I just realized something very significant...

That the word, “pirates” is an anagram for “It’s rape!”

Coincidence? I think not.

roll eyes

What?! It’s true!


Now that’s an accomplishment that’ll secure your place in the annals of history for generations to come.

Stop making threads.

heh heh… heh heh… you said… anals, heh heh

Dude, could you, like, make Thai pads out of PAD THAI? Like, you’d kick them and noodles would fly everywhere!!! I think I need another bong hit…

“Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog” is “Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog” backwards.

wow, you’re awesome

What is called “palindrome”. :new_black

How much did you wager on the daily double?

Try this:


and think again.

Take into account that “pirate” is derived from a Latin word.


So is rape.

But not “it’s”. Which plays fairly fundamental role in the English language, so it’s unlikely to have been introduced just so that two Latin-derived words form an angram.

Ah, the fun of seriously debating utterly retarded questions…

60 percent of English is latin(6 years of Latin in grade school) I can tell you damn near everything you say can be linked to Latin or one of the 5 other langauges it spawned. So saying Rape and Pirate being derivatives and it being odd, no.

Im suprised no one has brought up the latin world for sheath or pine tree as a thread, those seem much more funny.

Only about 70,000 words in English have come directly from Latin (Out of nearly a million living and dead words in the English language). Most Latin derivates came from French anyway. Saying “sixty percent of English comes from Latin” is a huge exaggeration.

There’s plenty of funny words in Latin, ESPECIALLY when you pronounce them out loud with a proper accent. nasam fractum!