling you on culling or your preference heck backfist monkey loves your presious sandy vag!! But please spare me the “I didn’t intend to say yada yada yada.”

Good to know.

[quote=Dsimon3387;2446841]I did make my point… twice now!

You don’t like the way I make my points… So be it.[/quote]
I forgot about that weird skew you have on how you think people perceive your posts.

Thanks for reminding me. It will actually put your MABS posts in a better light.

[quote=It is Fake;2446845]I forgot about that weird skew you have on how you think people perceive your posts.

Thanks for reminding me. It will actually put your MABS posts in a better light.[/quote]

Most people know precisely what I intend to convey… that would be your inability to at times understand a point made and that goes right back at you with this “I really did not mean to say so and so that block of text i quoted was just for decorative purposes.”

HAHAHA NOW I am out to get you!

Woot woot.
