You really don’t know what wing chun is. Easy to post a picture of someone slapping.
Here is some real wing chun. YouTube- Wing chun kung fu Vs Kick Boxing
The wing chun guy is holding back. He could end the fight in 2 seconds at any time. He is just helping the kickboxer learn how to fight and not destroying him outright.
[quote=kikkoman;2378887]You really don’t know what wing chun is. Easy to post a picture of someone slapping.
Here is some real wing chun. YouTube- Wing chun kung fu Vs Kick Boxing
The wing chun guy is holding back. He could end the fight in 2 seconds at any time. He is just helping the kickboxer learn how to fight and not destroying him outright.[/quote]
Kickboxer? Where? I see a chunner and a guy who crosses his stance when he moves and tries to do axe kicks. Putting on a pair of gloves and shin pads does not make you a kickboxer.
[quote=kikkoman;2378887]You really don’t know what wing chun is. Easy to post a picture of someone slapping.
Here is some real wing chun. YouTube- Wing chun kung fu Vs Kick Boxing
The wing chun guy is holding back. He could end the fight in 2 seconds at any time. He is just helping the kickboxer learn how to fight and not destroying him outright.[/quote]
What do you mean you don’t know what to make of it. Steven Seagal is the real deal. Have you seen the show “steven seagal law man”?
His techniques are barred from MMA. Which is why the name of MMA was chaned from NHB.
Steven Seagal would make a great NHB fighter, but not MMA. In an MMA match Silva might beat Seagal, but on the street Seagal would have Silva unconsious and on the floor in seconds.
No, your posts are just that dumb that it takes seconds for someone to report it to the moderators who most likely instantly agree with the reporter and trollshido your dumb arse. Seriously, your reputation is mud, next time you post, think for ten, twelve, or even thirty days and then see if it is relevant and intelligent, if you still think it is, repeat the thinking process ad infinitum.
I have now rectified their disloyalty. You can be assured they will never do it again, they will never do anything again, muahahaha. Thank you uncle dunkel, for bringing this to my attention.