So do I sleep on my back or my stomach?
P.S. I is homes. Though the floor won’t stop breathing so I’m afrad of walking to the bathroom from my bed.
So do I sleep on my back or my stomach?
P.S. I is homes. Though the floor won’t stop breathing so I’m afrad of walking to the bathroom from my bed.
Gallon of water by the bed, yak whenever you get the inkling, and post the story tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
Oh, and sleep on your side. Not that you’re reading this or anything.
Sleep on your back and you may not wake up.
Go pray to the porcelain prince, see RALPH, or just lie on your stomach.
The floor will stop breathing when you go out.
See you tomorrow. Don’t forget to drink lots of water when you wake up.
Hope you piss the bed - you drink shitty crap and deserve what comes to you.
Just kidding about everything except - LIE ON YOUR STOMACH OR TAKE THE CHANCE OF NOT WAKING UP TOMORROW!!!
not like he’s still awake
ZOMG, everyone needs to be on Squerlli death watch!
P.S. - don’t you fucking die
Is he leaving an inheritance?
Reminds me when I took 16 or 18 (?) shots of Bacardi Superior.
I only remember 2 things from that night
So for now I’m just hoping Squerlli is able to comprehend the previous hints and we hear from him again tomorrow.
Gatorade works for my hangovers, but whatever works to rehydrate you.
EDIT: lol at lily’s avatar matching her post
The last time I got totally wasted I was 16 and woke up in bed with 9 other girls.
16 and 9 nine girls could use you as a pillow? That’s amazing! I wonder how fat you’ve gotten in the 30 years since then.
I nearly spilt hot tea laughing at that. Raz you are so getting you ass kicked.
What are you so mad about? With Squirlli almost blind drunk you might actually have a shot at him now.
No! NO! Don’t you die on me, Squerli, DON’T YOU DIE ON ME! You’ve never given up on anything in your life, now fight!
FIGHT, damn you!
I hope he sleeps on his stomach, or at least his side.
Southern Comfort - 20 shots and he’ll be a diabetic when he wakes up.
Stoopid yankees - real southern men drink whiskey.
(no offence to my norrthern bretheren)
I doubt he really drank 20+ shots.
he’s a small little thing, he’d be dead after 8.
If he drank that much I doubt he could even count to 20.
I remember my first year of college during the first week of class, my dormmate came in wasted one night and ended up spewing all over the carpet, completely missing the wastebasket that his friends placed next to his bed. Of course, I had to clean it all up myself.
Man, I hated that guy. He was goddamn filthy and never cleaned his side of the room, and he ALWAYS left his dirty clothes basket lying right in the middle of our tiny room. It’s been almost six years and I STILL want to punch him in his goddamn redneck face.
I’m sorry, what were we talking about? Oh right.
I did something similar once, all I remember is that I somehow managed to puke in every toilet in my dorm’s bathroom.
Squerli my man, tsk tsk…
Gatorade when you wake up. Replenish lost electrolytes. Smartwater, if you dont like gatorade, but gatorade also has glucose. Eggs (for cysteine), alka seltzer, and vitamin B , C , and potassium supplements.
The key is to rehydrate, and no, don’t drink the hair of the dog. If you know a doc, call em. They can fix you up quick. Get some rest, your liver probably kept you up all night.
I once drank half a bottle of Pernod to impress a girl. When my mom drove her home (I was 13 or 14), I was in the car trying to act as sober as possible, but when my mom asked me to get her $20 worth of gas, I concentrated so hard on getting the exact amount that I neglected the other instruments and pissed my trousers. Full bladder’s worth. All over my burgundy stay-press.
I’d long forgotten about that night until about 15 years later, when my recently ex-girlfriend walked into my apartment, utterly munted, pulled down her knickers and wazzed right in the middle of the living room floor. She’s a famous novelist now.
Good luck, Squerli. You’ll probably do it again next week.