I know the rules but chose to ignore them anyway.

I’ve read it and it’s no excuse. If they want him to get a track and field scholarship or go to the Olympics it would be different but it doesn’t seem like they do.

His mom is just scared of him getting hurt because his dad had a brain bleed at the age of god knows what, from something the op doesn’t mention. Everybody knows what happens to someone’s father always happens to the son right? /sarcasm

Tell me Robdogg, whats the rate of brain bleeds in bjj? How about judo? Hell, even practicing karate or aikido you would be more likely to get a heart attack then a fucking brain hemorrhage. It’s a stupid excuse and stupidity irritates me, hense my rather harsh replies.

If your parents are gonna cut off your allowance, or take away your car then they are overprotective/control freaks and that is not healthy for a teenager. If your gonna let em do all that and give in to their demands when they are logically and scientifically wrong in everyway, then you probably don’t have enough dedication to get anywhere in martial arts. Keep running in circles and hope you can outrun any potential conflicts that come your way.

On a side note, I’m probably getting banned for “trolling”, but damn if stupid shit like this doesn’t piss me off.

Hey calm down, this is newbietown. I let you rant at his parents once. This post is unnecessary.

You’re overreacting just a wee bit hobo, and probably projecting a lot of personal annoyance onto his situation. It’s a perfectly understandable reaction, when a family member comes close to death, to want to overprotect the rest of the family out of fear. That said, it’s something she also needs to get over. Martial arts contain violence, injuries happen and they’re usually no big deal.

Either she’ll get over her paranoia in time, or she’ll need counseling in order to regain a healthy outlook on her family and the danger of martial arts.


Understandable to want to protect your son, but threatening him with money/car keys seems a bit overboard. I am a bit personally annoyed by this because of what I believe, if that’s what you mean. My parents themselves always encouraged me to take part in a martial art, so don’t get the wrong idea and think I’m lashing out at someone because of my childhood or something.

@ It is Fake: Sorry, I’ll keep the rants off newbietown. Hearing Bill Duff explain how he’s going to beat black belts has a strangely disarming effect.

Do you have kids yet?

You are making a huge leap with your assumptions.

Come to think of it, he never said anything about threatening him. Bad comprehension on my part. No kids, just can’t imagine restricting what they do (should I ever have kids) based on their father.

Edit: Wish the op had explained what exactly happened. Would make it easier to understand or accept his situation.

For future reference: Family related rants not allowed? Is that just in newbietown?

IF/When you have kids they will change your entire outlook.

Not saying you won’t do what you are saying, but me and my father laugh at all the shit I used to say.

Rants are fine but not necessarily in newbietown (minus Omega). You were harsh on his parents and he is 16. Ask some questions then rant.

Alright, I’ll keep my angry/cynical self in check when in newbietown. Can’t argue against the outlook on life, just hope mine doesn’t change…too much.